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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. The highest grade of Japanese go stone - there are different qualities. Nothing to do with go strength.
  2. Yep. Well Beja, which is a Cushitic language so I'll give you that. Indeed. Nope. Yep. Read the question again.
  3. Nope. Lol... I'm going to give you that one, of course I meant to say chocolate and which other ingredient. *facepalms* But yeah, melt chocolate, add water, whisk quickly in a bowl surrounded by ice until desired consistency is achieved.
  4. It is, but he's recording an imagined conversation with someone. I want to know his relation to this person.
  5. The first line's fine, but I don't think the second fits the meter. More poetic than my attempt though. (Is it you, is it I / that I see in the sky?) Not even grammatically correct... Edit: So yeah, feel free to try again.
  6. Nope, think a little more outside the box. Yep. But selectively breeding it out means that insects eat them, so they have to spray them with pesticides, which end up causing you damage... Nope, 'twas a different language.
  7. That's definitely present, but it's far from deadly. 'fraid not.
  8. Ayup, though my evolution and behaviour supervisor disagrees. Several lecturers agree though... I think that's just about perfect.
  9. Sorry I took a while guys, thermodynamics and stuff got in the way... 1. The simplest chocolate mousse can be made out of water and which other ingredient? Monopolyman spots my stupid mistake! 2. What am I holding in my left hand in this picture? Answered by Ashley! 3. Which anime was based on something written by someone using the pseudonym Ryuukishi? Answered by Cube! 4. What is the largest message board on the internet? Answered by Shorty! 5. Which deadly chemical is abundant in wild almonds? Answered by Haggis! 6. What is the highest grade of Japanese go stone? Answered by Platty! 7. Regarding the quotation in my signature: what is the relation of the speaker to the recorder? (2 points) Answered by killthenet! 8. What is the primary difference between a centipede and a millipede? Answered by Tom! 9. What is the name of Timofey Pnin's ex-wife? Answered by MoogleViper! 10. What is the largest (currently existing) type of cell? Answered by The fish! 11. Compose me a rhyming couplet in anapestic tetrameter. Answered by Jayseven! 12. 僕のユーザーネームをカタカナで書いてください。 (2 points) Answered by Shorty! 13. Which language did the linguist Richard Hudson research for his PhD? Answered by Mundi! 14. Which college do I belong to at my university? Answered by Eddage! 15. If I were to sum the power series for cos(x) with the power series for i*sin(x), which power series would I obtain? Answered by Cube! Go!
  10. Not really useful, bit sort of fun bit of code you can use in Microsoft Word: Type: =rand(x,y) and press return to generate x paragraphs of y sentences of "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog." On an unrelated note, have fun with shift + alt + print screen. I also found this, which is awesome.
  11. Yeah, WinD have been a bit dead for a while, after they lost their first translator they started using Freakman, and he doesn't seem to be working very fast. Not that I can really talk, he did Minagoroshi far faster than I did Onikakushi... Last I heard he was helping on the Sonozaki-Futago translation or something. Anyway, basically the WinD subs won't be out for a long time (if ever), so get the Hauu~ ones as they're pretty good.
  12. Awesome, didn't realise this was out - I've been looking forward to it. Will try the demo.
  13. Writing it right now, I'm afraid I've been sleeping for the last 20 hours or so.
  14. Photobucket WWWJDIC (if you're learning Japanese) Rikai-chan (likewise) dictionary.com thesaurus.com Reverse Dictionary vixy.net (converts youtube videos to other things) Common errors in English Omniglot The elements of style Quickmath (solves mathsy things) My blog (now updated, you know you love it) That ought to do for now.
  15. I saw a guy standing outside Sidney Sussex the other day dressed in white tie with a top hat and a cane. I wish I had his clothes.
  16. I love this show, though unfortunately it clashes with go club so I'll have to video it or use BBC iplayer. Simon Ambrose went to my college, making him a legend, but I do think he was a bit naive. I nevertheless believe he deserved to win.
  17. Hmm, it's snowing again this morning, melting when it hits the ground. Still sort of nice though.
  18. Hmm, I had an odd day... last night I was intending to stay up all night, but changed my mind around 10 am and went to bed. I then slept until about half 6, then got up and had supper. I've pissed around since then, and have decided not to sleep this night instead... so I'm still up. I just finished an awesome game of go and have now reached solid ranked single digit kyu for the first time ever - kneel before your 9 kyu master! Now I suppose I ought to learn some thermodynamics. *wanders off mumbling about Gibbs free energy*
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