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Olympic Gamer

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Everything posted by Olympic Gamer

  1. Thats not a bad thing. I've seen pictures of Rokhed in the image gallery, I am very impressed. I for one am in favour of Rokhed's illustration.
  2. In the awesome position ofcourse actually I dont have a set position, Im too fussy
  3. Drink is made of win, pears and probably various other ingredients.
  4. ICT exam.. I absolutely sucked ass, I got one of those mental mind blocks an hour in and just didnt know what I was doing. After getting my mind back on track, the task asked me to turn a profit in the designs I made, and I completely failed it, I just couldnt get it done within reasonable limits, attempted to skip it and got asked "Using graphical examples, explain why your design is your recommended proposal to David Green" ...I laughed a little and just thought fuck. Starbucks for lunch aswell..drink was good, but my god the sandwich was not.
  5. ...I came here to see every ones love for Pepsi, but not only has this been proven wrong, my innocence has been kidnapped and viciously raped in a cellar somewhere in Austria. Seriously..what the fuck @ posts above Oh dear LORD
  6. Uh yeah, its pretty awesome stuff. Toju is pretty shit IMO, I like Neg and the annoying devil. To be fair though, Toju > Big Gay Following, that bloke is just plain shit.
  7. Ha, nah I didnt mean that, but the current perspective the Pokemon games use is still possible to use. In Pokemon Crater, to combat the problem of overcrowding, people were allowed in spaces already being used and to make sure they dont lose where they are, they had a yellow aura around them. Every player within a one block radius would be displayer below the map, so if Pokemon were to be used on the wii, you could press and hold a button to display who's nearby so you know who your sending a trade request to etc. For DS, it is displayed on the bottom screen in a Poketch application and you use the stylus to drag down the list. Crater had the best idea's for a Pokemon MMO, I believe if it were to be made, Crater's features and idea's will highly influence those used in an official MMO.
  8. Ah this is sounding rather good, I will be trying the partition method you suggested within the week. Thanks very much! One final question though, say I am very happy with Ubuntu, will I then be able to delete all the windows vista data and keep the files I need and then merge the two portions of the hard drive back into one piece?
  9. Well, the MMO (if it were to be made) would not be a main game. Even if it was, and it was indeed handheld, an MMO is still possible. If Maple Story is possible handheld, Pokemon is aswell. So thats your feasible response gone to the shitter, and your logical response isnt logical at all, market is there, money to be made etc
  10. Yeah I only found that out like a week ago, its like the troll of Pokemon Tournaments. Edit: I just realised that the Gamecube pokemon titles were developed by Genius Sonority, so GameFreak isnt always the standard developer Edit 2: But Genius Sonority is a 2nd party developer for Nintendo, when Nnooo isnt, back to square one..
  11. Woo I'm not alone..Look out for Sasgay.
  12. As I've said, that is the big issue with this and if it doesnt happen, will be the reason for it. But I also suggested two seperate versions, a muted version which you can only talk to those you are registered to (Not sure if thats possible, one user may be connected to thousands so Nintendo may want to limit how many others you can connect to) and an unmuted version for those who have entered their age as over 13 (which is usually the industry standard). Nintendo will be thinking this through very carefully if any plans come to materialize (which I bet has already happend). But kids to MMO's is nothing new. Games such as Kart Rider, Maple Story, Runescape and Disneys Toon Town have all been aimed at the younger audience (Runescape however is a little older, but the age 13 rule has been largely ignored). Im unaware if its possible in ToonTown, but the other 3 titles have enabled users to talk to each other regardless of age and so far have yet to receive a complaint as far as my knowledge goes.
  13. Hey there Im currently using a 32 bit Vista home premium laptop, and as you probably had guessed, I dont like Vista. I had been looking around at all the usual OS on offer, and I like the look of an OS known as Ubuntu. Looks pretty slick, should hopefully speed things up a little as Vista is quite resource heavy compared to most. Problem is, I'm not sure what I'm expecting to adjust to. Now this wouldnt be a problem if it was just a standard program installation, but its a ful fledge change of OS. If i dont like it, how do I revert etc? This laptop was preloaded with Vista, and all I got with it was a 'Upgrade your Windows Vista Experience' disc. So the big question is should I bother? I've never installed an OS before, so I have no clue what to expect. If I dislike Ubuntu, is there any way I can possibly revert? Also, what files am I expecting to vanish if I rid myself of Vista? Are all the preset folders such as those folders that follow my sign in name (You know, documents, pictures, music files) going to vanish and I'm going to need to back them up somehow? If I'm missing please tell me as I'm really looking to change OS, but if its too complicated it'l be better if I skipped the idea.
  14. Noo that'd suck =( my unlucky nature will get me a fucking Wobbufett.. Nice to know I'm not the only one here who played/remembers Pokemon Crater, so sucks Nintendo obviously bought it out.
  15. 1. Very much agree'd on, I stated it myself earlier on in the thread. Its very foolish Pop are trying the pitch, unless they are huge Pokemon fans and hope that a pitch showing developers are interested could shift Nintendo's thoughts. 2. I agree so much. Although given the extremely popular nature of Pokemon titles, I think the DS may have its work cut out at running an MMO. I'm still waiting to see the results of Maple Story infact. It'd have to have a lobby interface like the one in PSO where not much happens until you start a game with a restricted amount of players.
