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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. It's cheaper to buy the select PSN games you want rather than pay £40 a year for the ones you may have no interest in. What is the point I've missed? I don't think you've understood me Wesley if anything.
  2. What degree are you doing? I wouldn't have thought game testing would be a very good job.
  3. What? You have no choice in the games through this method, I have the PSN stuff that's on Plus for the first 2 months.
  4. But virtually every PSN game hardly gets played after the first couple of months so for me it isn't that important.
  5. Because it's cheaper? I wouldn't say that's weird, all firms offering subscription services do that to entice you into the longer deal. Unless you meant something else?
  6. Match point LOSE FUCK SAKE NO ISNER!!
  7. Use this if you can, not sure it works in Norway: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/tennis/8756240.stm Shit could this be it? ...Probably not. ...It wasn't.
  8. http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2010/06/23/playstation-plus-explained/ Everything you want to know about Playstation Plus, incl. what the first 2 months will offer (unfortunately most of the stuff I already have) and other details that weren't cleared up. UK prices - £39.99 for a year, £11.99 for 90 days. I don't think I'll bother, to me it's not actually that good value for what you get, especially seeing as you have no choice in the selection of content.
  9. OHZ. Lose question. Bit unfair of the 'amateurs' isn't it? Yeah but surely they should boost the amount of challenges if the set were to be as long as this? They get new amounts for each set and tie breaks (2 in tie breaks I think) yet if this were on a hawk-eye court they would've only got a few challenges when it's effectively gone on for 8000 sets.
  10. I think one of them should just start guessing where the opponent's serves are going in order to get a WIN return because they're flat-out failing to anticipate anything. I so hope Mahut wins, because he isn't a prick, and is more fun to watch. Does anyone know the state of challenges remaining? They don't get extra do they because it's strictly one set?
  11. Oh get out, I can tell it's average just by watching. I CAN. I approve of the title change.
  12. I have my doubts about this, the gameplay is doing nothing for me at the moment.
  13. I heard the leaning tower of Pisa is quite popular.
  14. I have a feeling that once they come back tomorrow the match will be over in 2 games.
  15. It really isn't, it just throws you in the deep end without much explanation. Once you get over that stage, it's just a fairly hard RPG. Some bosses can be bastards, but then again they all have AI flaws that can be exploited for lilt.
  16. I think once you see one irl you will be convinced. Thinking about it, I'd be relatively happy about Coca Cola taking over the world if they ever did. Much more so than almost every other corporation.
  17. The other pictures in the link make it look insanely winful. I'm glad too because personally full fat Coca Cola is the best coke out there. The redesigns of their whole brand incl. Fanta look incredible. There's a blue one there (water) I don't recognise that is just full of awesome.
  18. Check this out, it's an awesome Coca-Cola redesign prototype for 2013. The link shows everything about it and there's some cool pictures of the thing. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://victorsosea.gds.ro/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/coca-cola-bottle-squared-eco-design1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://victorsosea.gds.ro/square-coke-bottle-design/&usg=__iOM-mMCv5dxW-ZeiOXjtBH9tl44=&h=389&w=468&sz=42&hl=en&start=16&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=Jjd6jHpdwhrl_M:&tbnh=106&tbnw=128&prev=/images%3Fq%3D2013%2Bcoke%2Bbottle%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26tbs%3Disch:1
  19. Just had a look at it, such an awesome cat http://sisinmaru.blog17.fc2.com/ Edit: Watch from 1:13 and you will see what resembles Fox's 'quick dash' attack from Melee/Brawl.
  20. Literal apologies in order to you Mi - Cul



    Fatigue and hayfever destroyed me today, utterly reduced to a blubbing mess, essentially because of flowers. I'm such a pussy. LOL jk Im fkcing soliddddd!!!! blard

  21. The nonchalance in that video is somewhere in the stratosphere.
  22. You may find yourself humming 'B-B-B-Buzz, Buzz (.) Lightyear' afterwards. It's surprisingly awesome. Also note Buzz' bobbing up and down on the bed to be weirdly made of something called win.
  23. Federer pisses me the fuck off. I hate the guy, and I so wanted this Falla guy to kick his ass, seeing as he's awesome and has come out of nowhere. He should've done by now, but it's gone to 2-2 in sets with Federer on the upper hand now that he's back in the game. The c***. Seriously I just find the guy to be really annoying, a winner that I don't like, even if he comes across as a nice bloke to most people. I will destroy him.
  24. I to play Medal of Honour Frontline again, I remember the campaign in it actually being pretty awesome. Rising was pretty poor so I'm glad they've chosen the right one to include in the PS3 pack-in.
  25. Oh mehhh. Out of those I'd only be interested in: Gran Turismo MotorStorm Arctic Edge LittleBigPlanet Wipeout Pure So the deal doesn't seem that great anymore. I thought they gave you a bit of a choice but obviously not.
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