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Everything posted by Beverage

  1. How much d'ya reckon this Headset'll cost in around, say, 30 to 60 days?
  2. Just to clarify ... Just highlighting useful pointers on how to get 'In Ze Zone' with ze 3dii
  3. I sees what you means! Are you gonna get the HeadBanger, so you can 'BANG!' heads strategically through voice communication? But what you gonna do with yo' WiiSpizzle?


    Hmmm I guess I might aswell get that headset then... all the more fun I guess :D

  4. Consider me no longer worried No seriously though, I guess then that you should gradually adjust the 3D slider (which briefly stalls - in order to slot you into the chosen setting) to help you focus on the 3D? And also the level of 3D which the slider is positioned may have different results depending on each software? And unintentionally slipping out of the "sweet spot" doesnt seem to be experienced much - if at all.
  5. I always thought the blue coloured 3DS looked fine. It looks quite interesting actually as it's a mixture of both blue and black - not just the boring ol' black. Again, I was expecting that from TLoZ: OoT. Seriously, I've played that game so many times and if I'm ever going to play it again - let alone spend money to do so - then it's gonna have to be a truly 'New 'N' Improved' version (perhaps on Wii 2/HD? ). But I'm impressed with all these amazing feedback, even if a little worried of the 3D In any case though, I can't wait to hug my baby tightly in my heroic arms!
  6. I saw your comment in the 'Conduit 2' thread. If you do get it then I hope our feared alliance will work more splendidly by using such tips like the dude gave in the online multiplayer video (one uses absorb bullet to ptrotect the other reach the goal). :D


    We were rather deadly on The Conduit, any time we did team-up!

  7. Haha yeaaaaah. Times like these are what makes me utterly proud to be a Britsman! Take word of genuine and sincere advice: 'Always', and I mean 'ALWAYS' be humble and secretive with your excellent hand (cards )!!!
  8. You're pretty much safe around your friendly internet-hood, Beverage.
  9. What're ya thinkin', man? You forgot the Babii Miis.
  10. Brother, this is my EXACT thoughts/opinion too!!!!!!!!!!!... Can't believe it This comment + Grazza's comment = Hitting the nail on the thinnest head one thousand times while blind and blind-folded!!! EDIT - Fixed
  11. Yeah, like D_pr0digy says, why aren't you around? :D


    I know England is awesome (their heart, not their foozball skills) but you're really gonna change Shika for 'Lennon' in you avvy? ::shrug:

    Speaking of which, how far are ya in the eps now, reached/near Shippuden yet?


    How's your band going bud'? You still live quite close to me so when time allows then I shall visit you and we can jam together :yay: (I still want in for the pianist in your band btw!), but for now, online gaming is where we do it... although you're never on your pissin' Wii (3DS perhaps? :bouncy: ).

