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Everything posted by Dante

  1. New Year 'delayed' by leap second
  2. 1) Zelda:TP 2) NREV 3) Ps3 4) E3 2006
  3. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone : peace:
  4. I dont believe the magazine till Nintendo say so. Also there are rumours that Zelda:TP is going to be out in April and the Rev in November. Would you wait that long just see how the game will play and control like on the rev?
  5. Yeah right let’s believe a magazine than Nintendo. Nintendo said they want to make sure that the game will be better than Oot and have over 100 hours and more dungeons than Oot.
  6. At the castle catapults area tell Ashley to stay where she is at that time and move a little forward attracting the monks. You can take them out with the handgun while they're coming down or use the sniper rifle to take them out from a distance. For the coming area make sure first that Ashley is still standing where you left her and not following you since she can easily get killed here. Move a little forward and you'll notice catapult fire coming down from the heavens. Its not that hard to dodge the fires as you can easily run past them to avoid the blast, head forward and quickly climb the spiral staircase in front of you. If you want to fancy yourself another spinel check the fountain where the first fire hit. Once you got it, start dashing to where the original monks were and head into one of the rooms which has a big cannon inside it. This is a safe spot for the time being so call Ashley over here. Dont worry about her since the monks won't attack her if she's alone. Its Leon they want to kill so badly. When Ashley is with Leon once again, tell her to wait besides the cannon again, once Ashley is safe and sound, head back out and go through the courtyard again, turn towards the west side and quickly dash under the little path here, you will be able to spot that red robed monk from here and an explosive barrel thats not so far from him can also be spotted. You now have to shoot this barrel and once you do that the entire catapult thing will go kaboom. Do the same thing for the other catapults that are firing at you. Now once that is done, take the stairs up but immediately head back down the same stairs, no im not an idiot, once you run up the stairs a set of monks will come in from the entrance of this area and will head straight for where you stored Ashley just a little while ago but since you turned back quickly you will be able to safely take them out before they are anywhere near Ashley. If you want to save some ammo then run along the monks when they're going across the courtyard and they'll probably be caught by a catapult fire or two. Now that Ashley is safe once again, take the stairs up and we have to take out the remaining catapults here, if you have the rifle with you then its a definite plus point, the catapults have barrels next to them which you need to shoot in order to dispose of them. When all is done there will probably be 2 final catapults left near the exit of this area, one of them will have a barrel next to it so that one is easily diposed of, the other one however is a little tricky since there's no barrel, you'll have to take out the person operating the catapult. To do that you need to quickly head to the eastern area and take out the guy from behind the shelter like area and hopefully hit him quickly enough. Rifle should be your gun here. If you want to proceed further then take note of the crank and use it, and keep turning it by pressing the A button until the cannon finally rises, use the cannon to blast a fire and the exit will emerge for you to err.. exit. Before exiting you can find a gold bangle on the southern side of this place. Go through the opened path now and take the red door inside. You will now come into a cramped area of the castle, you will find a box of handgun ammo on top of the table here, take the platinum sword from the plate on the wall, then you should tell Ashley to stay right next to this area, while you proceed further, take the stairs up and trick the cultists into coming down behind you and take them out while they're on the stairs. That wasn't so hard. Once you've killed these three monks, head back down and bring Ashley back up with you, but as soon as your up turn around and start shooting at the monks who are approaching behind you as soon as you can, this ambush is a little hard to get through. The best thing to use here is the shotgun but be aware of popping their heads off since these monks are also equipped with dangerous Los plagas like the villagers were, once you have taken all these out look down the stairs and you will spot the red monk standing there waiting for you, we'll just play it safe and its much easier to take him out from here using the sniper rifle and some good head shots. Once the red monk is dead, head to the plate on the second floor area and take the gold sword from here, replace it with the platinum sword and put the gold sword in the place of the platinum one, and the door ahead shall unlock. Take the money that the red guy drops since its a lot.
