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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. @Hero\-of\-Time If this doesn't bring a tear to your eye I will be shocked: <3
  2. I'll come back on here on my laptop properly tomorrow but for now... I fucking adore this game. The naysayers need to back off or I'll squirt them right in the face with my darling FLUDD And of course, where would we be without creepy bowser jr?
  3. You went back to his, aye? Maybe the orange people did you a favour. Did he offer you pizza and introduce you to his master?
  4. Oh man I don't know what was with me today but my mind was a mess. Some of you probably know by now how I switch from completely normal to bumbling nervous buffoon every few weeks for some reason and today was that day. Went back to work and as soon as I went in actually started shaking, could barely speak without my voice going all funny like I was going through puberty/about to cry so just avoided people for most of the day. Also just had the constant sick feeling from anxiety so couldn't really eat anything, which never helps. Then I read about the crazy Nintendo financial situation on my break which helped surprisingly, gave me some non-real life stuff to think about and theorize how they can fix things etc which suddenly made me forget where I was and I regained some normality. I was no longer OMG PEOPLE ARE AROUND ME AND THEY MIGHT STAB ME OR SOMETHING and more "oh wait yeah Im at work, and people are around me, anyway..." *back to daydreaming and imagining Iwata and Reggie wrestling over who to blame.* When I got home I went for a walk whilst listening to some music, think I regained normality a bit then. Then it got dark and I thought shit, better get in before the wheelers arrive. I don't know where I'm going with this post :p But yeah i did hit the hay very late again last night which also doesn't help (ended up being around 4am I think) so I'm gonna try get to sleep at a normal hour and start again fresh tomorrow!
  5. Yeah a Pokemon Snap game would be fantastic! Especially now with Miiverse, it'd be the perfect fit! Though I think the closest we'll get is an N64 port And I suddenly remembered an amazing GamePad minigame! On Wii Fit U, you're a waiter and move your feet on the balance board to walk or run, the GamePad is your tray of food, by moving left and right you move direction and by tilting it you keep all of the food balanced! It was a really simple but really fun idea! An entire game filled with these kind of bizarre and creative GamePad games wouldn't go a miss at all. I really wish they hadn't rushed out Game and Wario, as that team are so creative that they could have made something truly amazing.
  6. I'd have to argue that that safari game looks badass.
  7. @daftada - I'd actually forgot about AR cards! How mad! They were all over that when it first released as well. And the DK Bongos were wonderful, I'll still never forgive Nintendo/Namco for not releasing Donkey Konga 3 over here (I swear it was penned in for a release, I read it in NOM or CUBE all those years ago). I got the use out of mine from importing all the different versions, but still, I would have loved for them to flesh it out until it died, much like the Guitar Hero craze. and @Retro_Link - That sounds fantastic I have no idea who made it, or if they're still a developer, but I'd love to see that. And I just wanna see more of that pug ball making it's weird noises :P And don't get me started on Super Monkey Ball. I loved that series, and for some reason I still buy them all, but it pains me every time to think just how low it has sunk. Imagine having the GamePad as the view of your feet on Monkey Ball! It would make the extra precision needed on Expert Mode so much easier!
  8. omg, wtf Ashley, that's so mean. I'm not talking to you now. Just you wait, I'll destroy you. xoxo
  9. @drakhon I'm in love with that shirt and belt (especially the belt)
  10. I guess I'll wait and see if it ever appears on an eShop sale!
  11. As the Wii U is facing hard times and Nintendo are forced to take less risks (the likes of Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze and New Super Mario Bros U show that Nintendo are being VERY safe with their releases) has the GamePad suffered? I've had so much fun with some of the very few great uses of the GamePad, like in Game & Wario's Picture drawing game or some of the House Party games in Wii Party U, but in general, it feels as though Nintendo are ignoring it. Back when the Wii first came out, whilst there were a lot of titles that were of a dubious quality, there were also some great games and especially games that were really inventive with the Wii Remote. From the awesome controls of those BIG DAMN TRUCKS in Excite Truck to the ball rolling precision of Kororinpa, it seems that developers got a hell of a lot more out of a controller that is a lot less capable. Heck, even things such as getting a rabbid trapped inside and screaming out of your controller or the crazy minigames in Wario Ware Smooth Moves more than proved why the Wii Remote was an integral part to the system, and staple series like Mario Galaxy used the new control methods to great effect. Now we have the Wii U and most of the big titles, such as Mario 3D World and New Super Mario Bros. don't use it in any way and those creative new series are no where to be seen. So, I'm curious: Do you think the GamePad is under utilised? And if so, is it because there's generally not much that can be done with it, it's not interesting, or because people are scared/don't have the development time to use it? There's so much potential and it's infuriating that it's being ignored.