  12. Woah woah slow down Falcy, what your prediction of 'Conduit 3' is could end up being 'Conduit 4: The Begining of A New Generation', y'know. 'Conduit 3' possibly may be 'Conduit 3D' for the Nintendo 3dS .. Do you have any idea how super fun it'd be see my charged Drudge weapon or a missile rocket being launched all the way down in the depth of the location? Bloody hell would that be a vision to see!
  13. Yo du's (kav82 ), is 'Conduit' worthy enough to be a participant in this FPS war? GoldenEye Wii sucks on The Conduits left ASE ball. Call of Duty: Black Ops (Nintendo Wii Edition) sucks on The Conduits right ASE ball. Well I'd say, you need to suck on Michael Ford's rifle as both CoD:Bo & GE is a 'lite' and 'watered down' Conduit! : peace: (I joke, I joke... I love youz all )
  14. *Grips onto you for added protection from impact* Totally agree. I'm with ya Captain! *Joins the "waiting room"* The same here to be honest. Although my 'yearn for something different' differs a li'l bit. I love me some 2D side-scrolling Kirby titles for damn sure, but, I dunno, I think with all this exciting tech that's out in this day and age I'd like to perhaps experience a fully-fledged, free-roaming Kirby title. Am I on my own with that one peeps? ... The same for all the Ninty franchises (regarding all the 'new tech' in 2011 )
  15. If I were to purchase the 3DS then I'd imagine that perhaps Super Street Fighter lV 3D would keep me occupied for a good ol' while, maybe. I think I'm just going to see how things are going for a short while...
  16. Have I just looked into the mirror? No seriously though, minus the photography part and add in a few other things. Before Beverage has evaporated he must accomplish the following: *please note that this list is indeed set in a specific order* 1. On SSBB (or any Super Smash Bros. title), put 'SPROUT' to bed, make his bed rock, read him a bed time story and then turn his lights off. 2. Become the N-E MARIOKART Champ' for 3 years in a row with nobody ever defeating me points-wise or the time I'd of remained crowned. 3. See all of the NARUTO episodes (THIS IS A COMPLETE MUST!!!) 4. When alliens come to invade and put an end to this world, I want to be the one that makes an alliance with Shigeru Miyamoto and challenge all those horrible aliens to a game of Conduit (Beverage & SM vs 10 Aliens). Shigeru would get owned but I would defeat them all. They would now have to leave Earth having lost the challenge, however, they would want to take something of equal value of the Earth to make them satisfied. And that's when The Hero known as Beverage the Gamer would die before the whole worlds eyes. Everyone on this planet would weep blood and acknowledge the birth of world peace. Everyone would request a game based off of the true story from Shigeru-San, and that would become the highest ever selling game on ALL consoles. This, my fellow humans, is Beverage' Destiny... Fate, even. : peace:
  17. You have no idea how much I agree with that! However, I do feel as though you're observing the tree rather than the whole forest. I say this because I have another perspective on that amazing view that you see. How about possibly seeing it as "I getting PeS so there's very little point in getting FiFA"? : peace: Or "I'm getting Juiced so I can't be arsed with Need For Speed"? Or, or, even "I've got SSBB so I'm not even going to attempt another brawler"? Black Ops does truly sound/look/seem impressive. I hope C2 adopts the excellent features : peace:
  18. ***Please Note*** I am not a FPS fanatic but I'm not allergic to 'em. Never really been into CoD - although I usually play on my bros' 360 (not LIKE Xbox Live.... It IS Xbox Live ). Goldeneye isn't worth my time personally, though I'm sure it's epic. Though I believe Goldeneye 64 is/was the stuff - regarding Bond. James, Bond. So please allow me to express why Kondwit Tu deseves my attention. : peace: Please read in Michael Fords voice for maximum experiehce I sense hatred & grudges t'ward The Conduit, But 'I' so happen to be very fond of it, Even if you do feel that HVS conned it. It may make some o' you feel extremely bored, But only because you don't appreciate bad ass Mr.Ford He's so awesomely cool he is now my lord. I'm sure your GoldenEyes & Black Ops are so so very woohoo, But I think I'll stick with my home bro Conduit twohoo Only because t'is simply cold-cold coohool. You don't believe mii? But I never lie, Use the lie detector, no fuck it, the all seeing eye And you see that when I play I become so highhhh. Beverage is #1 faN OMG ! OMG ! OMG ! OMFG!!!!!!!!! SPLIT SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Prepare for Team Beverage! (split screen mode)
