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Everything posted by MoogleViper

  1. @1:40 you were supposed to say, "CORRECT", you complete and utter penis! @Goafer it would make it the 8th. Not to sound like a whiny little bitch, but man I look so fat when playing ninja.
  2. Then you need to let them.know that. Make them aware that you're unhappy, and that you're such a value to them. They'll connect the dots and realise that they need to satiate your demands. If they think they can get away with underpaying you then they will. It's easier to hire full time, so they'd rather keep.you at part time as they know you will, and will do extra hours when needed. They currently have no reason to give you what you want.
  3. True, but at the same time you can't be seen as a pushover. If you want a promotion, and you're not lucky enough to have a line manager who's willing to fight for you, then you need to fight for it yourself. Companies won't promote people if they don't need to. So you need to.make them see that they need to promote you.
  4. What's wrong with you?
  5. I genuinely have no idea what racist slur this is supposed sound like. I guess I'm not as good at racism as I thought.
  6. Although props on the paedophilia/gerontophilia. (My guess is the former.)
  7. I'd just keep moving the bin further away (i.e. off your property but to the other side). Bit more hassle for you at times, but eventually she'll learn her lesson.
  8. 1L, or it could have a 1.4L diesel engine, with a mighty 50hp.
  9. I was going to suggest that. Must be good. Hive illustrations?
  10. I'm selling my car if anyone is in the market. http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/2009-MITSUBISHI-COLT-RALLIART-1-5-Turbo-Like-GTI-VXR-FR-Type-R-/252117905964?nav=SEARCH&roken=cUgayN
  11. That is Sir Steve Redgrave. And I've worked for Boots since May. On a related note, I was surprised (and appalled) by how many people didn't know who Steve Redgrave was. I'm the tall, handsome one.
  12. You mean dis guy:
  13. Met this chap today.
  14. Nice to see it went well. How long's the recovery?
  15. I found my name in the Con Man credits!
  16. Good luck with the operation. Hope.you recover quickly.
  17. I'd forgotten about that. Great band though; give them a listen.
  18. Actually yours is also 1333MHz. As RAM is dual channel you need to multiply the frequency by 2. So that stick won't be any faster, and as Smeagol said it will actually be slower as you need to run sticks in pairs.
  19. There's a huge step to go from life to complex life. Then there's an even bigger step to go to sapient life. Even if (and this if is incredibly remote) they do find salient life, the odds of it being humanoid is astronomically slim.
  20. I didn't realise that prohibited you from giving blood.
  21. Look at this caveman go.
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