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Olympic Gamer

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Everything posted by Olympic Gamer

  1. Not sure if any one has brought this up yet, but im all for Vegetarianism, but whats every ones stance on Vegertarians that will eat fish? Theres alot of them I've noticed (Well, may just be a local thing), but nothing pisses me off more than that.
  2. Uh I have a joke if it belongs here? A cowboy told his grandson the secret to a long life. He said, "You gotta sprinkle a little gunpowder on your oatmeal, see. If you do, you'll live to a nice ripe old age." So the cowboy did this religiously every day, and sure enough, lived to the nice ripe old age of 96. When he died he left behind 4 children, 8 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren ...and a 16 foot hole in the wall of the crematorium.
  3. To be honest, the only concern I have with the 'freeing' of Tibet is their economy, how do they expect to survive when their main way of life is living off hand outs from others? Tibet will eventually starve itself to death.
  4. I own Elfen lied, Higurashi and Gurren Lagann arent availible in Europe yet so I have to wait for them. Gundam Wing is pretty damn amazing, however, now that I'm rewatching it I've noticed they use alot of stock footage, which is very annoying and cheap compared to some of the previous Gundam's. I assure you though, Gundam 00 is 100% better than wing, if possible, get the HD releases as it feels so much better. Only problem that persists in 00 is that the cast all seem like their closet homosexuals, kind of like the Wing cast.
  5. I step into the last page of the thread and theres automatically some one I share a common interest with, that being Gundam 00 : peace: The newest episode was brilliant, but I cant help but think that the moment with Chris and that other guy was a bit forced, it just seems like it was all an excuse to make Feldt cry some more. Any predictions for the final? Now onto anime in general, figure'd I'd better list the anime's I've watched recently here. Gurren Lagann Higurashi no naku koro ni Elfen Lied Gundam Wing (Again) Gundam 0079 (In the process of watching)
  6. I doubt any countries will boycott the olympics, even if they do, it will be a very small number. I'd love to see a world wide cooperation with the boycott too, but I just cant see it happening, but hey, I'd like the world to prove me wrong.
  7. Sickening. The world just stands and watches, if only Tibet had some resources to cash in on eh? Another example of our world still bowing to greed.
  8. Cloverfield Havent seen one movie since strangely, but I found it highly unique and entertaining. I was glad to see the monster was not based off an existing monster from another story (Although it was kind of based on a figure). Ending wasnt so desirable, never stayed beyond the credits so have no idea of any possible hints left after them.
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