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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. I'm in the same position as Fish.
  2. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. Paul J. J. Payack is just an snake oil merchant. My first linguistics essay was to explain why his claims are such utter nonsense. He makes me angry. If necessary I will explain in as much detail as you require why this is all so absurd, but I should probably wait until I'm more sober.
  3. Happy birthday anyhoo, hope you're enjoying medicine if you're still doing it. (clinical by now I guess?)
  4. Haha, I've seen ghoti for fish before, but this one is better.

  5. Nope, and I don't think I'll ever have anything that scheduled. I possibly do more hours of work than that though (massive holidays aside, of course ), and perhaps always will (this time without the massive holidays). If you get used to it you can fit the rest of your life into the gaps, but it does tire you out.
  6. Happy birthday chap, I'm sure you'll celebrate with Danish style.
  7. Eh, depends what you mean by complicated and how full the understanding is. At a guess, maybe some stuff to do with Schroedingers equation and atomic orbitals, or maybe government and binding theory, which I have a much fuller understanding of (it's one of my specific fields). It's hard to evaluate this kind of thing really though, things are mostly just... different - like trying to decide the answer to "what's the most complex food you've eaten?"; while some foods are undeniably more complex, a linear comparison is hard to make. Anyway, I generally think most people can understand most things, providing they think about them in the right way. (couldn't find anything decent on youtube, but I had a quick search for stuff elsewhere)
  8. In a chi-squared test for contingency? The null hypothesis is that they're independent, and the degrees of freedom is (m-1)(n-1).
  9. Seriously? The Cayley-Hamilton theorem was a major part of my FP2 stuff on matrices, and I think it's fairly straightforward to use if you know it. Still, if everyone struggled, then UMS will be your saviour - you may find yourself getting some absurdly good mark, just because you did better than the majority.
  10. This is just discussion of an obvious paradox, and isn't really going to get anywhere. "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent." Edit: This is basically a Wittgensteinian reiteration of Daft's argument.
  11. :p Haha, I think that's an excellent summary of why I should consume rather than create comedy.
  12. I'm sorry, but Chuck Norris jokes are brilliant. There is no such thing as evolution, only those animals Chuck Norris has allowed to live. Penguins are also pretty cool.
  13. Ah okay, that's a fairly traditional (or possibly early structuralist) approach to things. There are some very interesting ways of looking at this kind of topic - you may find books like Steven Pinker's The Language Instinct interesting, which gives a (very broad) introduction to the Chomskyan perspective on language.
  14. Which theoretical frameworks do you use for these, if any? Congrats on it going well, anyway - good luck for your next one.
  15. So I finished my exams yesterday afternoon, then met up with some friends, one of whom had also finished, and we drank champagne out of a bottle for the amusement. Then had a meal out, and played (and won) some poker. Am now trying to get used to not having any work, and waiting for my girlfriend to finish later today. Hmm, I feel like some old school RPGing, I might go out and see if I can find a copy of Chrono Trigger in the meantime. And for Clannad? Anyhoo, other writing systems are fun - I've installed input methods for Greek, Russian, Chinese, Japanese and Korean, and have unicode planes 0, 1 and 2. Yay for crazy characters!
  16. All finished as of yesterday afternoon, thankfully. Now for some hardcore relaxing until results come out.
  17. Happy birthday Rummy! ...the above cake is disturbing.
  18. On that note, what about GLaDOS? I'm sure there are some more non-standard representations of females even in well known games if you look hard enough.
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