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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. I still haven't got Yoshi's Island! I keep telling myself I'll get a hard drive but keep pushing it back, so I'm gonna have to bite the bullet and delete some stuff I think.
  2. Yeah, the 100 ring thing is a god send! I finally don't have to keep ending up on that Game Over screen, that has to be one of the most infuriating things. And I honestly don't know why it wasn't implemented from the start, because what was the point in collecting more than a couple otherwise?
  3. I'm finally loving it! Just like 3D Land, it took a few worlds to get truly exciting, but now I can't get enough! I'm at the end of World 7 now On the subject of controls, I still disagree with a lot of you. It's not just the run button, but controlling the direction of characters is still very frustrating for me and the perspective often seems off. I think a lot of it is due to the limited camera controls though, I guess I'm just very used to controlling people in a 3D environment from behind. I'm slowly getting used to it though!
  4. Me and Mexican boy have been chatting again as usual, and he was sending me pictures of different outfits because he didn't know what to wear, I died like every time. Then as things were getting tame again he dragged me back in with his craziness. Out of the blue I got a text, "I should come to the UK soon... AND THEN WE CAN GET MARRIED AHAHAHA"
  5. I downloaded a Pet Shop Boys album last night and forgot how good this song is: I just love @Ashley 's voice in all their songs. Go West [midlands] - Life is peaceful there Go West [midlands] - In the open air Go West [midlands] - Baby you and me Go West [midlands] - This is our destiny
  6. Pretty much, yeah Very impressed with them! And they come with super bright green/red Wii Remote jackets too, which IMO make them look nicer! The only downside is, with the jackets on you can't see the blue bottom of the Wii Mote. Though they've probably done this for a while, I LOVE that the sync hole on the Wii Remote is now on the outside, and that the Wii Remote jacket finally has a little hole too, so you don't have to fiddle around removing the jacket and battery pack just to sync. The one thing I don't like is the A buttons. They're block colours on these remotes instead of clear/colour. Makes the button look a bit cheaper. Other than that though, I'm in love with them! I just hope they release WARIO and PEACH versions now!
  7. B1A4 Calendar 'cause One each of these babies:
  8. 2013 was sadly another year with my head in the sand. I started off with good intentions, my driving lessons were going well (ish), I was handing out CV's and whilst I wasn't getting many interviews at least I was trying. But as the year went on things just went kind of tits up again. I became quite the recluse this year, and whilst I've kept in touch with my closest friends, I have distanced myself from a lot of people. I feel especially distant from pretty much everyone at work now. My overall mood has been pretty terrible too. I can be perfectly fine and happy the one day but then sometimes I'll just wake up and feel so down it's unreal. I can't shake it either, I'll just spend the whole day feeling utterly terrible. Sometimes it can be like this for weeks or more. But I've been like that for as long as I remember, so yes, what I should do is get help, maybe. Sometimes I can't tell if I am depressed or just a typical angsty young'un still trying to break out of teenage habits a bit late. But yeah, my usual derpessive spells and anxiety keep holding me back from changing anything that makes me unhappy in the first place. So my number 1, and probably the only important thing for 2014, is to sort my damn head out. Until that happens, I'll be on Instagram posting pictures of Banjo. But yeah, in 2014 I'll hopefully improve my outlook on things! I think this is the first proper New Years Resolution I've made that hasn't been a hollow 'lose weight' situation. EDIT: Just noticed my Christmas name, Jolly indeed :p
  9. I'm up to World 4 and dare I say it... still mixed! Every few levels I'll get that Mario magic and be really impressed but then there will be a good three-ish levels that I feel are a bit... tame? Maybe it will pick up the further I get in, but I can't help compare it to Galaxy 1 and 2 and feel a bit flat. Though the fact I'm comparing them is probably part of the problem, I should just take it for what it is. My biggest gripe is the controls. He felt so fluid in 64/Galaxy but he (Mario, Toad is a bit better) just feels so sluggish. I hate the fact I have to use a run button, and the lack of a kick or spin annoys me. It's a lot better when using the cat suit, but then the damn run button comes back to haunt me, I'll sometimes go to hold the run button in mid air and instead do the cat dive to the floor. I'm probably judging it too harshly, and will play it till the bitter end until I make a final judgement, but for now I don't feel the hype and excitement that everyone else seems to. I don't hate it, it's just nothing special.
  10. I feel you there! I desperately tried to like this game, as I loved Colours and Generations, but it's just such a disappointment. I only really liked the Gusty Garden Galaxy type world. What's more annoying is that it could have been amazing, but with the crappy 2D levels, off controls and awful lack of descriptions for how to control the thing it's just a complete mess. I'm on (what I assume is) the last world but I just cba to do it.
  11. Fun fact: I don't know about the TV series, but the guy on the actual documentary of Catfish made my heart melt. Dat chest hair.
  12. I thought Gentleman was a sure-fire win but @Animal kicked my ass AGAIN! What a fiend! I would get the pictures, but I cba right now :p WHAT IS THE NEXT SONG?!
