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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. These are both amazing. Also: - Rain, the heavier the better. - The feeling of having just put clothes on. - The feeling after a good poo (can't believe this one's been missed out thus far). - Taking off socks at the end of the day. - Relishing in the foot-protection provided by shoes. - Looking at assorted items on shelves, especially stationery. - Similarly, fresh pads of (high quality) paper. - Looking at places you know well through the eyes of a stranger.
  2. Congrats Danny - I've been a graduand for a few weeks now, but am officially going up to BA status on Friday. I have to crawl in full academic dress around holding a guy's fingers while they recite Latin, should be fun.
  3. My dad specifically asked me not to buy him anything because he always gets annoyed at the commericalism of Father's Day. Which is fine by me.
  4. Well, I got the game yesterday but can't play it for another couple of weeks as I have no TV or Wii here. I watched the tutorial DVD, which was vaguely amusing.
  5. Fail at not knowing the English genitive hasn't been marked by case since at least Middle English. Only pronouns inflect for genitive now, with 's being more of a clitic than anything else. Oh and I got drunk oddly easily earlier. To sleep, or to Apprentice?
  6. Sent sent sent sent sent. Only you can save us now jay.
  7. I can't do music at all - the furthest I got was grade 1 trumpet. I always wish I was awesome at the piano though, but not enough to actually learn. (plus, I'd never be as good as I could have been if I started now)
  8. Taylor series isn't numerical though, so long as you're dealing with the whole infinite series. Algebraic solutions for the win, anyway.
  9. Happy birthday Rummy! May the telephone proclaim celebration.
  10. Huh, for once an old member who I can't remember, maybe you were before my time, or if not an avatar might bring the memory back. Hi, anyway.
  11. I take around 200 books to University, but that's just me being a nerd. Depending on your subject, you can manage on hardly any at all.
  12. Fail, they're punting from the Cambridge end. Anyhoo, happy birthday! May your happiness be modeled by dH/dt = kH.
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