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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Over the last week Mr and Mrs Smith First time I seen it and I thought it wasn't a bad movie 7/10 Casino Royale It's a good storyline but I just can't see Daniel Craig as James Bond, it just doesn't match to me unfortunately and that sorta spoiled the movie for me a bit 7.5/10 Splinter Quite a good horror. Before watching it, I was thinking it's going to be rubbish but after, thought it was really good 7/10 Hocus Pocus One of my favourite childhood movies. That 'Little Children' poem still a bit creepy, haha 7/10 Prince Caspian I'm sorry but this is awful. The Lion, Witch and Wardrobe was brilliant but this was so disappointing. 2/10
  2. I would definitely use the website. It seems like a very good idea to me.
  3. Today I got... The HSM3 soundtrack Hostel 1+2 boxset South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut on DVD Oh, and I pre-ordered... Dead Set since I KNOW I'll be watching again
  4. This is going to sound horrible but that dude has used the sympathy card so much this series. IMO, he wasn't good at all. Oh well, that's a position for a chance to be in the final wasted.
  5. "Uh...guys. Behind you! It's the worst type of alien known to mankind! It's...it's...Kerry Katona!!!"
  6. What do you get if you add Saw and High School Musical together? SAW SCHOOL MUSICAL (don't watch if you have a weak stomach, haha)
  7. Sleepaway Camp 1, 2, 3 and Return to Sleepaway Camp All quite good but the usual cheesy 80's horror movies (except for Return). Enjoyment: 7/10 Movies: 6/10
  8. Each time I look away and look back at the monitor, she changes direction. First it was clockwise, then anti, then clockwise...She moves both ways!
  9. My favourite part of the episode. Can't wait for tomorrow's!!!
  10. I'm not lying to myself at all, I know my own sexuality and I know I am 100% straight. So you're saying straight people can't like High School Musical otherwise they must be gay? Pretty stupid imo. I'll like what I like and I'm not going to deny it. I know some straight guys who like HSM anyway and yes they are straight because they have girlfriend's/wives. I'm not going to lie about what I like and what I don't like because it don't fit with being 'cool' and neither should anyone else. I agree with this, I just can't believe there are still people out there judging other people because of what they like and stuff, it's just wrong.
  11. I really liked Rachel's and Alexander's perfomance. I was shocked to see Scott go, it should have been Daniel considering he is the weakest out of the two. Should've went to Deadlock, lol. By the way, does anyone else laugh when a judge chooses deadlock and the whole studio turns red and DEADLOCK! is on the screens...no...just me
  12. I'm a straight male and I have seen it . I've seen all three and I thought it was alright. Not the best movie I've ever seen, but it is the best out of the three imo. Liked some of the songs. It's the usual Disney squeaky-clean fun so I didn't take it too seriously as everyone else out there is
  13. I know a guy who's 22, straight and likes HSM. I like it too and I'm straight, doesn't really bother me what everyone thinks. I couldn't give a crap whether it's cool to hate it or not. If I like it, I like it and I'm not going to pretend I don't like it just to look cool Mamma Mia! Since it was advertised like hell, I went to see this again since I fell asleep through it the first time I went (my cousin wanted to see it with me). So I decided to watch the rest. I don't know what all the hype is about, it's not that great a film. The singing was a tad horrible, the dancing was like WTF?! And, to me, the story got boring for me. Oh yeah, it might not help that I'm not really an ABBA fan, haha. Enjoyment: 3/10 (them damn women in the cinemas singing along with it never helped) Movie: 5/10 (not terrible, but not good either)
  14. Pineapple Express To me, the movie was a little weak at the beginning but it got better as it got along. I thought it was alright in the end, lol. Enjoyment: 7/10 Movie: 7/10 I'm going to watch High School Musical 3 and Saw V tonight, can't wait.
  15. I hope either Rachel, Diana or Ruth win. They're fantastic! I was the only one out of my friends who liked Rachel's version of 'Dirty Diana' and Diana's 'Man in the mirror'...breath-takingly brilliant. I hope either one of these win. That 40-odd year old guy has been dreadful for the past two weeks, someone vote him out! Oh yeah, and I thought it was rather pervy of Dannii asking that Eoghan whether he had a girlfriend and her giving him 'the look'. Still I laughed and said 'Oh no she didn't!', lol.
  16. Same here, I haven't seen it all either. Actually the only part I did see was when they sang 'Grease Lightning'. I think I might watch it now, lmao
  17. They aren't vulgar at all. Actually, it true. You're taking this a tad too serious. My mates who are girls have admitted to taking hours in a clothes shop, trying on everything and then come out with nothing. I also know that girls can take hours getting ready to go out. I never meant to be offensive but it is true and I only said it for a laugh. Anyway, I don't care how women look, if they're a great person to be with, then I'd like them no matter what
  18. How long does it take for a woman to go into a clothes shop, try everything on and then come out with nothing?
  19. I don't think it should be banned. As everyone has said here, a little clip tells you not to do it again. If you just take away their stuff and say you can't have it for such an amount of time, then they are just going to moan and scream at you. I know there are parents out there who take it just a little too far and I disagree with that, but I had clips when I was doing something I wasn't supposed to do. I think almost everyone has had clips when they were a child. But I think there shouldn't be a ban on it.
  20. I agree, if he didn't deny it when the boss sent him home then, in a way, he's admitted it IMHO. I'd get the police involved while you can, he had no right to hit you!
  21. O...K LMAO?! I just gotta ask: what has he got to do with me exactly? I know, tis a great movie Hostel I've watched this once or twice, it's alright. Not great but not terrible exactly. Enjoyment: 7/10 Movie: 7/10 Saw No matter how many times I watch it, I will still like it Enjoyment: 8/10 Movie: 7.5/10
  22. LMAO! Indeed! Which part are we talking about where I 'strike again'? (Fave trilogy, my love for horrors, Neve Campbell, my ratings...) haha. If you don't like my ratings, you'd hate the guy who reviews movies in the Birmingham Mail, he practically slates every movie going and gives 4 or 5 stars to nearly every chick-flick. I mean, P.S I love you is not a 4/5! LMAO Anyways... Meet the Spartans I REALLY LOVE THIS MOVIE! I thought it was totally awesome! The acting was brilliant, the storyline was the best and is definitely the best movie ever made!!! Enjoyment: 10/10 Movie: 10/10 By the way Oxigen_Waste, this IS a joke. It is actually one of the worst movies ever made
  23. I'm 18 now and I've been gaming since I was about 3 or 4. I've found that I've been playing games a lot more. I play for fun and to escape sometimes. I play my DS (Any Mario or Mario-related games, Tetris, Phoenix Wright...) and Wii (Samba de Amigo, Any Mario games, Any Resi Evils...) and I don't play my XBox hardly anymore. I've never really wanted a 360 (I had a go on my friends and it never really appealed to me) but I have wanted a PS3...which is unfortunately too expensive haha
  24. I picked this game up about three days ago. I'm playing it with the Wiimote and the Nunchuk and at the moment, I haven't had a major problem with the control recognitions. I've had about 1 or 2 encounters where it misses but it's not so big a problem that I can't play the game. I've started Hard mode last night so I'm going to play some more today. It is a great game though.
  25. I got Yup, sorta true. LOL. Loving the pic, haha.
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