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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. I would complain about the controls in hard mode if it wasnt for the fact im shit at it anyway. I can't keep up with all the different directions you have to go in :P Hustle mode is so much fun! =D
  2. The original was amazing and this one looks pretty epic too. I don't get why some people are calling it lazy or unimaginative. Its quite obvious that there are loads of ideas around the galaxy concept and if im honest, i liked the original so much i wouldnt care if it had no new features, just new levels. People complain about this but titles such as Guitar Hero Metallica or Fifa 09 which are basically the same games over and over again don't get flamed for their lack of originality. So yes, I cant wait - Omg Yoshi!
  3. If it helps, all of these pop type songs have a latin twist. The vocals in Take on Me really make me laugh :P This is an incredibly awesome game and its such ashame its been slated so badly. I didnt come across any control issues at all until i got onto hard mode
  4. omg i cant wait for this! it looks incredible! I loved the first more than any other wii game and what ive noticed from a few screenshots and the snow level on the trailer is that some of the levels seem bigger in a mario 64 kind of way and woah, YOSHI =D
  5. Josh64


    I think it was all taken out of hand anyway because looking back at the original trailer, I cant say it made me that excited anyway.
  6. It looks as though Animal Crossing is the console version of Pokemon. Hardly any changes since the first game but everyone still buys it anyway.
  7. Im quoting Nintendo on the use of intense. "Woah amazing graphics! INTENSE" Lol, and oh my! you remember me I suppose if I want to be in normal discussions and not get the piss taken out of me I should really change my name and act as though I have never been here before xD And woah, that costume is amazing! ^^ Troy is amazingg <3
  8. my costume was one of them terrible situations where they ask you for the money and your like "HOW MUCH!?" Most costumes in Matalan were 20 quid, and i wanted one, THE one that didnt have a price tag. So i got to the check out after a 5 minute queue and the lass behind the counter was like "ooh thats £35 please" My heart sank, but i brought it anyway as it is an intense costume. And yes, that shall be my Halloween costume from now until the end of time for that bloody price.
  9. Ghosts, Vampires, Zombies... It must be Halloween again! So are you a big fan? Will you be dressing up and going to parties or will you be sat at home hoping you get as little trick or treaters as possible? Personally I love Halloween for the epic parties, dressing up and of course the spookyness of it all. But what is you opinion of it? I know there are quite a few mixed opinions, especially when youve got snotty kids, or even worse, chavvy teens knocking your door all night. And have you got anything you want to share with everyone to get in the mood? Some scary videos or pictures? I might pick up House of the Dead on Wii =D
  10. I must say i dont want to put a damper on this conversation, but man im down now. Ive been having a sort of flling with a close mate who i think is really hot, hes such a nice guy, and heck, i think hes 'The one'. Oh and hes straight (so i was also rather proud of myself lol) but after a while i was getting the wrong idea. And it wasnt as though it was just sex, we cuddled and everything and seemed to get really close, but all of a sudden he's told me its gotta stop now and hes straight and everything. And damn Im bummed (excuse the pun) But it cheered me up reading some of these masturbating posts :P I suppose this means only have a one night stand with someone you think is hot, not someone you are in love with :p And damn it was like 6 one night stands, hes so confusing it unbelievable. Sure you can blame drink for 1 or even 2 but cmon.
  11. 18 Wheeler. You go at 5 miles and hour, to do a level that lasts 2 minutes, of which there are 4 levels. When you complete the game, its back to the start screen. No fun can be had with the game. WaveRace also sucked IMO, I don't see why people like it so much.
  12. That Slim Fast advert is just awful, I can't bare it, what a stupid bitch. The one that annoys me the most though is them bloody Confused.com adverts, where everything is made of cardboard and they're just like "Im CONFUSED.COM" and it zooms in on their faces.
  13. Woooah - My head is aaaall over the place right now. Ive just came out to my family and it feels weird. They've accepted it and all that jazz, but its very awkward and i feel so weird and light headed. Im gonna tell my mates tomorrow when im back at college, so wish me luck - im bloody worried :p
  14. With Galaxy it should be awesome. I know Brawl isn't until 2008 but what about Mario Kart? Either way, Corruption and Galaxy are by far enough, along with tons of other titles, to keep the Wii churning money.
  15. Yeah, same goes for my Gamestation. I wish I had some money though - Tales of Symphonia, Baten Kaitos and Zelda 4 swords were there! (Along with the usuals like Mario sunshine, Metroid etc...)
  16. I never played Yoshi's Story so that will be one to download
  17. Oh I see, a bit sneaky. And Im waiting for Mario all stars as the graphics on that are awesome. Although im not expecting that for a very long time because im sure nintendo want to milk each mario game before they go and bundle them all in one. Heck, Super Mario bros 3 aint out yet, and that's so awesome. And whats the big deal about picross? I might check it out, cheaper than getting the DS version, incase I don't like it.
  18. Does the Wii Shop Channel not work if you haven't updated then? I dont know 'cause I updated mine straight away, wanting to see what new things there were. Just be careful if you don't want your Wii updating, some new games automatically update the Wii's firmware. I read it in N-Revolution. it's time for a Wii freeloader, but with these firmware updates it would probably over time be made useless. Damn Nintendo and their Region locking! Why couldnt the Wii be like the ds?
  19. Yeah lol. He will have any, but his favourite is a star shaped one I tell him off, he looks at me with a sad face and walks away with his tail down. Horny bastard. xP
  20. Scatman John, his songs are so inspiring and have got me through a lot of hard times. R.I.P Scatman! Your a legend! : peace:
  21. Everyone loves a bit of Banjo Especially the cushion that he rapes most mornings.
  22. I'll try re-installing direct x, but thanks for the advice on Ad-Aware and AVG, turns out I had loads of Adware and Viruses, so thanks guys ;D
  23. Woah, that's fantastic! Especially how it blends in with the actual background 10/10 EDIT: What the? I think it took me to the wrong page, anyhoo, yours is pretty good too, Mr Paul. 7/10
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