  19. Interesting stuffs This is how Beverage came to be In the very begining when I was a child, I never really researched on what games that must be played. I still don't. I generally just played games that were around that I enjoyed. That being said though, thank the lord that my older bros had sweet gaming tastes. I entered the gaming world by owning the Sega Megadrive. We had an enormous amount of games for that console that were really splendid. There came a time when we unanimously agreed amongst ourselves to temporarily trade our Megadrive for a family friends' SNES. What a life changing decision that ended up being for me! After completing and having crazy fun on HEAP loads of games for the SNES for around a year and a half, I realized how magical NINTENDO were. Yes, that was when I volountarily allowed myself to get brainwashed! I was powered up in all sorts of different ways. Sadly, me and my fellow siblings had to trade trade back - which wasn't TOO bad. The idea of getting our very own NINTENDO console was inevitable, but as we experienced everything the SNES had to offer we chose to catch up on what we had missed out on; the NES. Again, an epic machine! It was now confirmed that I was an official NINTENDO fan! As time passed I upgraded to the N64, and NINTENDO proved to me how godly they still were. By this time, my other sibs were more leaning towards the Sony side of things. It was cool as we all experience even more different and great games. By the way, the Ps1 & Ps2 are responsible for injecting permanent hype into me with all the Street Fighters, Tekkens, SMACKITDOWNS, etvc etc. Also at this time we were huge Pokemon fanatics so we had our Gameboys/Colors with our pokemon versions. We would trade pocket monsters to help fill our pokedex' etc and also have internal poke-tournies with eachother which was amazing I remember battling some friends during lunch break at school. We would go to the 'teacher blind spot' and grab out our games boys and just go at it. A.W.E.S.O.M.E.! (The NeoGeo was cool too) Anywho time continued to pass and I upgraded to the SUPER SPECIAL AWESOME & ULTRA SUPER COOL 'Cube. My other bros got the Ps2 & later the Xbox. We had blasts on all three! The only thing that got close to the fun that me and family/family mates had while gaming together, was when me and around six-to-eight other class mates/buddies would pit stop at one of our houses after school and just compete on SSBM, Mario Kart Double Dash, Burnout, Tekken, Need for Speed, Soul Calibur and Pes Those were fun times, all squashed up on the sofa gaming until late hours Anyway my eldest bro soon departed from home which left myself and the leader and founder of my ex-clan/organisation. My cousin told me NINTENDO had a new console coming out and I was like "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU ALWAYS KNOW THIS SHIT WAY BEFORE IT HAPPENS???". Anyways he showed it to me on Ninty's website (that's when I first learned on Ninty's site ) and I was like "CooOOooOOooL! But how will I kick ass on the new Super Smash Bros with that remote???" Ooh, I almost forgot, some time back then we had the Sega Saturn (Nights, Bouncers & Sonic 3D we very welcome starters) and later the Dreamcast. Shemnue, Powerstone (not too bad, not too bad), Skies of Arcadia and Sonic Adventure stood out to me. The time came where I obviously got the Nintendo Wii whilst my other bro got the 36o which were fun... before it caught that dreadful desease. Anyhow, he soon too left us and intrusted me with the task to ensure that my four younger siblings inherit my gaming knowledge, skills and achievements! I wanted to have an Xbox Live experience with my Wii as I've always been a highly social gamer. So I searched on the internet for gamers to not only test my skills against with NINTENDO games but also for the fun I boast that every popular AND underground site that me and my fellow ex-clan comarades (who also had Wiis) defeated all that we had challenged, losing a few rounds but winning the overall war! These wars were mainly on SSBB and MKwii. A few internal issues began to surface which led to a few 'ex-members'. I am one of these! There will be a day to settle our differences! Anyhows I soon stumbled across... N-E! Lol a few o' you dudes would/should remember what went down, although there still is a little unfinished biznaz Lol nah but seriously this site (and you guys ) are so welcoming, cozy, cool and informative but most importantly FUNZ In a way, this site and you guys have sort of in away squeezed your way into that little part of my life. I will always like to game with you dudes : peace: Well, that's how Beverage came to be. I'm just your Pr0'est N00B who is welcomed to troll this website :D
  20. Narohodo... So to prevent this error from occurring, you just simply need to re-sync your WiiMote to your Wii? Would it be just the one time or is it every single time you use the mote+nunchuk (playing a game)? I too am a victim of purchasing a cheap third party battery. And I also get these error messages. My mate experienced the same thing but said that he drilled a hole (which he done superbly) where the sync button was in order to reach it with, perhaps, a matchstick or toothpick. ... Now I know why there's a hole in MY battery when I first ever used it. I need to get around to buying me some official rechargable batteries but I haven't been fully engaged in any Wii games lately.
  21. Seriously homies, King's been hinting at this for ages! Do y'all use it during E3 events etc?.. It'd be awesome
  22. I used to really love that course! I always wanted to see this level make a return - with that sneaky wall jump at the BuMpY section Gave you quite a decent lead lol.
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