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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Probably because the atheists who aren't pious haven't told you that they're atheists.
  2. Glory be to he who receives this call. Glory be to he who receives this call. Glory be to he who receives this call. Dyson! The hour is upon you. Take up your ringing telephonic weapon and slay this game for us all.
  3. Finally finished my dynamic semantics essay! That took far to long. Now on to more revision, but not tonight...
  4. These are actually amazing. The Mario one is now my wallpaper.
  5. People should be as suspicious of adding an app on facebook as they should be of making a random download. Although Facebook apps are probably a bit safer, but it's worth it to avoid evils.
  6. Wow, I haven't had crisp sandwiches since I was about 10... they were quite nice though. Actually, I think I usually added cheese and onion crisps to cheese sandwiches, which works quite well. As for other odd combinations... hm. Mostly my taste is depressingly normal and/or gourmet. Edit: Oh, there is one slightly odd thing I like. Microwaved multi-layered cheese sandwiches so that the bread goes all soggy and the cheese all melty. Yum.
  7. That's on the basis that everyone's decided who to vote for, and not all that many people seem to have.
  8. Classical Ainu aejajkotujmasiramsujpa - "I keep swaying my heart afar and toward myself." (with applicative voice, i.e. the swaying must be done over something explicitly stated). Russian yabloko - "apple." Japanese gyakuten - often translated as "turn-around," but it's closer to Kuhn's term "paradigm shift." Yup'ik Inuit tuntussuqatarniksaitengqiggtuq - "He had not yet said again that he was going to hunt raindeer." I'll post some others if I remember them or where to re-look them up. And I'm sure there are some good English ones that I can't think of at the moment.
  9. That's precisely my point - apparently being an academic and activist in the past has more lax "rules" than being a contemporary actor. Note also that the sort of people who know who Bertrand Russell is are more likely to be offended by these things. And if you meant in terms of popularity, Russell is undoubtedly better known worldwide than any heroes actor.
  10. Yeah coriander will help, and green chillies if you're making a green curry. You can vary amounts hugely to personal taste, but for one person I guess something like: half to one onion 1 large green chilli (seeds removed, obviously add more if you like it spicy) small handful of coriander 2-3 cloves of garlic (more if like you say you're a garlic fiend) juice and zest of 1 lime half-teaspoon coriander seeds 1 tablespoon soy or fish sauce little bits (1/4 teaspoons?) of all the rest I just made these up, so it'll inevitably be a little off and make more than you need, but it'll keep for about 3 weeks I think. You only need a tablespoon or two to fry with, and also if you can't get brown sugar, just use white not cinnamon, although cinnamon might be cool in the paste. Also it's good to add more lime juice, soy/fish sauce and chopped coriander towards the end.
  11. Crush up the garlic, spices, and coriander seeds along with some onions (or shallots) and chillies ideally, and maybe some fish sauce/light soy sauce and lime (or even lemon) zest and juice and then you practically have a makeshift curry paste. Then just fry it up in along with some brown sugar for about a minute, add the prawns and sear them then pour in the coconut milk and leave them to boil in it for about half an hour. Towards the end add in the chickpeas or any vegetables you have to hand and leave them to boil for a bit. Then take it off the heat and sit for 5 minutes and it'll cream up, and should be good with rice.
  12. Today I bought the world's best teapot: And got up at 8:35! Insanity.
  13. I've bought this in Japan a few times and also once or twice in England and it's okay I guess. Not entirely sure what all the fuss is about though. Oddly last time I had it I looked over the ingredients, and it seems to contain loads of orange juice, which I can't stand on its own (or oranges for that matter). Not keen on Sprite/7up/lemonade either. Might drink this occasionally if it's not too expensive.
  14. I don't see why the private lives of celebrities and politicians should have anything to do with their credibility unless it directly interferes with whatever it is they do. This has always been the case with academics - since when did anyone claim that the number of extra-marital affairs Bertrand Russell had undermined his analytic philosophy?
  15. Hahaha PokNEmon. It's warm! Though annoyingly not quite t-shirt weather. Still, had an ice-cream and carried lots of heavy books. And finished season 3 of Battlestar Galactica... found the second half of this season quite weak to be honest.
  16. I don't get why people like K-ON! so much. It's just slice of life with 2D (quite literally, lol) moe stereotypes and nothing much happening.
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