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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Definitely getting this game, the series kick ass. I still play Klonoa on the PS1, PS2 and the GBA and now it's coming to the Wii! Simply...awesome!
  2. The Midnight Meat Train Was a brilliant film, although I didn't really like the ending. Other than that, Vinnie Jones was great in it (even though he never said a word, lol) Enjoyment: 8/10 Movie: 7/10 Scream trilogy One of my favourite trilogies, just love horror movies. I love Neve Campbell in the movies. Enjoyment: 10/10 Movies: 8/10
  3. LMAO! That was so funny! Loved the new Egoraptor movie, was laughing for 5 minutes straight!
  4. I don't think it's a young age whatsoever. I started playing video games when I was around 3 years old (Super Mario Brothers being my first game, of course ). As for games, I would say Warioware too. Maybe Samba De Amigo?
  5. That's just awesome! LMAO!
  6. Yeah, I just did that and the game's alright now, thanks . But why does it go funny in the first place? Is it a fault everyone has? I never knew it had a fault since this was the first time I got into the game properly. But thanks, it's alright now. I'm on the next level!
  7. My favourites are: Super Mario Galaxy Metal Gear Solid 3 Final Fantasy
  8. This may have been talked about before, and if it has, then I apologise but did anyone get a glitch in Super Paper Mario for the Wii? It's after Chapter 2-2 I think, when you're in Merlee's mansion and you talk to Mimi (the maid) for the second time after investigating the rooms. My mates have had the same problem too. I'm just wondering wtf is going on and has anyone else had the same problem as me. : peace:
  9. 90% looks like me, lol.
  10. Mirrors I watched the trailer thinking it looked good but I watched the film and thought it was great. I thought it might have been predictive but I never expected the ending. I thought it was going to be a cliche horror movie but it wasn't really. The acting was great and the story was pretty good. Enjoyment: 8/10 (Kiefer Sutherland did a great job as his character) Movie: 7/10 (Even though the movie and effects were good, some bits were a little predictable) The Dark Knight Finally seen this movie since everyone was saying it was fantastic and all. So I finally watched it and...it wasn't as good as everyone is saying it is. I mean, everyone is giving it a 10/10 and IMDb is saying it's the best movie ever. I completely disagree. Enjoyment: 5/10 (it's a little too long) Movie: 7/10 (but it is still good)
  11. Thanks for telling us this. I was beginning to wonder when it's going to come on since I've been seeing teasers of it on the TV.
  12. 1. Movies are my favourite thing as well. I have a major passion for them believe it or not : peace: 2. OK, gotta make this a little clear, I'm not rating on whether the movie was good or crap, I'm rating on how much I enjoy them like some people do. It could be the crappest movie ever to you and I might like it. It's like saying people adored Disaster Movie and I'm saying you're wrong, it's crap! It's not wrong, I just disagree but I ain't gonna let that bother me. It just depends on whether I like them or not. But, to avoid complications, I'll rate on how much I enjoyed it AND whether the movie was good (storyline, actors, plot...) 3. Margaret Thatcher, ewww! 4. Uh, yeah, we sorta can blame you because no-one's wrong, you just disagree 5. Well we all don't have to if you stop saying we're wrong, hahaha 6. Nope because if they like it, then they like it. If they think Daddy Day Care is a masterpiece, then let them, but I disagree. They ain't wrong, but they're not right either because there's no fact when it comes to an opinion. So, lemme re-do Death Race ENJOYABLE SCALE: 10/10 MOVIE ITSELF: 8/10
  13. I know! I only went because my mates wanted to see how bad it was, I didn't wanna give them two so-called writers any more money so I said I ain't paying . They paid for me so next time, I'm paying them to see something decent, rofl. :awesome: Ghostbusters It's been ages since I last saw this movie. I found the video tape so I decided to watch it and I still love it. I really enjoyed it. BTW, love the new topic title, hehe
  14. Nope, 'fraid not I suppose my love for Resi Evil doesn't help, lol. Oh, and there isn't no right or wrong in an opinion, if there was then everyone wouldn't have a say in a thing. If people agreed with one thing all the time, then it would be a boring place to live in Disaster Movie OH MY GOD! THIS IS THE SH**IEST MOVIE I EVER WATCHED IN MY ENTIRE LIFE! I only watched it because my friends wanted to see how bad it was. I regret going with them! -100000000000000000000000000000000000000000/10
  15. So what if I did, it's my opinion. I rate the movie on how much I enjoyed it and I thought it was a good movie. Ain't gonna change my opinion on it. Oh, and I think not! (to be honest)
  16. Me? Scapegoat? I think not to be honest. College Was alright. Wasn't good, wasn't bad. Tried a little too hard to be like Superbad in my opinion 6/10 Battle Royale One of my all-time favourite movies. 9/10
  17. Takes me hours to fall asleep for some odd reason :S I have no idea why but I always close my eyes and I don't sleep. I just sleep when I sleep, haha.
  18. Resident Evil: Apocalypse I decided to watch it on TV and I still love the movie! 8/10 Resident Evil: Extinction I decided to watch this since I seen Apocalypse on the TV and I found it better than the first time I watched it. BRING ON DEGENERATION 8/10 Death Race I loved this movie, it was just simply awesome in every way. The story, the action, the acting, everything, just loved it. 10/10 Seen the trailer for Saw 5 yesterday, I can't wait for it. It looks awesome!
  19. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed I've been waiting for this game to be released for a long time so I was excited when it came out. For me, it lived up to my expectations, I thought the graphics were great, the controls were great, the storyline was great so overall, it was a great game, lol. 8/10
  20. I absolutely HATE people who say "I never get treated fairly" but BULLY other people. I mean, WHO DO THEY THINK THEY ARE!!! It's stupid. Oh, and I hate it when people are nice to you and then start feeling brave because they've had a few drinks and say mean stuff about you (or they're just generally two-faced, backstabbing ba**ards!).
  21. I went to my best mate's birthday party and he introduced me to some of his friends I've never met and he said 'This is probably the nicest, funniest guy you could ever meet in your entire life'. I was like 'Wow!', lol
  22. It's weird you saying that because that's my earliest memory as well. That and playing Mario on a black-and-white TV?
  23. I'm a Goth apparently. You couldn't be more wrong. I fit into NONE of the categories on that site. What a loada crap, rofl. Am I the only Goth here then?... One is the lonliest number that'll ever doooooooooooooooooooooo. lol
  24. Carlsberg condoms- If Carlsberg made condoms...they'd probably be the best condoms in the world MJ condoms- Just beat it! L'orielle condoms- Because you're worth it McDonald's condoms- I'm lovin' it
  25. Thanks everyone. I literally couldn't breathe and started to choke a little, because it was my first test and I REALLY didn't want to fail, lol. The guy asked me two questions about the car and my brain froze but luckily I answered in time. But after about 20 minutes driving, I was alright. I thought it was funny when he asked me to pull over and then drive back on the road about 10-15 times, but I thought "Hey, as long as this passes me". Towards the end, I was like "I'm gonna pass! I'M GONNA PASS!" but he asked me to park in a space where it was so tight, that I would be lucky I didn't hit either of the cars and the first thought that went through my head was "Bollocks!", lol, so I made sure I was so careful to not hit the cars that it took me a while to park it. But thank God it's all over 8 minors in the end, was alright about that though. How many minors did all of you get? I was thinking about doing that but I'm not so sure yet. I think I'll do it though. But for now, I'm just going to relax : peace:
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