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Olympic Gamer

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Everything posted by Olympic Gamer

  1. Ahh the ending, the water works turned on, previous deaths came across as shocking..but the ending..
  2. I believe this belongs in the Private Trade section mate, in the bargain section. Actually wait, your a robot, never mind.
  3. I'l have the lot please mate.
  4. Ooooh I have one of those I opened it though, the temptation was too much. I forgot all about that really, should of listed that alongside my Pokemon Blue.
  5. Why cant kids think of a decent trend? Like victorian clothing, or Jazz.. it would be lollarious seeing some yobs dressed in suits with posh voices cruising the streets. "Why I say, nice shot James, that stone hit that rather old pensioner with the force of 12 horses, let us get some cheap chilled beverages, toodle ho!"
  6. Oh come on. The media are at it again, lets blame a social group, or perhaps a band or a trend. Just accept that some kids are depressed by default, its not an easy time for kids, bullying still lives strong and I wouldnt be damn suprised if this is another victim of teenage anxiety. Its way too drastic to kill yourself over, but if it were anything to do with the trend, I think the victim would rather be alive so they can get some cool points as I say. I've known plenty of people to go with the Emo trend and suprise suprise, they are all alive, slit free worth while friends, as for individuality, they lose that for going with any trend.
  7. Im torn myself really, I absolutely love death note. Bought every manga volume on release, doing the same for the anime dvd's now. Absolutely amazing series, but I felt it lacked the high amount of running emotions compared to Geass. I'l wait until the story finishes to make my judgement, but I'm slightly leaning towards Geass.
  8. Any body watch Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 here? Its almost getting as good as series one now, series one was the fastest time it took me to watch any series, 25 episodes and took care of it in less than a day because the story is so damn good. Its like Death Note, but with more action than the Near and Mello arc. Oh it also has giant robots, and chicks dig giant robots.
  9. This looked shopped. I can tell from some of the pixels and seeing quite a few shops in my time. Kidding, looks nice despite the damage, and with only 1000 made, your extremely lucky. Im envious. Lucky you got to sell yours, mine broke after 2 years.
  10. Sure, proof plz. That Kasumi figure is absolutely awesome Jordan, lucky O_O
  11. This thread isnt limited to sealed no, just anything gaming related that you are personally very pleased you own. So technically anything could be posted, but I'm more happy with my sealed Pokemon Blue than my other gaming goods.
  12. Oh NOM..those were the days. Who would of though a simple letter jumble for its acronym would turn it completely shit? I hate ONM with a passion. What did you win?
  13. I presume so, its a 1999 title that was extremely popular, so I'd guess it would be hard to come by one thats brand new. The value im not so sure of though, one on ebay for £65 isnt budging, but i've seen some copies go for £50. Awesome collection though, and JAP Chrono Trigger? Very jealous... I saw one of them (US version) completely brand new and sealed on ebay earlier this year, I think it went for over $1000.
  14. Me too, it has senior big tits from Team Rocket on it (grabs cards, always playing childrens card games me). Rockets Sneak attack, also got one of those shiney energy cards, the only Pokemon card with 3 attacks (well, back when I got it, not sure if its been done again). Also got the southern island set in mint condition. Im such a pokefag.
  15. Just been going around various gaming communities today, and it seems theres always some one who has a game related possession which they hold close. I've seen those with brand new copies of Final Fantasy NES still boxed and in mint condition, and those with more recent items such as limited edition japanese DS consoles. So, do any of you here have anything like that which your extremely chuffed you own? For example, I have the original Pokemon Blue UK release, brand new, still in its seal with barcode sticker on the back. I see a few of these pop up on eBay every so often, but still chuffed that I have it.
  16. I cant answer your questions, but I can offer some advice. If she says no, its no. Or try not to get caught
  17. For those who missed the thread the other day, Canand has the same problem. I personally believe the site is blocking those with CP, dirty fucks. Even dirtier if your using a mac.
  18. I noticed that, I think their using the initiative that their the most popular supermarket in Britain, why have their petrol lowest when people drive to their stores and the petrol station is in the area so theres a convinience element to it.
  19. Beastiality, Kids love it
  20. As Brian Blessed would say.. PETROL. WE'RE RUNNING OUT OF IT.
  21. Just rewatched the latest Naruto episode, what did every one think of Naruto's poor cartwheel?
  22. The problem lies with you pedobear, the problem lies within your hard drive. DELETE THAT SHIT.
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