  16. I agre to an extent, it probably wont work but this is due to Nintendo's current treatment for online, with the friend codes and such. Plus MMO's are largely group based, and thats something thats a challenge with Pokemon. However, with Pokemon Crater, there was quite a large audience. Sure, about 99.9% of them was kids, but there was still a damn huge audience. Infact, even after Crater was taken down, many of the fans attempted their own. Im currently playing one this very moment which is in beta, and im liking what im seeing. It is possible. But the length of such an adventure and how it'l meet upto most MMO's offerings is questionable, you can only do so much with a Pokemon game, but we're only thinking inside the box here. Also, can I ask what you mean by the fad comment? Its been rumoured for years yes, but its never had any ground. Even now with this developer pitching to Nintendo with it, it still lacks ground as I incredibly doubt Nintendo would trust such a project to this developer rather than Game Freak. But, ignoring everything previously mentioned, as a business, they look for a potential market. And does a market exist? Ofcourse it bloody does. Pokemon Crater had so many users, it was always busy. Even this game I play now which is a homage to crater and trying to add more to it has been up for just over a month and the maps are crammed with players. Even sites such as Pokemon Indigo are getting huge amounts of players. It'd be absolutely foolish to ignore this on Nintendo's behalf. Also, its very hard to take you seriously when you state your opinion and dont elaborate further. You say it wont work, why wont it work? Also, its not like Pokemon is forever capped, theres always more to develop to it, what we've seen up to now isnt the limit. Edit: Just read the license section on Nnooo's website...eww... 'We have a concept for a cool Pokemon MMO' who can take you seriously when you call your own idea cool? =|
  17. *wipes eyes in amazement* You..cant be serious.. Im convinced your off your rocker.. didnt I tell you that your now too old for the internet?
  18. Just got upto date with the Soul Eater manga as Mahou-X seem to have gotten their asses in gear. All I can say is.. fucking finally, the plot now has a direction! But something happend in the last chapter I'm really not happy with..
  19. Phantasy Star Online. I was told that if I couldnt go online, it'd be shit, I'd just stop playing it for hours. And some people even went as far as saying online was crap too. Well, totally wrong. I've put in 200 hours total for the game, about 70% of that time was offline as I had no adaptor, and 30% online. Its just totally amazing how much of a thrill hunting for those rare weapons can give and when your online, chasing after the red items is yet another thrill! Official servers have been down for a year, but theres other means of playing online if any body wishes to join.
  20. Probably the Wii, bought it on release..then 6 months later realised it had gathered ALOT of dust. Sold it. Buying it at launch was a big mistake, all the big titles got delayed, 3rd party developers were shifting out party game crap, and I'm not a fan of Zelda.
  21. Thing is, theres still something in my mind that doubts Nintendo will try an MMO. Up until now, their actions toward online suggest their thoughts are based on the fact that online gaming is just a fad. Of course, they must of realised that assumption is wrong by now. But look at the target audience for Pokemon games, any ages. So thats the age of 3 through to whatever, any one who has the ability to read and know what their doing can play Pokemon. Which audience does Nintendo make the most money out of for Pokemon? The younger audience. Why do we have friend codes? To protect the younger audience from the evils of the world etc. If the MMO were to be succesful, there'd have to be two versions. Chat enabled and Chat disabled. Easily possible to make. But the problem comes in with rule evasion. I'm sure im not the only one where in the past I've lied about my age on games which require it so I'm allowed to play, I remember when Neopets had rules that the younger audience can only do so much so I made a new account stating im 18 etc. Its basic risk assesment what I've just done, but that problem itself represents a big problem. Who's going to come under fire when a kid playing the game starts swearing? (Even with filters, people find a way) Who's going to come under fire if a peadophile plays the game and keeps harassing the kid? (Unlikely, but its going to be in the risk assesment). And in this day and age which see Video Games as the scapegoat, moneys to be made blaming and writing about it. We've seen totally bogus claims that the DS brings out the evil in kids, and Wii Fit calling a girl fat (lose some weight, tubby), and the press love it so they can tarnish the Nintendo name. I would like to see it, but I can see it getting canned. You've got a good point. Problem is, in the last hour I've been looking into it, the speed of the the site going down and then redirecting to Nintendo was 4 hours, so it seems that either the creator (Aaron) was threatend with infringement, but fearing fans would no longer trust the Nintendo name, they asked him to discontinue the game and let them have the domain in exchange for a silence fee (I saw the updates in the last month, nothing was mentioned about Nintendo). Or it could be a genuine "We like your idea, but we arent going to make money out of it if your offering the game free, so take it down and you get royalty fee's no?"
  22. Well, I think Nintendo (ignoring their strict bullcrap friend code policy) was interested in a Pokemon MMO starting about 2 years ago. My reason for believing this? I used to play a game known as Pokemon Crater, which technically was a Pokemon MMO. Giant maps which you could battle other trainers, catch Pokemon etc, battle legendary NPC trainers you name it. It was a very small world, but it worked, and there was pretty much more than 20,000 players online at any given time. The hit came when after 5 years of developing it, the creator of Pokemon Crater announced on november 2006 (i think) its the end of the road, and he wished not to develop it further because he was going to University etc, and he was going to close it in a month. So the month went, it got taken down etc. Now, it didnt seem so sinister, until you go to the domain now and its owned by Nintendo Nintendo now own the domain that was used for the game. Click Here My guess? It'l happen. If there was more than 20,000 active players at any given time (There was more, but I stopped playing just before its peak) which company wouldnt be interested? Theres money to be made.
  23. Really? Wow, todays the day your too old for the Internet. Well..good bye. Happy birthday
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