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Olympic Gamer

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Everything posted by Olympic Gamer

  1. Oh holy shit =| is Pandora's Battery compatible with the slim and lite consoles? Whats up with the levelling system? I havent heard about it, but surely it cant be as bad as Final Fantasy II's experimental system? (I liked it, but it was just too awkward to consider maxing every thing like I usually do)
  2. It wouldnt suprise me if they start to obtain and modify firmware upgrades like ipod hacks have done.
  3. It doesnt =S but hacked VC games do exist. Any body tried this? Instructions seem a bit vague to me (As I dont own a Wii)
  4. Still unconfirmed. A few people are reporting the Homebrew channel still works. Looks like we have the new PSP ladies and gentleman. It'l be cracked soon, I'm off to GBATemps to find out more. Okay, homebrew channel STILL WORKS. If you use homebrew, I suggest you install this before you go updating. Hacked VC games and saves still work
  5. Happy birthday person with Yoko figurine. How I envy you.
  6. Things that make me angry eh? - Fat Chicks - Slow subs - When my phone makes a message noise yet theres no message (makes me lol though) - Parents, they give and decide to be a pain in return - Cats in my garden - Monies - My appaerance - When things deliberately go wrong because I'm involved with it - The manga & anime of Bleach - When Rule 35 isnt obeyed when Rule 34 fails.
  7. With a username like Olympic Gamer? Surely you got the hint no? Well thats *one* way of having a ninja headband, but the leaf village sucks my friend =(
  8. But the story is fucking awesome..
  9. =| Well hello there Name are Olympic Gamer yours?
  10. I think its already been given an explanation, but anyhoo, its animuuu body figure, the proportion is a little weird if you compared it to those of humans. Well, its not impossible, but I doubt we'l ever see it. I'd feel sorry for the poor girl if there was a figure like that, raep raep raep nom nom nom.
  11. I admire your confidence, I could never have that in my room without going peach faced whenever a mate comes round. I was suppose to be going into Central London today to pick up these beauties: However, the expected to go into my bank was rather lacking and apparently they no longer have these at the place I was planning on going to. So I settled for a free trial of Amazon Prime to get me free one day postage on these:
  12. Fuck me, now the final boss is insane. Good thing I saved at a decent location, hopefully they'l let me train some more. Probably need a decent heal pin.
  13. Yoko is called boobie? No, I believe she is Doom Bitch. Code Geass was awesome last night, cant wait for next week.
  14. Any chance of this being served in a restraunt any time soon? I'd like a piece.
  15. I personally lol'd at his joke, it didnt sound serious. Relax guys!
  16. It made me cringe, all I thought about was how I'd feel if it were my beloved dog.. Damn those bullies, death was a suitable punishment.
  17. Not sure if I can come on the Saturday as I hoped, work has summoned and I'm not sure if I can get the day off. Damn, there was people I wanted to meet aswell =\
  18. I agree, AMV Hell 4 is probably my favourite, but my favourite AMV is from number 3 with End of Evangelion synched with Titanic. But championship edition has some hillarious moments but also has the most unfunny pieces (I dont get the move it move it crap apart from Chiyo-chan). The later elfen lied clip is hillarious
  19. I think theres a thread already about this, not sure where though. Maybe retro gaming.
  20. You look beautiful, birthday girl. Hope you had a good one x
  21. I love how you can remember the exact month XD Also, any one here watched AMV Hell championship edition? Thats the first part, its hillarious, and right at the end of the video theres a hillarious Elfen Lied moment
  22. Same here, then again i only watched it a year ago. The same goes for TTGL, I was stunned to find people here only just watching it a few weeks ago.
  23. Price fixing by the sounds of it. Brilliant, I hope the european court looks into this, Nintendo still owe millions to them and keep appealing against it from the N64 days. Great company, great games, yet once again, europe gets the fucking elbow.
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