  7. Try watching the trailer on here also alots of images can be found here : peace:
  8. From NintendoNow While anxious gamers await news and information regarding the Nintendo Revolution, Nintendo's fans and even the media have begun filling in the missing blanks with much unwarranted conjecture resulting in a serious misconception. I will clarify this misconception using simple logic, reasoning and precedence. Recently, a few developers let it be known that the Revolution will have graphics barely more impressive than the GameCube. This is the misconception that has fans worried that their new home console won't live up to 'next gen' standards set by the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. What most publishers that have reported this story have failed to mention is that developers are currently using advanced GameCube development kits as a starting point until they receive actual Revolution development kits. Obviously, we cannot expect an advanced GameCube development kit to produce next generation graphics - hence the comment by the developers. Again, most developers are not yet working on actual Revolution hardware. Let's also remember the two key players behind the design of the Revolution's CPU and GPU: IBM and ATi, respectively. Both companies are developing brand new chips for the Revolution. IBM is in charge of creating 'Broadway' and ATi is designing 'Hollywood'. Now I ask you, do you believe that either company would create processors from the ground up if they were only going to be marginally more powerful than the chips these same companies created for the GameCube in 2000? Finally, a bit of history comes into play. Nintendo has always downplayed graphics, yet somehow has always had the most powerful home console of its generation (the Xbox being the sole exception -- however, with Microsoft spending approximately $475.00 to manufacture each Xbox at launch, compared to the approximate $209.00 it cost Nintendo to manufacture each GameCube at the same time, the slighty underpowered specs were a warranted trade-off for the cheaper price point). Still, Nintendo consoles have always cost less than competing systems while providing more bang for the buck hardware-wise. In closure, don't believe the anti-hype. Don't fall victim to illogical speculation. Nintendo, IBM and ATi will deliver a console that not only plays games incredibly well, but will display them beautifully. Just for the record, I'd gladly pay the anticipated $199.99 launch cost, even if the graphics didn't change much over the current generation; the gameplay is worth the price of admission alone.
  9. Its better just to port Zelda:MM on the NDS and it is called The Legend of Zelda not The Legend of Hero of Time: The Story Never Ends! Near every game has a new link.
  10. Comic time
  11. Goodbye Mr Svt4him.
  12. I stop liking The Simpsons since 3 years. So its Family Guy for me.
  13. I found the opening first episode of the third series crap. :no:
  14. Happy Birthday GCTonyHawk7
  15. Mine bands/artists that I like are; Alanis Morissette Aqualung Arcade Fire Ash Athlete Audioslave Auf Der Maur Belle And Sebastian Biffy Clyro Black Rebel Motorcycle Club Bloc Party Blur Charlotte Hatherley Crowded House Daft Punk Damien Rice Deep Dish Depeche Mode Doves Editors Eels Elbow Evanescence Faithless Fatboy Slim Feeder Finch Foo Fighters Franz Ferdinand Funeral For A Friend Garbage Giant Drag Goldfrapp Goo Goo Dolls Graham Coxon Green Day Groove Armada Hard-Fi Hoobastank Hope Of The States Idlewild Ikara Colt Incubus James James Blunt Jet Jimmy Eat World Johnny Cash Kaiser Chiefs Kasabian Kings of Leon Lacuna Coil Le Tigre Longview Lostprophets Maroon 5 Maximo Park Muse New Order Nirvana No Doubt NWA Oasis Pink Floyd PJ Harvey Placebo Pretty Girls Make Graves Prodigy Pulp Queen Queens of the stoneage R.E.M Radiohead Rage Against the Machine Razorlight Red Hot Chili Peppers Sex Pistols Snow Patrol Soulwax Soundgarden Starsailor Stellastarr* Stereophonics Sugarcult System of a down Texas The Animals The Cardigans The Charlatans The Chemical Brothers The Cranberries The Cribs The Dandy Warhols The Datsuns The Delays The Distillers The Donnas The Hives The Killers The Kinks The Lemonheads The Libertines The Pogues The Ramones The Smashing Pumpkins The Stills The Stone Roses The Strokes The Subways The Thrills The Verve The Vines The White Stripes The Zutons Travis U2 Velvet Revolver We Are Scientists White Rose Movement Yeah Yeah Yeahs
  16. Good news about Sindi in the next week ep
  17. John from Re/Remake?
  18. Happy Birthday marshmellow_7!
  19. I like Stellastar* since I first heard my coco, I’ve been waiting for the new album to come out. Going to listen to the new album now! Thanks for telling me Dan Dare
  20. Ada's Report is now online.
  21. My favourite games opening are: Metroid Prime Eternal Darkness Prince of Persia SOT Zelda: Lttp Zelda: MM SSBM
  22. Same here as RoadKill
  23. Just a plain english lad.
  24. For the folks that have finish the game should read this plot analysis.
  25. Good luck on your driving test tomorrow Din
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