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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. What is the point of disc games if they automatically download to the hard drive? Do they perform better when loading from both disc and hard drive? Or is it just a glorified instillation disc these days? I have No Mans Sky a whirl, it was ok on my first playthrogh, I enjoyed collecting and crafting stuff for my ship to go on my initial space travel but then when I arrived at another world to do the exact same thing I wasn't sure how much longer it would grab me for. it also seemed to perform pretty terribly, when entering a new planets atmosphere the loading wasn't subtle /at all/, huge mountains and structures were popping into place right in front of me, I'd have thought they'd try to hide that at least a little bit with fog/clouds etc. on the ground things looked even worse with 2D N64 type bushes all over the place and then the game eventually just crashed as I was chasing some creature. That was all before the update had installed though so I decided to cut it some slack. On my second playthrough after the update everywhere looked a lot nicer and the game didn't crash. It's not bad if a bit slow, I'm just starting to wonder how many things I can make? If I can start setting up a base then I'll get into it but if it's just a case of constantly collecting materials for my ship then I don't see myself playing for long.
  2. Met with Hernando on Saturday! We went to the Sealife Centre and saw all the cute fish, the puffer fish were espcially amazing. It felt a lot more natural this time, I didn't worry about things to talk about they just happened, we also just had casual hand holding/arms on shoulder kinda stuff which felt so normal which isn't usual for me as years of hiding my sexuality made it very hard to show normal signs of affection in public for so long. We did somehow accidentally end up in a 3D showing of Octonauts with a bunch of parents and kids during the aquarium visit lol. It was cool though, had bubbles and water spraying for the scenes, we were pretty out of place though. It was on the normal route, how were we to know?! After we went to get food and by chance it was the world food festival so we went around a few stands and got a mix of awesome food in the city centre. Super spicy indian chicken, cake from... somewhere and Strawberry cider! We then ended it with some shopping in Tokyo Toys, Selfridges and HMV for Chinese DVD's. There was also a Thailand festival type thing going on so we saw some awesome dancers. Anyway, we've been talking a lot the last week and I haven't turned into my usual crazy self yet and backed away at the first sign of getting close to someone. He watched Pokemon the Movie 3 today and plenty of Scatman John videos, truly the most self-indulgent and insufferable I could get and he seemed to like both! We're meeting again on Wednesday to see Spider-Man.
  3. Thanks guys, after getting into MineCraft last year I have really been searching for more chill out games like that so I'll definitely pick it up!
  4. Oops whats everyone's opinion on No Mans Sky? I've always been interested in it, I know it got a lot of backlash, was that justified? Or was it more to do with overhyping it and getting disappointed? I ask cause it looks pretty and it's like £10 at CEX
  5. Picked up steelbook Fallout 5 for 9.99 from the GAME sale - always been interested in the series but never sure if if like it. With £6 on my GAME card it came to 3.99 so I figured at that price it's worth a try!
  6. (Also just went giddy at how cute a GameCube Mini would be, imagine the little handle!)
  7. The Wii Mini is why I didn't realise how small the NES mini was for so long. I assumed it was still relatively big like that big red and black thing so I was very surprised when I finally saw one IRL.
  8. Happy Birthday Sega Sammy!
  9. Snake Pass looked great on PS4, sad to hear it suffered on Switch though I'm guessing it's something we'll have to get used to given the hardware.
  10. I kinda liked it in the early Wii U days, running around to different shops trying to get my hands on certain amiibo, or games that only had 1 in stock, or the freakin' Wii Mini. But after a while I noticed I enjoyed buying the stuff more than actually using it. The more I thought "would I want to buy this if it was available everywhere all the time?" the more I realised I was just burning loads of money for no reason. So yeah, I just buy stuff if I really want it now and if I can't find it then I think whatever, I'll leave it for now. Which means I may never own a Nintendo product again :p
  11. http://n-europe.com/news/nintendo-classic-mini-snes-arrives-this-september Comes with two controllers too! Pretty good for Mario Kart and the like.
  12. Snake Pass update should be available now for Switch. Adds a time trial mode. Get slithering, boys.
  13. @MagnusI think that's the main problem, the recent ones seem to try too hard to be crazy and hyper whereas it felt naturally weird the first few seasons. I also just think the series as a whole would have been better with a clear start and end. We never hear much about the bunker now (which makes sense as they've covered it) but now that it's over and the novelty of Kimmy being a stranger to this new world is over, it seems kind of lost on what to focus on. The episode at the end of season 2 where she found her mom was great, if they had one more episode after that just to tie everything up and ended it there I would have been happy. And yeah they ruined Titus a bit, he seemed to be growing as a character when he was with that boyfriend but spiralled back into Season 1 awful-ness afterwards. The old landlord is probably my least favourite character and I hate listening to her long dialogues.
