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Olympic Gamer

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Everything posted by Olympic Gamer

  1. But all the cool kids are doing it Watched Gundam 0080 War In The Pocket yesterday, absolutely rocked. Was a very shit build up to an awesome ending and the fight in the 4th episode rocked. If only the Zeon mobile suit they used was used alot more often in the Universal Century..
  2. Those doors look like hotel room doors =S (Door fetishist)
  3. This is absolutely mind boggling. They did look alot like the first party nunchucks but without a wire, but Nintendo seem quick on this one, and it pisses me off. Did Nintendo get beaten to the mark and they arent happy? Bollocks to them. Nintendo shouldnt have the right to sue after being fined and constantly avoiding and appealing against price fixing in Europe.
  4. Sounds like your suffering from a state called 'codegeasslacking' Watch Code Geass and Code Geass R2 immediately.
  5. We are talking 00 here right? Its got an awesome setup for the next season, I'l tell you that.
  6. I'm removing this post due to the fact I got rather contradictory. All I'l say is Dante, cool it down a bit okay?
  7. This was on Watchdog a while ago. Its the bastards at the DVLA that help them get away with this. The car park themselves have no legal grounds to send you fines without proof, yet they can ring the DVLA up and get all your imformation by just supplying your license plate number. But a quick google says this:
  8. I read on for teh lulz Seriously, why didnt you just fill it up for great practical joke purposes? Like tip it in a cars exhaust pipe when its parked on a hill so it'l drip down and clog it? It'd make an awesome youtube video
  9. Yeah, he said he'd ideally end it at the 500 chapter mark, and that'l work out til just after the 10th anniversary of Naruto. That again, was quite a while ago. Either way, this is heating up.
  10. Just read the Naruto chapter this week.. I think we are nearing the end of this part (I believe there will be a third part, but it'l be significantly shorter than the first and second parts)
  11. IS THIS JEALOUSY I SPY? LUL LUL LUL I personally thought this would be safe of Jar talk now.. but it seems not..
  12. Happy birthday Be sure to post us pictures of your birthday dress.
  13. My day has currently been 27 hours long. I want to nap, but I know I'l be long gone til morning and I need to pick up a brother soon. Damn.
  14. Lacks welcome to the NHk manga. Failed.
  15. Aww =( Well theres plenty here, but if you want more online friends theres always this friendly site
  16. Guys, Megadrive never had any region restrictions. The only cartridges that are extremely different are the japanese carts, totally different shape etc. The american carts and PAL carts were exactly the same, and american games always worked on my PAL megadrive. European megadrive games WILL work Im quite suprised though that it supports both Jap and english carts though, the jap carts were fugly.
  17. ...Who taught you the art of complimenting? Your doing it wrong.
  18. ..Time to take on the NHS Free random assorted pills and empty sweet packets for those with contraceptive needs!
  19. Nay sir, I havent. Pics? Ahh may download Excel Saga soon, it always made hillarious AMV's in the AMV Hell videos. Downloading Gundam: War in the Pocket soon though.
  20. ...My second run in with this 'topic' of jars and what not.. seriously, what the fuck? I'm kinda concerned about the forums history and the possible consequences of me investigating it.
  21. ...I bet you aint seen a dead puppy in a microwave though.
  22. I watched a bit of this last night. My conclusions? Could be set up for the most entertaining Big Brother ever, but it wont be cause Im pretty sure my idea's in mind for the blind guy arent legal. Also, the albino guy, I'm pretty sure he is a white Brock. Never opens his fucking eyes.
  23. Another job thread? RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE! But seriously, nice one, welcome to the world of work in which you can afford to fund stuff like women.
  24. I feel the same. Gurren Lagann was highly entertaining due to its OTT nature which the Japanese can pull off in a very good and comical fashion. No offence to any Americans reading this, but the same applies for those in the UK, an english version would absolutely suck. Dubs dont work in my opinion. But strangely, I can watch Gundam Wing and FMA dubbed. Why is that? I have a theory that its all down tho terms and names. English speaking voice actors referring to one another with japanese names and phrases doesnt sound right at all. Even though the creators usually dont like the names being changed in a dub, I still think if characters had english names and properly translated terms, dubs wouldnt be so bad. But then theres Gurren Lagann in which the enthusiasm in the Japanese version cant possibly be matched.
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