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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Yeah, I'd agree about the character development, and it also may be that some of Winstead's moroseness is a result of O'Malley telling her that
  2. I don't think there's any such thing as a soul-mate, for obvious reasons. But I do think it's possible to reach a state where only one person will ever be right for you - and I'm not sure whether that's a good thing or not. Depends on the circumstances, I suppose.
  3. So regarding Mary Elizabeth Winstead, relative hotness aside (she ranks as quite for me I think), what did you think of her acting? She's been criticised a lot for playing Ramona as too morose and lacking in emotion, and there does seem to be a bit of a difference between her character and the character in the novels, based on the first two volumes. I need to rewatch the film to be sure though.
  4. In answer to the question, I'd say they're more akin to manga than comics. But either way, they're pretty readable whoever you are.
  5. With the 78 Pokemon there, there are 6084 possible fused Pokemon (including the 78 where you choose the same pokemon both times).
  6. It's all about Geofable: He contrasts beautifully with Clefdude:
  7. Spammy spam spam spam (but the film club should live, it was cool).
  8. I assumed the other thread was ancient. Now it's all confusing, but we have Scoop's post so all is well.
  9. Before watching the video or looking at the other thread: this is bollocks. After watching: this is hilarious bollocks. "Harness naturally occurring frequencies and program them into a [something] hologram." "Within three inches of your body's energy field." Wow. I don't think this is even all placebo - generally if you try the same stretch twice, you'll be better the second time round. Also note how comments have been disabled on the video.
  10. I've only been twice, once when I was a little kid and I fell out of bed in my sleep and hit my head on the farm house of a minature farm I'd set up, which I don't remember all that well, and a second time when my fingers got accidentally slammed in a loft hatch when I was about 16. Neither was all that bad really, but the second time was quite funny as I being under 18 I was still taken to the children's ward and treated as such.
  11. Happy birthday indeed.
  12. Lol, sorry about that, was in a bit of a rush. Eliminative materialism is basically the extreme view that any kind of folk concept of the mind or of mental states (like beliefs and desires and so on) is entirely mistaken, and that these things don't really exist. This applies to conciousness too, so an eliminative materialist would hold that there's no such thing as conciousness, and the only things we can truly analyse are those that are concrete, like the interactions between brain cells and so on. There's actually a field known as connectionism which computationally models the brain using neural networks of simple nodes, and these systems can be shown to exhibit various complex properties (such as language acquisition) without any need for higher level units such as concepts. So this would seem to support eliminative materialism, but the whole thing is a bit strong for me - for instance, I see no reason why neural networks shouldn't create higher level modular structures, much as computers are made up of simple logic gates that are into higher level systems. In terms of cognition, however, it may be that these modules merely need to be identified to aid our understanding and don't actually exist, but they may alternatively be a fundamental part of mental structure. And emergence is where more complex behaviour in some way arises from a simpler system - could that be going on here? Either way, I'm not sure where I stand on conciousness, but I think it's more complex than the eliminative materialist position suggests.
  13. Right/left is not as much a dichotomy as people tend to think, with lots of interaction between the two sides and lots of functions being carried out by both - I've made a post on this a while back I think. As for conciousness, I'm kind of somewhere between eliminative materialism and it being something more emergent, though no idea what. I like concepts though. Concepts and modularity are good, even if they're just scaffolding for our understanding (which they may not be).
  14. Well I read the first two volumes, they were fun. Best bit so far:
  15. Regarding the aggressive sales people of Phones 4u - I was once waiting for a friend at the point marked X below: There was a salesman inside Phones 4u who then left the shop and walked along the marked trajectory to try and sell me a contract. This was sufficiently amusing and annoying for me to pretend I didn't own a mobile at all, and argued back that they were useless when he then tried to sell me one.
  16. I like that Games Workshop gives prices to the nearest pound, without any of the 99/95 nonsense. I used to be one of those worshipful year sevens. But yeah, the staff in those shops would annoy me if I went there now.
  17. That's okay I guess. I can see it's well executed, but the shading on the top guy is way too heavy for my taste, even if it fits the style/mood.
  18. It's just something about the combination of line shading with colour that annoys me. If it's just ink, like this, it's fine, and even some coloured stuff is okay, like this, but once it gets like this, (the face in particular), it really grates. I got used to in in Watchmen after a while though.
  19. Well I just ordered the first two volumes of this. The art style doesn't look great, but I do actually prefer it to coloured American comic-book style which I find hard to read for some reason. I'm just hoping the dynamic feel that I loved so much about the film will be present.
  20. I only know about this stuff from American TV... it looks pretty horrible to be honest, and I didn't try to seek out Taco Bell when I was in New York earlier this month. That said, I have had Tacos at a slightly (but not all that much) more authentic Mexican place in London and they were quite nice.
  21. I thought the gay roommate was awesome too, plus it's nice to have a non-homophobic representation of a gay guy for once.
  22. Well I managed to change my spawn point, so I'll give a guided tour of my ineptitude:
  23. I actually bought this a couple of days ago, and have been playing Alpha since. I actually borked my original world today by accidentally covering my spawn point in lava, but wasn't all that annoyed as now I get to start without noobishness, and am doing quite well already.
  24. Starting postgrad also, although in October. I'm now in the same year as you Ashley, so officially the same age.
  25. True, thanks - I knew there was a better concept but couldn't think of it. You actually get symmetric verbs, where "a verbs b" means the same thing as "b verbs a". They're quite rare, I can only think of one in English right now.
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