  12. How is it in general? I would be tempted even at that price if it weren't for the fact that it feels as though it's a cheap (expensive on this end) cash-in and a scrubbed up WiiWare game.
  13. Hey Mary!! I like your enthusiasm!! Welcome!!
  14. I was chatting away with Edson again last night and he sent me a picture with not too many clothes on, my gosh, I keep thinking he's too good looking to not be a cat fish and especially far too good looking for me I hope he doesn't expect the same in return, because he won't have much to look at :p Maybe I should start working out. Not maybe, I will. After this chocolate is done with. But yeah, we seem to be getting on even better now and have actual conversations instead of "omg you're so cute" and "omg you're cuter". Next we'll be sending love heart clips on MSN and photoshopping ourselves together for Myspace. I think I have the mental age of a 14 year old when it comes to this kind of thing.
  15. I'm getting a hard drive for my Wii U today finally! I had to delete loads of VC and a couple of eShop titles (like Runner 2) because of lack of space, I'm gonna have fun re-filling my hard drive this evening! I may even re-download that terrible Rabbids game I regretfully purchased when drunk... maybe. I'm not sure I'd want to waste my unlimited internet on that shit though.
  16. Weren't there like, hundreds of these games on DS? :p
  17. You should man, though I thought you'd played it quite a lot!
  18. I didn't! I'm a terrible Zelda fan :P I'm not really into puzzle games so I'm always slightly put off by Zelda, though I do love Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker.
  19. I'll keep it in mind for when I inevitably go back to Ocarina of Time (every few years or so, pretty much whenever Nintendo throw it on a new system, so I'm guessing when the Wii U VC version comes out :P) and considering I like the fishing in Animal Crossing which is about as simple as you can get, I'm sure I'll like it. And it's probably because it took place in Lake Hylia! I love that place! It's just so atmospheric, and almost a bit creepy in 'the future'. I'd be surprised if we ever got a Nintendo game as magical as that again, I can't put my finger on it, but everywhere in that game was just beautiful.
  20. Yeah, SEGA Bass Fishing is literally just bass, and is VERY arcadey, but that's why I like it :P Imagine SEGA Rally or DAYTONA transformed into a fishing game. I barely played Twilight Princess because I was very burnt out on Zelda at the time. I've been meaning to play it though, so maybe I could kill two birds with one stone on that one! @Rummy - Literally had no idea! This is mad! I'll have to go back and play that now! ...Though I sold my 3DS Ocarina of Time And my GC memory card wiped. I guess I'll just have to start over :p
  21. Weirdly enough I played Ocarina of Times LOADS and I only went fishing once :p I consisted of catching a fish in a bottle from one of those underground caves (that sometimes had cows in them?) and giving it to a homeless ginger kid. Stupid 'poor' kid then gave me 200 rupees for the fish.
  22. Nah, that's not it at all. Pretty much just an all-in-one app for your different streaming services like Netflix, LoveFiLM and, maybe, and probably what is holding it back, channels and on demand shows from whatever cable company you're with.
  23. You could watch the video in silent, it has no voice over, just generic music. And man, is the text in that video slow. But yeah, the sports stuff with twitter and miiverse integration looks amazing, I'd be impressed if they managed to pull that off.
  24. Hey guys, I've came here looking for your advice on what could be considered a fairly obscure genre - fishing games. Ever since I first played Animal Crossing on DS, I've loved fishing, at least virtually anyway, so I'd love for you guys to suggest some fun titles. My favourite so far probably has to be SEGA Bass Fishing! Got it first on Dreamcast with the wonderful controller, and then the great port on Wii. I also quite liked Fishing Resort on Wii, the actual fishing part of it wasn't too fun, but looking around the aquariums and checking out the world was pretty fun. On the flip-side, I've downloaded a WiiWare title, Reel Fishing I think it was called, which was absolute garbage, and I got Hooked On! for Vita, which should have been a great game, but was glitched as hell. So it's been a mixed bag for me so far, and I'd love to try out some great fishing games that are either fun and full of action like SEGA Bass Fishing or let you collect and learn (to a degree) about different kinds like on Animal Crossing. I know it might be a slight shot in the dark given the small number of games available but I thought it'd be worth asking you guys :p
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