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Olympic Gamer

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Everything posted by Olympic Gamer

  1. I too have seen plenty of shops in my time.
  2. Ahh same as mate! Then again, not sure if they still do this, but the half kilo bag for like a quid or so was buzz enough. Of course, eating that much is an easy trip to feeling sick.
  3. Yo, I was having a little think today after eating some Tesco chocolate crispies that some cheap brand stuff is pretty much on par or better than the premium brands. For one of my main examples, I'l bring up the Tesco Value 100g Milk Chocolate Bar, im not sure if they still do these, but damn these things were awesome back in the days of old. They tasted *alot* like advent calender chocolate (which always tasted different IMO) and was well worth the 28p price tag. Also, another thing which I noticed isnt sold any more is Tesco Cherry Soda, no, its not cherryade, but for 60p you had a pretty good cheap Dr. Pepper. Went great at parties as a mixer. Any one else have any experiences like this?
  4. I love your avatar and signature. I remember seeing that on AMV hell back in the day, absolutely hillarious.
  5. Oreo's are only nice once you quadruple stuff them. My choice in this poll? Borbon. You'd never guess im balancing a glass full of lemonade on my my crotch right now.
  6. Yeah I'l back you up on that, Chrona is indeed a girl, I thought she was a boy at first though, what with the 'dont know how to talk to girls' line..
  7. Well If I do come to say Hi on the Saturday, it'l cost me like £7-11 depending on which time I grab my ticket on the day..
  8. Yeah i just realised the price you were quoted Fex, thats probably buying it on the day, no way does a single cost that much..
  9. Well looks like he is making a train trip once he lands, but for some reason, he has decided to be awkward and will land in Scunthorpe rather than London
  10. Looking at the situation, I dont think there are many trains Fex can take from the moon..
  11. Hmm the depth to Evangelion is something I'm always going to be a fan of, but for action and overall entertainment minus the mind fuck, Gurren Lagann wins hand down. The psychology near the ending is pretty neat though, so there is some depth to GL. Ahh Gundam 00 is a great series, I hope you like it, I've watched it twice already (Well, the first series ofcourse, second doesnt air til October)
  12. Ah finally, word on the Haruhi second series..it was supposed to be out already... I loved the website teaser they had earlier this year with the whole dissapearance thing. Also, who went to MCM London Expo?
  13. I agree, part of my reluctance to buy the Wii is the lack of titles that have quality behind them. Now that I look at it Nintendo seem to be working on every title I want.. It seems third party creators visions of their next games require alot of extra power, and unfortunately, thats the only thing the Wii cannot offer. Sure its interactive and theres a whole new way of playing, but maybe developers are still thinking on how to expand their creations to utilise that.
  14. Happy birthday and the whatnot.
  15. Just some news for GL fans but, there will be TWO Gurren Lagann movies rather than the announced one. News comes from a Gainax event in Japan yesterday, go on ANN for more details etc Now im off to London Expo.
  16. Haha really? Well if the pitch goes through (very doubtful), im sure they'd move to work closely and alongside the Pokemon Team.
  17. The MMO Pokemon Crater I played was made of custom maps using tile sets from the Ruby and Sapphire games. There is one called Pokemon Online (which is very unreliable) is 2D aswell, I havent seen or even heard of any one attempting it however. Theres a game im testing in beta so far of Pokemon but problem is the MMO side of it is really lacking, theres no player interaction or battling as of yet (then again, it opened up a month ago), its called Pokemon Battle Arena, google it. (Its attempting to revive crater, but they have a LONG way to go, crater was fun, this is shit)
  18. This does make sense, although I have played Pokemon MMO's that have taken quite a considerable amount of time from me, the have been free. I've been quite ignorant of the money side to this, although I stay firm that I do think its possible. But as I think of it now, thanks to the new replies to this thread, a fully fledged MMO is probably not like, and I had raised concerns about how much time could be spent on any Pokemon game. However, a Pokemon game with MMO features is alot more likely and I'd glady bet on it for the next generation. An online city with the help of lobbies could hold online trainers and can wander around, selling items, furniture for secret bases etc and providing a few conditions have been met, communication. I may be thinking a bit too Phantasy Star Online here, but who wouldnt want to play a co-op side quest online involving you and a friend double battling to a prize etc, infact Pokemon needs to get some MMO features in because even though its possible through planning now, a reliable tournament with real time viewing to verify the winner and an online exclusive Pokemon with a certain move, item etc can be won. But now that I think about it, something like this will definitely not happen on the Wii.
  19. That price was based on a train from liverpool to london, but yeah I guess made quite a jump from Liverpool to London rather than looking into whether Dante and Skunky actually live within Liverpool (it seems Dante does). In my opinion, London is probably the decision for a meet up within the UK. Its central (not by much, there could be other places, but my next few reasons will make it a positive), easy to get to and looking at the duration of this meet up, is one of the few places in the UK you can go to and you can do fresh new things each day. I may be making too much of an assumption here, but Liverpool isnt suitable for a meet up in my opinion. I've been there twice, and I know I havent seen it all, but from what i've seen its not really a place for a meet up if its open to every one. I love the night life there, and if a meet up did happen in liverpool, It'd probably utilize the nightlife, which under 18's cant enjoy. Ofcourse, each to their own etc..
  20. Added just today, Overdrift Stage 2 This could be the kick in the dick in the balls
  21. Not very central though is it? A train from liverpool is about £60 open return, if you cant be assed to shell that out your rather cheap. Infact saying that, theres always coaches.
  22. Oh bollocks, just looked at the calendar and the 6th is the sunday, my bad, 5th it is. *face palm*
  23. Many tournaments are still based on the 1 vs 1 pokemon battle setup. I still prefer it actually, although 2 vs 2 is alot more strategic and requires alot more knowledge of combination moves. Any way, back on topic, chances are we wont hear anything regarding Nnooo's pitch for a while, bit I'l keep checking their status of the pitch.
  24. Hey, I've talked to a couple of members here over IM for a while and could you put me down as a confirmed attending please? I live in the London area and will only be coming on the 6th.
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