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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. @Captain Falcon - I LOVE the theme to 06! I was happily doing the hoovering to the theme just yesterday :P But thanks so much for posting this, I haven't heard this version because, as you said, not many people bothered to play it or got very far. I got it last year and didn't get very far at all xD I loved the Silver bits but it was quite glitchy and I couldn't stand the loading times :P I might try and complete it though, because even though it isn't great, I do feel as though people were over the top about it and it suffered in a similar way to Wii Music. I agree about Streets of Rage 2, that game is fantastic It's up there with TMNT: Turtles in Time and The Simpsons Arcade! And yeah, I probably should have just made a SEGA music thread :p The first SEGA game I properly played was SUPER MONKEY BALL for GameCube and I was pretty much in love with them from that point onwards (I was a hardcore Nintendo fanboy up until that point :P) This blew me away:
  2. We should change the thread titles, it's now the NOTEENTH OF NEVER (I'd never played a Scribblenauts game until a few weeks ago when I got it on my phone, can't wait for this now)
  3. Got: Nintendo Land Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Transformed NEW Super Mario Bros U Need: RAYMAN Lego City Stories PIKMIN 3 But considering I haven't really played my 3DS in a year, I have some catching up to do in that pond. Hopefully the Wii U will be healthier when I return, all it seems to have right now is a few gold fish and masses of crab. CRAB IS ONLY WORTH 50 CENTS COMPARED TO THE ILLUSIVE LOBSTER. I want the damn BIG LOBSTERS (Smash Bros, Donkey Kong, etc) I've also been watching a lot of fishing programs on Netflix.
  4. Leave my Mama alone, you bad man! I WON'T LET YOU TAKE MAMA PEACH AWAY!
  5. Pah, that was the first thing that came to mind, sadly Richard Parker saved it for me, though
  6. @Jonnas Shockingly I never got Skies of Arcadia, I thought it looked amazing at the time as well, so I don't know what stopped me I'll have to hunt it down on eBay for sure, RPG's aren't really my thing any more, but I'm sure I can make an exception! _______________________________ And I have to post this which is now possibly my favourite piece of Sonic music ever, which is really saying something!
  7. The meerkat obsession in general is a bit annoying though :p
  8. Oh yeah I hadn't noticed, I loved using the 4 line block and blasting everything away, the same feeling as having a huge dump or letting out a monster sneeze.
  9. Just found this on eBay and totally fell in love with it! Late night shopping, you have out done yourself.
  10. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu always blows me away and she released a a few weeks ago, this is still my favourite though, mainly because her voice is usually too high for me. ...And them lions are kick ass.
  11. Inspired by the wonderful Nintendo thread started by @Fused King, I present to you a thread where you can pour all of your emotions and memories about SEGA. Now, for me to rip off the previous thread like a devious Alex Kidd... Amidst all the debate, discussion, provocations, strong words, cold truths and Sonic 2006 somehow finding its way into shops, I hereby present to you, my fellow hedgehogs (and yes, you are all hedgehogs), a thread dedicated to preserving those great moments that SEGA has brought us. Be it moments SEGA has consciously created for us (in the real world or the fantasy world) or individual takes on SEGAs universe, are all welcome in this thread. When one worries, one might sometimes forget the smiles or tears SEGA's passion has given you. When I was listening to the following arrangements, I was immediately propelled to have us relive SEGA's previous creative outings that gave us so much joy over the course of our lives. Thus, I shall start us off with remembering that the following is a fact brought to us by Takenobu Mitsuyoshi. ARE YOU ALRIGHT? SOMEONE COMING UP BEHIND YOU. TU TUT UTUTRURTUTUTEUTRETRETUTRU And let's not forget one of the greatest face-offs of all time. So, what are some of your favourite games, memories and moments from one of gamings craziest? To really get the egg rolling, here's one of the greatest game intro's of all time: Also, last year, my dream's came true. And it was on my BIRTHDAY. Best Twitter moment of all time? For me, yes.
  12. SEE YOU LATAAAAR?! Damn stupid skanks. Though they were the only table I could actually imagine being in McDonalds. And good grief that child was annoying, it's what I imagine Kerry Katona would have been like as a nipper. EDIT: I haven't used Spotify in ages but I remember for a good while it used to play the same damn Army recruitment advert all the time. It was torture.
  13. There was a tragic situation a few years ago which led me to losing all my GameCube games but I've been slowly building back up the library - today, Melee and double dash for £20
  14. I like where you can play on Wii U and transfer your save over to the 3ds and carry on, that sounds awesome. I don't know if that's what they're going for with this but I hope it is. My guess is that using the same assets they can make different games in a short time - new super mario bros U and 2 made on the same engine thus making them quicker to develop? That's what I got from this anyway :p
  15. MAN Y U NO COME HERE MORE *lightly slaps on wrist*

