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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. how the hell you came up with that i dont know, 1 is 1, its like saying, a person is a monkey. well its not but if someone says 1 then thats what it is. But then again i dont know that much about maths...
  2. thats good that rev was in at number 4. Don't quite know why big brother is on there, it finished months ago...
  3. The gamecube has by no way been a let down for me, It has been one of my favorite consoles, I loved wind waker, I thought it was amazing, I also loved sunshine although it wasnt quite as good as mario 64, i thought double dash was exellent, donkeykonga was really great party game, and super monkey ball, viewtiful joe and wario ware were great new franchice! I love my cube, Its one of my favorite consoles ever! along with my n64.
  4. Well, I saw a lot of posts saying, "I want a sig" and there are loads of them on the forum, so if anyone wants a sig or something you can post it here, Just thought it was a good idea. Anyway im just here because I can't find any good small pics on the net for an avatar, so if someone could make me an avatar to match my sig (a viewtiful joe one) with just "bstmte" or "henshin a go-go baby!" written on it would do fine please! :bow: Thx!
  5. 2-3 times better would be good graphics wise, when i look at games like resi 4 and the legend of zelda: twilight princess I think, "I wouldnt care if the graphics didnt get much better because they are still awsome this generation so if they are only a bit better I would be pleased, because after all i dont care about the graphics as much, the thing im looking forward too the most is how it will reveloutionise gaming!
  6. Hello again, well...whats your favorite game ending. Mines dk 64 as you may have seen in the best intro's thread, I think its really cool, I also like super mario 64 ending. what are ur favorites
  7. I think that banjo kazooiu one is cool too, I also love the donkey kong 64 one, where all the birds are flying, the seels are jumping out of the sea and then the big evil boat comes and crashes. I also love the end to that game where they're all in dk's place, and u see dk throw on the last golden banana to his stache, and crankys all proud. Makes u all misty eyed dosent it...ok it dosent, but i just love that game. lol. wooh! dk 64 rocked and still does!
  8. Im quite rubbish at explaining things alot of the time too, and why does this thread suck?
  9. my first controller i got with my gamecube is working fine but sadly the protective wire is coming off so its dangerous. All 3rd party ones are pretty crap, well mainly analoug sticks, you cant move it slightly, you either push it all the way or not at all, wish dosent matter on some games, but on games like super monkey ball its annoying. And yeah i got a cool memory card from game, cheap, had TONS of memory, And it dont corrupt easily. official pads RULE! lol buy a second hand one
  10. I never realised how much trouble sony were getting into because of the great success of the ps2 but after reading that I can totally see their problem and think they should be worrying right now. I hope they dont die because although I don't think sony are that good there would be a lot of dissapointed play station fans if the playstation ended.
  11. Good idea, although i got a bit excited when i first read it and thought it was proper, but i would still much prefer a great zelda or mario for revoloution and not some samuri game
  12. im getting desperate for stars. Lol. Oh well, if they keep updating it (that would be a miracle) every time something went out of stock i might finally get enough stars...
  13. could someone bee nice and give me 700 stars. I know im bein a scavanger. But Please!!! I sooo want donkey konga 2!
  14. Yeah. Nothing much has changed, Its almost like a second disc to the first with it being so similar, but i love it all the same. I especially like the ice edge episode, I think its cool, especially going down in the cable car. I also like "thunderboy lives twice" those are my favorite 2 episodes. If I was a reviewer I would give it the same score as the first one because although the first one was a fresh new experience and this one isn't you'll spend a lot more time on this with the 36 chambers and the reel select so you can just have a go on your favorite episode once you've completed the game first time round. Although one thing I found annoying was the constant re-appearence of that dinosaur. But yeah, overall its a great game.
  15. I mainly use link, I love his spinning attack, I sometimes use bowser too, Because his smash attacks send people flying, the only let down is that i get really agrovated using him because he walks so slow. Lol. And have you got a favorite level? Mines the one where your on top of buildings in the city and the U.F.O swoops down. Thats a cool level.
  16. I cant believe they have done that. Things have got really bad around Englnad now, Chavs are just totally wrecking it. I remeber going to the park about 2-3 years ago, I was only young then, about 11/12 and we were at the town park on the swings just talking and these chavs started insulting us, at first we tryed to ignore it, but then they carried on, "come on then!, we know u can hear us" so we walked off and thought they had come, only to see them coming round the corner, well mmate ended up being hit, when I rang 999 they ran away, they were all caught but then when me and my mate (+ his brother) went home we saw them going in the police car and they just laughed at us. I can't believe they just didnt care they were in a police car.
  17. I like it. A good cartoon version of onett, or whatever that place is called, it looks rly cool. 8/10
  18. hmm, it looks ok, not that great but not that bad either. 6/10
  19. Have u ever felt nervous walking the streets, I never used to but just latley,whenever I see big groups of people I get kind of nervous. I don't when im with friends but when im walking from school sometimes and groups of people come walking along it makes me kind of nervous. Do u feel the same?
  20. "You have the right to remain silent!"
  21. I was gonna buy it this month but now that u say it has free pokemon stickers im gonna be imbarissed to buy it! and i cant believe viewtiful joe has such a bad score. I wonder why, the VJ games have been good so far. And its supposedly the last on eisnt it at the end of the first game captain blue says "there will be 2 more times when earth is in danger" and then at the end of viewtiful joe 2 silvia says, "there are 3 times when the earth is in danger so that means there is still one more threat!". They werent the exact words, but they were similar to that. So what a crap way to end such a good series of games.
  22. Brilliant! lol. Thats funny. Cant wait till that comes out in europe! lol
  23. cool, Ive never seen competitions but ive not been on that long, ive been on about a year, well a lil longer, but in about oct of last year i lost internet and got it again in spring lol.
  24. snes Nintendo64 Game boy colour Gameboy advance Gamecube Nintendo DS Ps2
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