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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Fuck sake, I now have an urge to play this again, but my PS3 is up in Manchester. Only ever did the one playthrough because I didn't want to rush into any re-run that would devalue the experience. That, plus I got bitched on the Survival mode a couple of times and cried myself to sleep. Would love to have a mini-cinema with surround sound so I could really appreciate the crunching sound and tingly score. Bah.
  2. I'd say leave the multiplayer until you've finished the campaign, because the maps spoil the environments a little bit.
  3. 15-18 hours worth. I actually felt it was a couple of hours too long but you needn't worry about the playtime, campaign is a meaty beast as far as linear narratives are concerned.
  4. I don't think they smiled enough
  5. broooooooooooooo Anyone know why my browser (Chrome) aint showing those properly? When I URL each one they work individually.
  6. Pics don't work bro
  7. Spacey did his best with the lines but couldn't quite conceal their naffness. Will be interesting to see how this turns out because it's the first major engine upgrade since MW2. In terms of multiplayer, MW, MW2 and Black Ops were pretty damn good. Since then, the balance issues have rendered the series unplayable and untenable.
  8. This is a thing. I'm not gay but if being so is a prerequisite for ordering it, then I'll gleefully convert.
  9. Fair cop. Now torn between wanting to be cool and wanting to get sloshed.
  10. Only played that once, twas grand. Drunk Balderdash?
  11. Are we going to get fucking cunted at this thing later on, or have you nerds devised an alternative scheme for having fun?
  12. Your post about Zelda going open-world suggested to me that the concept is still somewhat fresh to you. Seeing you lose your shit over Watchdogs makes me wonder how you would've reacted to Fallout 3 when that came out. You have no idea, son.
  13. Anything remotely connected with Michael Bay gets the stomp approval from me.
  14. I'm gonna see Boyhood on Thursday. Might also see Guardians this week even though I'm nowhere near as excitable as others here over superhero/comic shizzle.
  15. This is going to be so legit.
  16. Have I fuck got a Vita. Good one!
  17. Wipeout HD remains the smoothest, most fluid game I've ever played. No doubt that was due to the 60fps.
  18. Christ, that is a bad firmware update.
  19. They could also overhaul the universe. The whole timeline thing is kind of preposterous considering how virtually every individual narrative riffs on a different entry in the series with interchangeable plot elements, all of which ultimately devolve into a shattered grail fetch-quest. Character reinvention is much needed also. Strip it all back and do something utterly surprising. It would be great to see Nintendo do that again.
  20. So.... tips, anyone? Don't get me wrong, I'm big on pretty much all sports be it spectating or playing, just never tried Squash properly. I had a handy tennis backhand back in the day which will hopefully translate well should I try the walled in version.
  21. I was tempted to join the society but I am hilariously unfit at the moment and I doubt it's n00b friendly. Tried fencing instead but it's fucking gash. Didn't feel like you could really put all your energy into it, too much about technique and patience and poncing about.
  22. It could do with a more fluid combat system. Nintendo have an obsession with lock-on targeting systems which oversimplify the combat to the point that you don't really feel any gratification for conquering an enemy. I'd love it if they went full on Dark Souls where combat is all about timing, dodging, and weapon/magic choice. Zelda is a bit like that but there is only ever one way to fight something and as soon as you're locked on, you're essentially trapped in a virtual box and the environment doesn't really come into play. With Dark Souls you have to engage pretty much every faculty in your approach, and do it with speed. Plus, the feedback you get from connecting with a halberd or some such is weighty as fuck and precipitates many a fist-pump. There are some open world things that I cba to expound on right naww.
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