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Everything posted by Babooo

  1. Although I've never tasted it in my life, I'm gonna decide that I hate Marmite. The main reason is cos it just doesn't look very appealing.
  2. The one and only Daily Mail. Although I do also like the Times.
  3. Karma given... :bow:
  4. I don't think anyone can judge what the best console is (including myself), especially when most people here don't even own all 3 systems. Everyone's got their own opinions, and I think many of them are biased due to the fact that this a mainly a nintendo forum. And don't give me all that bullshit, that even though this is a nintendo forum, many don't have a GC. Of course they do. Why else would they go on this site?? That's like me going on a xbox forum when I don't even own the actual console.
  5. HEy! massive smallville fan right here!! Man, I love this show. So much better than the other crap out there like the OC and one tree hill. ONE of the reasons I watch the show....Kristin Kreuk baby!!
  6. resident evil 4. simple as... amazing game.
  7. Definately the PS2 by a long shot. All the memorable Pro Evo tournaments, the beautiful game which is ICO and one of the best series ever....MGS baby!! There's still okami, pro evo 5 and other games that I'm still looking forward to. But GC is good too....
  8. Only mag I read is Games tm. The one and only. And maybe occasionly official PS2 mag, if the demo is good. But thats very rare...this year only bought 1 issue so far. Games TM all the way baby!
  9. Well there aren't any games I'm playing on my GC, probably until I get the new zelda. Other than that, I've been playing Pro Evo with my mates during lunch and I'm gonna start replaying MGS3, just cos its too cool.
  10. Doesn't look that great to me...especially compared to PGR3. If i do decide to purchase a xbox 360, then I would wait for Project Gotham, cos you know its gonna be the dog's bollocks.
  11. I think the controller itself (or the remote control :wink: ) will probably be around £20 and the add ons like the control stick etc should be around £15. Thats just my opinion though. It'll probably turn out nothing like my suggestions!
  12. Has to be the one and only....slippy from lylat wars! Nah I'm kidding....to be honest, I can't really think of anyone else. I think the current roster of characters is perfect. They just have to get rid of some of the crap players like jigglypuff and Mr Game and watch....rather useless they were.
  13. Probably most mags will have this on their front cover, especially Edge and Games tm. Hopefully they'll have some good features in the mags as well, cos even I'm not too sure EXACTLY how the controller works....
  14. Agree with HellFire. I'm not too sure of the approach that Rare are taking to the Perfect Dark franchise. Doesn't suit the image.... Nevertheless, looking good...
  15. Babooo

    Burnout 360

    Good to hear that this is coming to the X360. Cos right now, the only console I'll most likely part my cash with is the 360....(for now)
  16. I'm still not totally convinced about the controller. It looks OK and is a good idea, but I'm just not too sure about it. Like someone else mentioned, I may get this and a more "traditional" console (i.e X360 or PS3).
  17. Being a gooner myself, I gotta admit that arsenal haven't been playing their best. And with the news of Henry being out for 6 weeks, doesn't look good for us. BUT, I don't think we're gonna be struggling that much. As soon as we string a couple of wins together and raise the team spirit and confidence, we'll be fine. The people moaning about arsenal's recent performances probably only supported us cos of our unbeaten run and now that we are in a bit of trouble, they fear the worst.
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