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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Watch Dogs was just confirmed for the Wii U by the developer. (Will be better on PS4 though)
  2. I think Sony are finally boxing smart now, they're actually delivering the things people want, with class.
  3. LOL. ........
  4. Yeah I didn't know what to go with. Whatever's funnier. (yours) (Sony's)
  5. http://www.n-europe.com/chat Jump in.
  6. It's an hour before I think. I would wet my pants if Fallout 4 was announced. If Bethesda really mixed things up but (obviously) kept the 40's music and everything. Because 40's music and apocalyptic wasteland exploring is the best combination of anything, ever.
  7. I'd agree with Nando. I would actually welcome a more retro toy-like design ala the original Playstation for the next gen system though.
  8. 10/10 would re-watch a dozen times. Edit: thought this was an interesting take on the speculation http://kaz.rasmusslot.com/php/viewer.php?url=http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-02-20-playstation-4-everything-we-know-so-far&m=yes
  9. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-21514870 This man is an idiot.
  10. Graphical comparisons of PS1, PS2 & PS3 games. Reminds me how much more rad the old PS1 boot-up screens were. http://www.gametrailers.com/videos/27hz7k/playstation-4-playstation-evolution
  11. Might be interesting to see Top 25 games lists of the PS1, PS2 and PS3 (with upcoming PS3 behemoths included). Build da hype yo.
  12. That was such a catastrophically shit idea. Demonstrated Kaz' bravery if nothing else.
  13. OK I'd add two small things that Sony should do/should've done: Kill Killzone franchise, lay off the boring/talentless people at Guerilla and tell them to make something that isn't dull. Don't let David Cage talk on stage. I don't need him to tell me that videogames don't need guns. Again.
  14. Because it's fun - what would make the ideal conference/system? (Orange font fuck yeah) <= £300 Slightly chunkier controller with the rumoured move functionality built in (scrapping the wand altogether), implement a universal share feature, give it a touch-screen keyboard and keep the damn charge cable. PS+ same price as it is currently but with added Gakai service thrown in. The Last Guardian, Dark Souls 2, Uncharted 4, new Eidos racer and new Sucker Punch game released in launch window. Keep the XMB but streamline it further. Not too bothered about this, but make Home something worthwhile - give the avatars the pace/freedom of Cole in Infamous and flesh out those projects like Xi, remove load times and have background downloads for new in-world locations. Cram in more text adventures and weird indie stuff. Maybe integrate it into a chat room when Friends are waiting in an online lobby. I don't know, but make it interesting and not shit. Offer a reasonable backwards compatibility work-around e.g. PS3 disc recognition and download option (one use only). Make a pledge to back more developers that produce games like Journey, and take more risks. Pedant's desire - Make the PSN tag more customisable and allow people to flesh it out with a profile (roughly 2% of this will actually happen)
  15. 31 hours to go.
  16. dwarf

    Crysis 3

    It looks pretty slick, and the hunter multiplayer mode is right up my alley too.
  17. Has anyone seen these tintin dubs done in a Middlesborough accent? The lip-syncing isn't great but they're sill superb.
  18. So this is awkward...
  19. The Pip-Boy was opened with circle on both current gen Fallouts on the PS3. The actual menu was accessed with start, but there were only 4 or 5 options in it. There still needs to be a separation between XMB and in-game menus I reckon.
  20. It turns out the top part isn't for Move functionality at all:
  21. Unlike you, however, I think the DS3 is a great controller. Never had any issues with it.
  22. To be fair it does look a bit shitty, I think the DS3 looks really sleek in comparison. Either way, I doubt it's actually going to look anything like this.
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