  14. That's great news about Cities Skylines, I've seen lots of great videos and gif's of peoples creations on Reddit and stuff. It seems like the kinda game I could get lost in for hours. As for me, I saw Ape Escape 2 and Everybody's Tennis were on offer (£3ish each) so decided to give them both a whirl as both are series I've always meant to get into but never got around to it. Haven't played Ape Escape yet but had a couple of hours on Tennis and it was great, I'll have to check out if there's any modern versions with online and all that stuff. Still desperately waiting on Night Trap, does anyone know the situation on its release? And is there anything else similar right now from a live action perspective, I've had a look around but not come across anything and I'm still fairly new to the PS4 so not sure what developers to look out for.
  15. Been speaking with Hernando over text since Friday and getting to know a bit more, his family situation doesn't sound too great as his parents keep asking him when he's going to get a girlfriend, uh oh. Anyway, we're going on our second date on Wednesday! This time to see Pirates of the Carribean! I haven't seen one of those films in ages but I'm sure it'll be fine, it was between that and Baywatch and as much as I love Zefron, that film looks like /complete/ garbage, I could barely make it through the trailer.
  16. I'm never sure what to think, generally I think it's pretty average but every now and then they'll be an episode that I love. I had to admit I did get a bit bored with Season 3 too. I watched the other ones properly but Season 3 ended up just being background noise for games and stuff after a few episodes.
  17. I had another interview today and it went a lot better than the ones I had last week, I also much prefer the look of this job so I'm hoping I get it. They're doing interviews until Friday so I'll have to wait a while to find out!
  18. Switch and Odyssey! Sonic Forces PS4 maybe an Xbox One
  19. Had my date with Hernando today! We'd never spoke on the phone, just did things via text, so it was exciting going to meet. I called him when I got there to find out where to meet him and it was like omg, you're not a catfish what a relief. So he took me to this Hong Kong restaurant that he likes and it was awesome but I was slightly out of my depth haha. The whole menu was only in Chinese so he talked me through it and there was stuff like Chicken feet and prawn rice balls and these sweet squishy things, all of which I somehow managed to eat with chop sticks :p They brought over like 7 plates of different stuff and so he made me try a bit of everything and it was all pretty nice apart from the chicken feet which I didn't like for the mass bones :p Trying to eat the gooey sweet thing was so hard with chopsticks but he found it hilarious so theres that. He paid for the meal which I felt bad about and I kept insisting i pay half until he said that his father taught him to always pay for the first meal when he's first meeting someone so I let it go :p We then went to Starbucks for coffee and to play his Switch. He's only played Mario Kart in 50cc so I had to show him how it's really done and he was suprisingly good though no champ like me. (It was also my first time on a Switch so to be typically hypocritical, I really liked it despite my constant bitching about it on here for months lol) He made a Mii of me while I had a break to finish my coffee that was getting cold: For those of you that don't know me, no I don't have a big beard or huge eyebrows :p We then went to Forbidden Planet which he thought was amazing cause he's never been to one before and I got a Pokemon hat. We finally parted ways and I gave him a leaving gift of a Kirby amiibo as he was disappointed when he first got Mario Kart and realised he wasn't in the game. Aside from a few awkward moments because I'm not used to dates it went really well! Next time we meet he's gonna invite me over to his and cook lobster! LOBSTER! Maybe he's just trying to kill me with food I'm afraid of.
  20. I had two interviews earlier in the week but both ended up being a bust. The first one seemed to go ok, I was quite natural and answered everything fine, had a friendly rapport going on but man, the second interview was baaaaaaaaad. Like, the worst interview I've ever had And it takes a lot to beat my first ever interview back when I was 16, believe me. Anyway, for some reason my mind was BLANK for pretty much every question, I was such a mong. I took ages to respond and in trying to seem calm I think I may have come across as uninterested. Ah well, onwards and upwards, I'm usually fine at interviews so I'll just pen it down to a one off pooper. Got another interview this coming Monday somewhere else so I'm gonna try knock 'em dead.
  21. I'm a bit late but I had my first go on a Switch today and I was impressed. It seems a lot more premium than I was expecting (the bezel looked horrible in promo shots but it seems fine IRL) and the Joy-Cons are cute. Played some Mario Kart with a Joycon each. I like the double items and rumble
  22. Damn, this looks slick AF. Really liking the new look. I loved the old forum design back when I used my computer a lot but now that I mainly come on here on my phone/ipad it was becoming bit of a pain. This is so much easier and clean on my pad!
  23. SEGA have been good at making mobile specific games but porting existing titles to mobile is always a pain due to the control scheme. I heard this actually does support Bluetooth controllers so it could have been a lot of fun on my iPad... but (from the sounds of it) the emulation is rubbish. I'm not fussed with those release titles anyway as I have them on anything and everything but I have been looking for ways to play Saturn games for a while now. Aside from actually going out and buying a Saturn it seems I'm still at a loss.
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