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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Basically, following isn't commutative - "a follows b" doesn't equal "b follows a". Whereas on facebook, "a is friends with b" necessarily means "b is friends with a".
  2. This sounds cool. I guess we can beta test with just attributes before committing to making specific cards.
  3. Happy birthday to you!
  4. I quite like this, although found the last episode a bit weak. Clive is possibly one of the most cringeworthy characters on tv.
  5. It's probably quite difficult to translate all the on-screen text and so on. Mind you, I guess it'll show in English in some places.
  6. To resolve all this argument, there's an arbitrary rule that people don't actually follow stating that restrictive relatives (like the topic title) should use "that," and non-restrictive relatives should use "which." So yeah, that's kind of what Goafer is saying, as non-restrictive clauses are normally separated by commas. But in reality, it's as much a "rule" as the idea that one shouldn't split infinitives or end sentences with prepositions - speakers use both "which" and "that" somewhat interchangeably. That said, it seems right for me to use "that" here, and I'd also contract the "is." Still, it may well be that Chair's intuitions differ to mine. And now back to the thread...
  7. Yes, anyone remotely geeky should see this now. I keep wondering what I'm feeling so happy about, then realising it's just the fact that this film exists and I have seen it.
  8. I previously knew nothing of Scott Pilgrim, but I saw the film today and it was amazing.
  9. Was I not in the scoreboard? I have a vague feeling I removed myself when I did 3 rounds in a row or something. If I were playing, I'd answer 16. Come on guys!
  10. Well the free online version barely ran, which isn't promising. I have an integrated chipset...
  11. I'm addicted to this guy's videos. Might get this, although it'll probably run badly on my computer. Are there system requirements anywhere? I couldn't find them if so.
  12. Erm, two years above me, so three above you I guess?
  13. Lol no, it's a place near Hitchen called Princess Helena College (not actually a college), you probably won't have heard of it.
  14. Happy birthday Molly, and so forth.
  15. Right, thanks to you Odwin, I just lost my folding virginity. You're right, it is more efficient. But somehow less satisfying...
  16. I like Subway.
  17. This seems like a reasonable enough service, although it is of course click and collect. And isn't there even a Tesco record label now? Edit: Here we go (scroll down past the pink to er, text and more pink).
  18. I remember that thread. How/why would you fold it?
  19. My favourite breakfast is Eggs Benedict, but it's hell to make on your own, although I did make a reasonable attempt earlier this week. But if you don't want to spend 45 minutes making breakfast, it's not the best idea. I tend not to eat at all in the morning, actually.
  20. I have a friend who actually takes his laptop to the toilet. I was talking to him on msn or similar when he told me where he was...
  21. I doubt it. When I'm in my room I have internet to distract me, so when I'm procrastinating about reading a book it only gets read in short sections when I'm on the loo...
  22. I generally read linguistics on the toilet.
  23. Lush is a confusing place. The only time I've been in a gay Welsh guy forcibly covered my girlfriend's arms in soap.
  24. I'm pretty sure that unless a TV is more than around 24 (I think) inches, the human eye can't actually distinguish between 720p and 1080p.
  25. I quit playing the trumpet when I was about 10. Was very pleased to do that - I hated it, and was rubbish, having nearly failed my grade 1 exam. Erm, other than that, it was a big release to switch from a physics module to an evolution one in my first year at university. And then again to switch into linguistics, although I'm very glad of my first year and enjoyed it. But all these experiences have led me to believe that if you feel unhappy doing something for a prolonged period of time, then you should just stop doing it and then everything will be amazing again. I haven't got any job quitting stories because the only paid work I've ever done was an hour and a half of explaining photosynthesis to someone.
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