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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Doesn't sound fun. You should get a doctor to give you an allergy test so you can determine what you're allergic to. I expect it's some obscure additive, else you'd likely have come across it more often. I got a minor allergic reaction to a Thai red curry the other day. Which is odd, because I eat Thai food an awful lot, but then rarely red curry, and you do need an inital non-allergic encounter before you can develop an allergy. Then again, the key difference between red and green is just the type of chilli used, so I expect it was a specfic herb in the mix at this restaurant, which I'd never been to before. Anyway, towards the end of the meal my throat started tightening up quite a bit and producing mucus, and I recognised the symptoms from having studied them and from the fact that my girlfriend has a severe peanut allergy. Thankfully that was as bad as it got, so I just waited for it to go away, but it's a bit unnerving not knowing what I'm allergic to. Anyway, that wasn't the worst thing about the restaurant - the dish they served my sister had chicken that was raw in the middle, and we really had to push to get a discount. First and last time there, methinks.
  2. Well it says something like "I aspire to participate?" so sounds a bit confused to me. Anyway, I really do aspire to participate.
  3. Gold is pretty useless anyway, unless you intend to make a golden apple, and even that requires 72 gold. Diamond on the other hand is awesome. I actually used to have 10-20 diamond, but it all got used up on picks and suchlike which have now broken. And I lost my diamond sword.
  4. In previous updates, however big they were, save files have remained accessible as far as I know, so I expect the same will be true here. Still, you'll probably have to generate new maps to experience things like biomes, as was the case when clay was introduced.
  5. Plus you can save in the paid version.
  6. It does indeed exist - it's called Cartograph and you can get it here. There are also various programs for editing save files. I don't see why the Mac version should be any different, as the game can run in browser, and you could just use a cross-platform browser. There may be more differences if you use the client though. And I think it's about £8, but not very much anyway - you can use a currency converter if you want to know the exact price. The solution is to mine during the night! Also I believe a previous update altered things so that day lasts a bit longer than night.
  7. Sainsbury's basics chocolate is actually not that bad.
  8. Happy birthday Odwin. I was going to write you a winning ode at 5am last night, but sleep won instead.
  9. No is the answer then, because I can get about 13 seconds.
  10. The paid Alpha version - I've hardly played Classic. It's the survival aspect that I like the most. 1. Yes, you get everything. 2. Yep, the whole thing plus additions will be yours forever. 3. Yep, I've already got significantly more fun out of the game than many £30 console titles.
  11. You don't need a paypal account, I don't have one - paypal can work like the checkout system of any other website. Anyway, I'm up for setting up some kind of NE server - I haven't done much multiplayer yet.
  12. The only superiority is that I like better biscuits. Jammy dodgers are too... jammy.
  13. These are a superior biscuit: Got two packets today, thanks to buy one get one free.
  14. I think it's November, don't know the exact date though.
  15. They get compared because they're both series of books aimed at young audiences with fantasy elements yet are set in the real world (magical realism, though this genre doesn't only apply to the real world) with everyman/woman protagonists, and both have become massively popular. The key differences being that Harry Potter is aimed at children of both genders, and has a wide range of appeal, whereas Twilight has a much more specific audience - young teenage girls, and doesn't appeal much outside of this. Plus Twilight ultimately puts out Christian (Mormon) morals, which are less popular than the more generic "trust in yourself and your friends" ideas that Harry Potter embodies. So for both these reasons, a lot more people hate Twilight. (Disclaimer: I've never actually read any Twilight books, so these judgements are based on what I've heard only) As for the Harry Potter film, it'll probably be watchable, but it annoys me that they've spilt it in two, although it's an obvious way to make more money. Still, the last book was one of the weakest in the series, especially the first half, largely because it disposed of the Hogwarts backdrop that (for me at least) created a lot of the appeal of the series. I just hope the film won't consist of a lot of fields and not much else. Also: Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood) is the cousin of my old housemate, and is exactly like her. It always makes me laugh seeing her in the films.
  16. Yes, this place is awesome. It's kind of like a Mexican Wagamama. There's one just off the Strand too. Edit: I lie, that's the same one. But there are two others apparently.
  17. No I didn't, laughter is very much present in our society. Lol just isn't always a textual representation of actual laughter any more.
  18. Happy belated birthday chaps.
  19. It is? Are there any cultures where laughter isn't present to prove that claim? The use of lol, or my actual comment? People (including me) do actually use it like that. Meaning changes with time, unfortunately.
  20. Interestingly, "lol" often means "I found that amusing but didn't actually laugh at it" now.
  21. I'm actually incapable of staying annoyed at someone for more than a few hours, however angry I seem at the time. That said, it takes an awful lot to actual get me annoyed with anyone. On the other hand, I hate the idea of anyone being annoyed with me, especially when it's for something I've done unintentionally.
  22. I'd hate speed dating - you'd never get past the small talk, and I'm terrible at that.
  23. I don't really see a problem with them, so long as you ensure people aren't making up crap about themselves.
  24. Well, he already had a long-term job at the time, but I'm pretty sure lots of he got lots of his subsequent jobs in part because he had a good degree.
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