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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Kid Chameleon! Awesome game. Are there achievements in the collection?
  2. It looked like something inspired from 3D Dot Game Heroes. It probably was. My personal favourite part was just hearing the Tetris 'bleep' sound and seeing blocks falling down in the background. The video was too short!
  3. Just 2 adverts I genuinely hate here, don't expect to find anything funny in them, it's just that they make me sick: This one below is different to the one I saw the other day. This particular vid doesn't show the terrible and weird alien-like manner which the girl says 'freeesshhhh!' but the rest is the same.
  4. (this is one entry btw) Brown: "Vince Cable is not able - to chair the G20 table, you've got to trust a Jew to keep the markets stable" Labour MPs: "Cause I'm Brown like that, Brown like that" Brown: "I'll tax you 50p on the pound like that!
  5. If I had the game I would be Platzor, and make a montage of him walking casually round getting hipfire kills with the desert Eagle. (Well, I would just like to see such a thing)
  6. I'm guessing they'll do a Saint Andrew's one as well.
  7. Some of the parachuting weapons are beyond stupid. Sending them upwards indoors wouldn't work, let alone sending a tank into the air.
  8. I'd say this is thread worthy. I welcome the change, although I rarely buy Mars bars anymore. They got smaller, more expensive and I swear somewhere down the line an ingredients change impaired the taste. I still enjoy eating them after they've been in the sun for a while.
  9. Labour have tried to package Brown in a number of ways, all of which have failed. At such a critical time in the election campaign, they've opted to employ an outrageous new tactic. ORANGE FRAME!
  10. 40mm shotgun: Most squad dathmatch maps, white pass being the easiest to do it on I think. Or you could try the 'new' VIP conquest desert map. As for AT mines, basically use them when defending any Rush map (bar Nelson Bay ofc). Laguna Alta on conquest is very good for them too. It's easy to get near the vehicles where enemies spawn on that map, just plonk 'em down in hard to see places, or even virtually under the vehicles and hey presto!
  11. I've been trying out all the shotguns today when I haven't been working. It's hard to decide which one is best. I'm pretty certain it isn't the NS 2000 though, the low clip size and slow RoF is painful, especially because the shotgun hit detection in this game seems to be very poor, making it almost essential that you can shoot quickly after your first. I find if you're using shotguns that the long-range slugs & magnum ammo must be used, otherwise they just aren't cut out for use in BF. They barely are with both of those anyway. I did have a startling 12 kill streak with the Saiga Semi earlier though, the accuracy is brilliant, and obviously does a lot of damage, so 2 clean hits is a definitely a kill. The Spas seems very similar but I haven't tested it enough, though it did seem unreliable when I was using it, annoyingly missed a load of shots I thought were on target. Will experiment with the USAS and the standard one another time. Btw, the type 88 sniper or sniper special with 4X scope and magnum was a great recommendation, whoever suggested it. Incredibly fun to use, the streaks the Special has brought unto me have been magical. Plus I've got the 6th gold star for the M1911 pistol. It's such a life saver, and good for long range/short range targets too. It's almost deserving of being a primary weapon, much like the magnum in KZ2.
  12. Well I agree with you there Cube, but the original point Dan made wasn't really what I had in mind when it came to good examples of linear-games that give the impression of freedom, or indeed of actual freedom within the linearity.
  13. There is a bloody steep curve coming up, I promise. I remember because I was trying to get one of the trophies for getting to the end when my data corrupted. I can't say I was that bothered because the races at the end were so god-damn irritating. There is one race on the beach level (obviously a lot of them are on beaches) but you start in a bit of jungle, and then do a massive ramp down to a beachy section once you've turned to the left upon landing. It might've been rank 7 or 8, but I'm not sure. I tried that race so many times and just couldn't find the speed. All of the later events, boost just seems to make no difference and you're constantly on the verge of overheating. We might be confusing each other because I only went for gold medals in that game, even though it's a points-based system right? I definitely know I got golds on all races/drift event thingies on ranks 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. Probably got a fair few more golds but on which courses I don't know. I refuse to admit you're better than me I'm Wipeout HD king!
  14. They're allergic to cake.
  15. ^ Games you Hate, But everyone else loves Idiot.
  16. I think it's 'Swindonians'. I would help you but my family won't be convinced :/ Sorreh.
  17. Sweety empathised with the Cravendale cows that had their milk stolen from them in the adverts. She knew what it was like to be stolen from herself, except her farmer had stolen something she couldn't fight back for.
  18. Now I usually agree with your usage of Halo examples but this time I don't think that it offers much more choice compared to any other normal FPS games to be honest. Going back to HL2, that game is so linear, but the interaction with the environment made it such a great game and felt like you had choice. Stuff like using the gravity gun on different objects to kill foes offered even more options, and the sections where you can move turrets around etc further that feeling, to a much greater extent than Halo I believe.
  19. The script was cruelly funny, and stereotypical, and very suited to a videogame. I just didn't like the game itself.
  20. No, that's just shocking representation for dummies.
  21. It's like a womens kit. Fitting.
  22. Haha yeah I think of him as a bit of a comedian actually. I saw his cheeky face when the camera panned to him in the aftermath and smiled because he does that all the time, but he doesn't come across as a cock because of it. Probably due to his Serbian origin or something.
  23. Oh wait, I for some reason thought he was defending and was smoking the opposition bases out.
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