  13. Me and Mexican boy are like Jason Donovan and Kylie right now, yesterday got especially heated. We were chatting away and then he said "I want to sleep with you." I couldn't tell if his English was going iffy again (it tends to do that later we speak :P) or if he'd suddely just got very blunt. Anyway, the conversation that followed almost made my iPhone overheat again. My god, man. I hope this guy isn't a cat fish :p
  14. I don't care for Hyrule Warriors, I've never been a Dynasty Warriors fan, but it's a great move for Nintendo and I'm sure lots of people will be hyped for it. This is just the kind of thing I was hoping from Nintendo Direct Nintendo reaching out to other developers to get more games on the market. It takes me back to the GameCube wonder years, where we had F-Zero from SEGA and Donkey Konga from Namco. It's weird that, given how this last year has been a really bad one for Nintendo in sales, it's been amazing in software. I was just starting to get worried about 2014, as my post above proves, but Nintendo Direct has given me faith once more, and surprises like Hyrule Warriors and NES Remix are a breath of fresh air!
  15. Yeah, NES games are usually pretty dated and it's the nostalgia factor that makes them great but that's what is great about NES remix. It breaks them up, gives you mini tasks and indeed, remixes them, to make it a really enjoyable experience even if you've never played them! I could never get on with Excite Bike but I'm actually quite liking the challenges for it on NES remix
  16. Will you be my best man (official term for wedding is bstmte) and sing Always on my mind? And apparently I made him blush today, oh man I can't breathe.
  17. I got this album for my friend, she was blown away. I've never been so thankful for a link off @Ashley as I was the day he sent me a song from this wonderful creation.
  18. I posted a picture of some album I love on Instagram (because I like posting shit all over Instagram, it's the only place where my followers don't include family or work colleagues :p) and some random guy liked it, and posted a few lyrics. I was pretty happy, as fans of this artist are probably as rare as gamers that like Wii U. Anyway, he followed me, I followed him, and what I can only describe as the most flirtatious Like fest ensued. After a few days of liking the shit out of each others shit, I added him on Twitter and we spoke like all night. So, I guess you could say, things are moving too fast and my life is just insane, man. They should make a documentary of me tapping away on Twitter, The Sad Love Life of a Lonely 20-Something Mario Obsessed Lost Cause. It could be the next Twilight, but like, real life. And he lives in Mexico.
  19. Haha yes, the jumping in Mario Bros is even worse than I remember! But man, I'm LOVING this game. What a fantastic title, I really can't get enough. I found myself playing them over and over to make sure I have 3 stars in each game, and I can never usually be arsed to do that :p I also got a few rainbow 3 stars which felt very special indeed I kick ass at the Donkey Kong levels, but everything else is pretty hard for me, especially Mario Bros. with its stiff controls. I really want to play more tonight, but with the amount of cards I have to write and the amount of presents to wrap, I'll have to add this to the pile of games I really want to get stuck into. UGH. And yeah, the presentation is wonderful, feels as tight as SEGA Mega Collection and the music just as awesome.
  20. Oh man you sold them already!? I was gagging for those Wave Birds! But if you're happy with the price you got then roll on your all new Wii U I'm not sure about N64/SNES cause of the boxes, but I always sell my GC/Wii games on eBay, because as long as you limit yourself to the UK, it will only cost 90p-1.20 for first class delivery of a jiffy envelope! Unless for some reason you have manuals made of stone! And Anything with Mario in always sells for a good price! Sold Mario Kart 7 on eBay last week for £27, I swear I only got it for £30 when I bought it 2 years ago! Mad, man.
  21. I didn't mean to start a 'next-gen' or graphics debate, I meant DKC hasn't evolved in a gameplay sense, it's gone back a few steps, which is why it's as bad as New Super Mario Bros. DK64 was a huge step forward. Whilst Jungle Beat went back to 2D, it was very different and the bongo controls were great. DKC Returns is just another case of Nintendo simplifying a great series for sales. Not to mention that they ruined the controls for DK himself, he slips and slides around like every level is an ice level. And they really did tone down the whole DK World, making it a lot more generic for the mass market. But back on topic - Other than the usual suspects (Mario Kart and Smash Bros.) I'm not too excited. As I said, I have plenty to play so it's fine for me personally, but I hope we see a bunch of new and exciting things from Nintendo, even if it's just in the form of trailers for games in the far distance, as the future of Wii U looks a bit grim in comparison to the buzz surrounding PS4ONE.
  22. Donkey Kong looks about as innovative as Zumba. It's more insulting than New Super Mario Bros. and the new character reveal is an utter joke. Rare must be turning in their graves. Apart from that though, it looks like a good, if not slightly bare, line-up! Yarn Yoshi could certainly be interesting given how quiet they've been about it up until this point - and Mario Kart/Smash are obviously going to be great! I'm still catching up with Wii U games from this year anyway, so I'm set for games for a good while. I may have only scratched the surface of the Wonderful 101, but I'd be MORE than happy with a sequel to that :p
  23. I guess I'll finally see what this BlazBlue is all about! Is it too early to be hoping for Tearaway? :p
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