  16. Sonic games have only started to work since they have been taking what's good from the 2D games and putting them in a 3D world. Can you remember the hub worlds in Adventure? They were horrific. Colours and Generations were fantastic, and I didn't play 2D Sonic games back in the day, I downloaded them on VC a few years ago, so I'm not blinded by nostalgia to see that the recent 3D games are better than the MegaDrive ones (though I'll accept that that's more opinion than fact :P) And as has been stated, Sonic becoming stale was never a problem, it was possibly SEGA's intense desire to make sure they weren't stale that killed them - terrible gimmicks (along with crappy cameras and shoddy engines.) I don't want to start a war here but Zelda has arguably been stale since Wind Waker. Not bad, but certainly the same old. And I agree that a 2D Sonic in the same way as NSMB would have sold well but if it was anything like NSMB then it would have no doubt been an incredibly dull experience. The two Galaxy games and 3D Land are fantastic (and yes, better than recent sonic games :P) but the NSMB series is dire.
  17. I found this, but judging by the cover, well... yes.
  18. Yeah, I didn't play much of Unleashed simply because of the Werehog sections. They weren't particularly bad, they just didn't fit into a Sonic game at all and totally killed the pacing of the game. The day stages were awesome though! And I was on the fence about the book but after Captain Falcon introduced me to the special edition I just couldn't resist! I was also really feeling in the mood after seeing a video of Bentley Jones sing Dreams of an absolution live. That song is just amazing, so it's kind of a shame it was for Sonic 2006 :p Silver is still a beast though, they need to include him in a decent game, I actually liked his sections (for the most part) in '06 EDIT: I can't sleep and god damn, this music! Back to Generations I go
  19. @Cube it was an effort but I managed it. After about 10 mins of different special offers, holidays, months free, reasons why I want to cancel and all sorts of other stuff it was finally cancelled. I just had to flat out say "no" to everything, felt like bit of a dick but he was so pushy :p
  20. Trying to cancel LoveFiLM and am on hold listening to a tinny saxophone. WHY CANT I JUST CANCEL OFF THE WEBSITE?!
  21. I'd say if you're desperate for some gaming action, get on Wii Mode and download from the original store. As these people have said, you could wait until the official VC is unleashed in June/July but it will take a very long time to get the huge amount of amazing titles on the Wii VC on the Wii U VC. It just depends how much you want to play on the GamePad! Here's a Classic Controller Pro for under £6 http://www.amazon.co.uk/Classic-Pro-Controller-Black-Wii/dp/B007KLYX64/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1359569895&sr=8-3 I just ordered one, so give it a few days and I can tell you if it's good quality (I'm only dubious because of the low-low price :P) You'll need a Wiimote to stick it into, but if you're not gonna play any actual Wii games just get yourself a cheap third party one, the classic controller is all that matters!
  22. Just got to level 12 on Metroid Blast, it's so fun. I hope they make a Metroid game along these lines with co-op online! I played it co-op today, but instead of the vs battle we usually have, we went through the single player levels. My friend was the gunship and I used the (amazing) Wiimote controls. T'was a lot of fun. My favourite part, grabbing on to the bottom of my friends gun ship and shooting away and he flew over all the enemies!
  23. haha yeah I was gutted about delivery, thought I'd gotten away with free delivery then at the very last moment it gave me the option of normal delivery (£6) or 72 hour delivery which was £10. If I was sipping some tea it would have ended up all over my screen!

  24. Thanks a lot :D I've just ordered the limited edition, which with delivery comes in at £37 which is the rrp for the regular book :D Thanks for the link :bouncy:

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