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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. More worrying than the buildings themselves is the people this might affect.
  2. Interesting note: the more Japanese I learn, the less I like anime. I think this is because I'm able to see how cliched some of the lines are. Of course, this doesn't stop some shows being great. On that note, who's watching CLANNAD at the moment? I love the humour in it.
  3. Enjoy, studying in another country must be a little scary but fun.
  4. Tropical fish are cool, but tanks and everything costs a fair bit. Plus the keeping of fish is banned at my university because apparently there are a "fire hazard"...
  5. I see what you mean, but that doesn't make the jokes any less funny... also, surely some things still make you laugh in written form?
  6. Corrections: For this one do you mean 2^n x 2^(n+1)? If so, the answer is 2^(2n+1).
  7. Nice and surreal... I like it. It reads a little like Haruki Murakami crossed with Neil Gaiman, and especially brings to mind the almost Kafkan opening to Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World. The pared down langauge in a way contrasts with the complexity of what's going on. The tense seems a little confused in places; I'm not entirely sure whether or not this is intentional. There are also a few minor typos (imaginations -> imagination's etc.), but nothing that can't be fixed with a proofread. But yeah, really nice. You were joking earlier about my love of dreamlike writing, but I think this piece comes under that category. :wink:
  8. What the hell? They're mammals - they tend to be fairly rubbish. Insects are a lot better, but they're useless at being big or living in the sea.
  9. If I remember correctly, the Elfen Lied ending makes sense but you have to do a bit of extra reading and things to work out some of the background. I also remember something about an extra episode...
  10. Send felicitations to t'other thread. [locked]
  11. Then they're just another species, and you should still consider yourself an atheist if you think it's likely such things exist but don't subscribe to a true religion.
  12. What do you mean by an existence close to Gods? Hmm, I'm probably in single digits. But to be honest, I think a linear (or indeed any) scale is too simple for something like religious belief. (and, on an unrelated note, intelligence)
  13. Methinks this is pretty much pointless advertising. [locked]
  14. *rewatches* Oh yeah, that episode. I love NHK so much... it's one of the few shows that breaks the barriers normally seen in anime.
  15. The difference is that hardly anybody believes the mythological ones any more. Frankly, I think they're all parables (which is a good thing), but some people see current religious texts as being literally true.
  16. It was just a joke - someone termed DNA -> mRNA -> protein "the central dogma of biochemistry" to make fun of religious dogma. I think that's from the same school of "science" that determined that bees should not be able to fly. But I'm no physicist.
  17. Count me very much in. Will you bring the go board or shall I? Note: I am terrible meeting people I don't know, and will feel awkward. Seriously, I doubt most of you will be as bad as me, but it will be fun.
  18. Do you mean fear of God? I think that probably depends on religion and sect quite a lot, but I see what you mean. He went to my college. :wink: In science you should only have faith in the scientific principle. What about the central dogma of biochemistry?
  19. That's the thing - religion works on blind faith. If you don't like blind faith, then religion isn't for you. And if you're pious, then there surely is no unknown for you, whereas there is a great deal of unknown for atheists. And some (but by no means all) atheists are afraid of this unknown.
  20. All you've shown is that religion is not science, which everyone, religious or otherwise, should already know. Religion is based on the principle of faith, which is by definition not necessarily rational - if you believe that faith is a flawed device, then by all means be an atheist.
  21. Has anyone played the Chzo Mythos and the related Trilby: the Art of Theft? Those games are good. I mean, better than most professionally made adventure games. The graphics are rubbish, and he stole the music from one of those RPG maker things, but he really knows how to use minimum resources to make a cinematic experience. Just have a look at the start of 5 Days a Stranger to confirm this. And the ending of 7 Days a Skeptic is just brilliant.
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