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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. I love the Internets, never misunderestimate Bush's stupidity.
  2. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    I'm slowly getting into the game. Although I haven't played much/done much in the game it is gripping, you want to level up and kick ass. I got the house in Megaton by disarming the bomb, now I'm gonna do a bit more killing and searching around in order to get to level 5 and upgrade some stuff. To get to level 4 I killed the fire ant infested town, and they are surprisingly difficult to overcome when you slowly find yourself surrounded. I thought I had loads of ammo but I only just had enough to get away from the place. Is there a way to upgrade repair skills for a certain period of time because I want to fix them pipes for some XP? Oh, and I know there's various places around Waste Land but are there many other settlements like Megaton where there's an entrance and exit with various characters?
  3. I meant as in the iPod in general, so it is fair. The Zen 'competed' with the original Nano, which was still better.
  4. *High five* Yeah, I've never actually owned an iPod, but have had a couple of MP3 players before like the 8GB Zen Microphoto, which was great, I got it mostly to be slightly different. I must've been kidding myself that it was better than the mainstream iPod though. I've only got the 8GB version but that should still be adequete(sp). My mum got it but slightly foolishly, she got my name engraved on it, so whilst it's cool, its not easy to sell. But yeah, you'll love it.
  5. Not really my purchase but got the New Nano for my Birthday today, in red, looks slick. Also bought Fallout 3 for PS3.
  6. Jav, the game is infinitely better than the first, and the controls are also better. It is immense.
  7. Talking about the Seat Camping thing (?) 'There's only one bed!' 'He won't have a friend anyway.' Was pretty funny.
  8. Won't really affect you if you didn't play the game, or if you haven't played the first MGS, but for me it was just amazing.
  9. No he earned 5th place fairly, yes Glock was in front at the end but he was only there because of the tires, and in the end that choice cost him. Yay for Hamilton!
  10. Wii Sports.
  11. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    Do you trade stuff in Megaton? If so the women I thought you could trade with only lets you buy off her or pay for her to repair, can't sell atm. I always seem to be low on ammo, health packs and the few side-quests that are available to me are too difficult, too many enemies or flamethrower people. Which side quests are easy and what should I do to level up? Can you only earn XP by killing?
  12. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    What videos? What are Mentats?
  13. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    The sheriff died when I told him to do something about Burke. I haven't even got any skills to do anything with the bomb anyway. I am at a complete loss.
  14. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    I kind of feel like I've been dropped in the deep end, what's the best way to level up? (Im crap at the moment, think level 3, I'm at the bit where you have to find the radio station, yet I found myself so low on HP all the time after fighting humans, even dying once. Argh!) Ok I'm officially pissed off with this game, I have no money, I'm on miniscule health and it's constantly in heart beep mode which you can't escape unless you quit the game, I have no-idea how to get to the radio station, I have jack-all ammo and basically I don't see where I should start. WTF!? Is there any way of getting your own bed or healing spot?
  15. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    Yeah I did the same as you Daft, apart from going to a school I passed Megaton and found a river and a Metro station. Time needs to be invested into games like these.
  16. Watched the last one and thought overall it was a good programme. I knew that the producer was going to ruin it for everyone. Actually sad to see some of the main characters turned into monsters but it can't have been that emotional for me because I can't even remember their names now. Won't be getting the DVD but still, worth watching.
  17. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    Ok so I picked this up today, was eyeing it on the shelf. Have just got to Megaton and it's been pretty cool as I'm spoiler free. I'm still in awe at how huge the place is, it's quality. I had the same problem as Flame, logging in and out freezes it for a few seconds which is irritating. Haven't really got into it enough yet but I can't wait for the feeling of power once I'm loaded up. Atm only got a baseball bat and a copper truncheon (and bullets). Oh yeah, in the beginning is it necessary to kill the people that spot you cause I couldn't sneak past myself?
  18. Games that promise lots of features and actually have few. (I thought the save stations in Prime were fine - I hope there will be another game that mesmorises me as much as the original, yet I doubt it *sob*)
  19. I picked up Ratchet and Clank for £12 at Cex (exchanged Tiger Woods and Stranglehold for £15). So far it brings back great memories of the first R&C I owned on the PS2, quality game although I never got round to the others, probably just as well because it's pretty damn similar. Cool stuff though, hopefully it's as lengthy as the first.
  20. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    I think my games list of what to buy will be this order: Resistance 2, LBP then Fallout 3 (unless I get Fallout for my Bday) Looks very fun, hope the story is engaging.
  21. Are you new to PS3?
  22. No I wasn't, just seeing if anyone in the 360 board agreed... No? Ok.
  23. Nowhere near as good as Resistance 2 [/Thread] eeek!
  24. Good episode? Quality episode! Funny moments such as the producer taking a dump in the bucket and the guy reading about himself being bad in bed. Good TV.
  25. Were there any weapons in Resistance that haven't appeared in the beta?
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