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Everything posted by darksnowman

  1. That's all well and good but you haven't commented on how much of a commodity AP is so I might sit on what I've accumulated until I'm on the final boss' doorstep.
  2. Yes, I am back on the graphs. Any peak is currently predicted to be Tuesday AM, PM or Wednesday AM, and only ~190. Although could be as low as ~40. Hopefully the afternoon update provides more clarity. Dropped my last half a mill on this so need to break even at least. Anything doing on your side?
  3. Yeah, I must've missed the memo on that. It could be worth my while to have a nosey around the tutorial menus. Chain attacks had become a bit of a dud for me since getting Melia. Seemed like if there was nothing loaded on the big button in the middle then she had nothing of note to offer with her red and pink moves. I started levelling arts a while back, yeah. Like... as early doors as the Tephra Cave. The thing that bugs me with those is I don't know where to focus on assigning the points so as not to waste them on arts that will later be replaced/ redundant when "Utimate Arts" are learned. I'd boost more of them if I knew I wasn't shooting myself in the foot for further down the line because I don't know how valuable AP is. Going by what you're saying though, perhaps I can go all-in on Shulk at the very least. At least you can get the affinity coins back for reallocation so it encourages experimentation. Great system.
  4. Anyone still doing turnips? I bought in again as I need bells for all the new stuff and I'm tempted to sell already at 107 this morning.
  5. Played some more and managed a smidgen of progress. I started by going back and filling out the Satorl Marsh map which, at this point, bagged me a pittance of exp. Then onto the Eryth Sea where I used the autorun (in this case autoswim) feature to map it out as well while panning the camera around to take in the sights. The Eryth Sea really is the point for me where Xenoblade becomes too big for its own good. After that, I did a couple of quests in the Valak Mountain area, including getting Dunban's Pigheadedness or whatever it's called. During the second part of that encounter, I had a breakthrough moment with chain attacks. So with that newfound info, I headed to the boss fight that was my current roadblock. It wasn't much help as I needed to keep the blue bar on standby for revives but I did triumph in that battle and the next and pushed the story forward. I think what helped me there was actually equipping Reyn's anti-mechon weapon this time........... Anyway! We're all washed up with another party member added to the ranks. Onwards and upwards!
  6. Pretty sure this (whether it's an explicit action by Nintendo or a byproduct of other sanctions I do not know) has been done to affect the Russian people rather than just inconvenience foreigners trying to save a buck. Guess we'll know by next Friday how it pans out for you.
  7. Yup, I think this pretty much hits the nail on the head. Nowadays with the frequent Directs, they've found a rhythm where they can hype us for what's in the pipeline for the immediate future rather than dangling a carrot to string us along for the next year-plus, so any "Project HAMMERs" they're working on right now won't be public knowledge until release is imminent. Like, for example, we don't know how Kirby games were floated and made it through prototyping only to be cancelled until The Forgotten Land ended up being the breakthrough idea, which was announced in September for release in (the following) March. ------------------------------------ Nintendo Switch Online app has been updated to version to version 2.0.0. Here's the patch notes: https://nintendoeverything.com/nintendo-switch-online-app-update-out-now-version-2-0-0-patch-notes/
  8. The demo has done nothing to dissuade me. Delicious! (It's kind of made me want Bomberman 64 on the NSO for some reason...)
  9. So you were finished with it inside two non-stop days and that was that...
  10. Aye there was a bit of quibbling at the other table. Bit off-putting.
  11. If the portable aspect doesn't cancel out the potential flop induced by the home console side of it... then Nintendo could well be doomed.
  12. Nailed it, Isabelle. Couldn't have done it better myself. Tomorrow then... The gyroids sprouted and bopped to KK Condor. Someone stayed in past closing time... Video of the Houdini escape on the way...? Topped off by several rounds of coffee* even Uncle Iroh would have been impressed by. *And a couple of cheapo glasses of water too.
  13. https://www.nintendo.ru/-/-Nintendo--11593.html Might be time to explore other options, @MindFreak.
  14. Sweet. Just standing outside the airport getting shooting stars... be right there...
  15. And they've had modern 3D models of the old Pokémon ready to go since that Pokédex app came on the scene, or so I remember reading. I've read so many times over the years about the time-consuming work of getting the Pokémon themselves done and animated being alleviated one way or another (wasn't the beauty of Sun and Moon that the models would be easy to touch up and reuse?), and [insert upcoming game]'ll be when the benefit is apparent because they'll be able to devote time and resources to other aspects of the game. Just you wait and see. Still waiting. Anyway, what's the news on how the rendering and modelling of iffy golden statues and wonky art and architectural restorations is coming along? BTW, people from the capital (by birth, not blow-ins) are referred to as cats. So keep that in your back pocket in case it becomes of vital importance with that kitty starter. Although I'm not sure why it would as in Sword and Shield the only English thing that struck me about the starters was the footy reference...? And any other nods throughout to the real world were nothing beyond surface level. Well, we all know you'll be there on day 1 for one or both of these whether they've Kecleon up the wazoo or not, but within reason, how are you thinking in your heart of hearts this new generation will turn out? Like, realistically, what are they likely to fix from Sword and Shield (don't ask me what needs to be fixed... because you know ) before going "bleh, they bought it before they'll lap it up again!" and sending it to the printers? Do they still have it in them to show more ambition than just making an expanded/ the entire game a wild area and throwing in some additional trainer clothes...? Maybe that is enough ambition??
  16. Around then'll be good for me. No, not at all. Helmsly wasn't holding out on you with that. I got it and another in the post from some other players. If I see it with Redd you'll be the first to know. Speaking of the post, @Helmsly, strange that we weren't already synchronised for mail as I'm sure we've done visitations before for turnips.
  17. I would like a few pieces of veg for sure. Think Helmsley covered the art. I'm good before or after 8pm (not at) but let's co-ordinate if it lines up!
  18. Getting a wave out before the Switch Sports Miis are released among the general population...
  19. Wow, yeah. I thought it was a bad demo because of this. I reckon it should have been straight to a few gameplay maps to let the player get right into trying out that side of things rather than sitting through exposition. I button mashed as hard and fast as I could to get through the talking. If/ when I get the full game I'll steep myself in the story, but for the purposes of the demo I wasn't fussed on that aspect.
  20. None of us kept time too well during our evening stretches. Planted some gyroids! Before repairing for a spot of tea. Because it's all to do again tomorrow. Funny to see that I took almost all of those using the Switch screenshot button rather than the " + Take Photo" as it is in the in-game photo app.
  21. Wow, @Helmsly, thanks for leaving so many goodies! That'll get me started with some vegetables too. Think that's me down to needing: Detailed painting Warm painting Wild painting right half I'll do a proper check when the museum reopens at the weekend to see if there's more than three empty spots.
  22. That's hardly fair as my museum will be closed tomorrow for an upgrade.
  23. Yeah, I only enlisted for the Expansion Pack the other day and have only tried Mario Tennis so far on it, so once you changed to games that utilise the c-buttons I was scrambling to find a comfortable way of accessing them on the Switch Pro Controller. Mario Kart 64... I have not played that game in years. Could not tell you the last time I touched it. I'll need a heads up next time so I can practise it on the Switch Pro Controller (and practise it full stop, tbh) as I had bother getting those sprites to go in a straight line. Still good fun and funny to see us all thinking the same thing with a shortcut or two! With Tennis we need to play full matches to give us a chance to get into it with the characters and course conditions. Come on!
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