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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. lolzer - Shame it seldom happens. Why couldnt it happen for more games? I guess Wiiloader is relief.
  2. ^ Alex: Claire is getting shat on by Sir Alan so I will too.
  3. Yeah, Syed and Tre were actually pretty legendary, especially Tre, he just made me laugh and he didn't take the whole thing too seriously.
  4. Great... It's what puts me off MK. Is there a tactic in this game whereby you purposfully stop at the first set of boxes and wait for people to overtake, and then you get a star or whatever? I did this in DD and its always useful to knock over some opponents early and also take any short-cuts etc.
  5. I thought Celtic always had the upper hand on Rangers, goes to show how much I know (care) about the SPL
  6. I take defeat at the poor comment, but then I also squint when 20 year old Nintendo forumers get 'high and mighty'. Why do people still post here anyway when all the discussion is about E3 now?
  7. So is the blue shelling worse in this than double dash, because in double dash I could live with it and found that I never lost a 150cc cup, it wasn't difficult.
  8. We were talking about the rumours from the media summit that Nintendo were cannning a Partners in Time sequel because they realized it was poor and that they could do better :/
  9. Yeah but did you eat her with Yoshi afterwards? That is special. If you play against CPU afterwards using that glitch is is quite easy to win with the back-throw, she picks them up from miles away and they float in mid-air. Coolness.
  10. Compared to the new stages in brawl, this MK doesn't deliver. They probably could have done a bit better with Brawl too...
  11. RPG isnt my favourite genre no, but I am very sure you can find better RPG's around, probably less so on DS. I tell you what is a better RPG than that game, Paper Mario (TTYD more-so).
  12. Namely? Its not that I don't like those games, but if they get into a consoles top list then I don't really expect the console to be that hot.
  13. Can I just say that Partners in Time is crap? i'll accept your other choices (just about), but that game was poor.
  14. Timesplitters, Zelda, Brawl, Metroid and Crash Bash? Because no-one likes them... Just because I don't jump for the sky at any Mario game. jk But I will say if I don't think a game is up to par, even if it means I'm against the majority. Doesnt show a sign of distaste.
  15. Who gives a crap about points? It doesnt determine how good you are, the only thing it can tell you is if you're competent or a complete arse at the game. Or if you spend too much time on it.
  16. Very funny stereotype, but if you can use it on Myspace (and indeed the Europe) in general text, surely you can do that by postinga comment.
  17. Daz you're too protective. There's thousands of people that have futile reasons why they don't like the Wii, so there's little point in trying to convince, especially on the net. Overall that list is good, but compared to the best 20 / 100 games on almost any other console its chud. Especially seeing as Partners in Time, sonic rush, power paintbrush and Trauma are on the list. You forgot MK and Hunters btw, the only good DS games I had really. And I bought quite a few 'rated' games.
  18. HAHAHA classic! hmm Don't know why Im posting here all the stuff is totally irrelevant so I will leave.
  19. Can you add those things to bebo? If so can I have the code(?) with *s put in so it doesn't show? The gun hump is good! Cheers.
  20. Methinks I played Trauma Centre and thought it was awfully over-rated. Phantom Hourglass hardly adds much new 'ooh you can move the boomerang with the stylus'. Yeah it's a neat touch, but nothing that couldnt be done otherwise. DS isn't groundbreaking. Not sure how it can be considered as a favourite console...
  21. I can see why people don't like Prime, but for me it was incredible and so I wouldn't slate a sequel if you didn't like the first or if it actualy offered a bit more and was part of a story/trilogy. And what is with the copy and paste, do you do that on all forums? It would be nice if game's quality reflected in its sales, but it doesn't happen does it? At least not all the time.
  22. DS hardly offered a new experience, it was a gimmick, and you could see software was pretty poor. It was a toucescreen. not new really. Two screens: better having one large one and it could at least join together properly. Microphone: redundant. Wii is great though.
  23. Simon wasn't that arrogant, just confident, compared to some of those people. I don't think he was comfortable after mentioning his IQ.
  24. The only games that interest me from that list are Boom Blox, the Factor Five project (dunno what it is yet though) and Disaster.
  25. ^ Now Hellfire, we get the picture that yours works fine, and for me it mostly does, but it isn't that smooth, and occasionly it misreads. It usually works wonders, but it really isnt fluent, no matter how super the remote is. I haven't seen any corruption videos where someone does th door mechanism perfectly. Ok it doesn't need to be, but still. And can you use 2 candles as a sensor bar?
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