I do not understand zis first part. The only gun in multiplayer worth 'maining' was the standard M82 Assault Rifle (ISA), which everyone has access to from the beginning. I'd say this is one of the fairest games to be levelling up from the start on, seeing as unlocked abilities don't make you that much stronger/badass. Plus, there's still games that feature the 'play people of the same rank'.
Pretty much everyone who plays the game now in the public games is nooby anyway, and unlocking is enormously fast.
It is true that the snipers kill this game a bit though. You'll never see a sniper win a game, and they never help the team. However, getting killed by them just feels lame an cheap. Whoever thought it would be funny to make them invisible, and give them an automatic, rapidly recharging spotting system is an absolute prick.
Despite this, the majority of players don't use them really, and they only get the odd target.
The weapon that kills the game is the shotgun. Seeing as there's so many tight corridoors, and many a time objective points are placed in them, they're overly effective. The amount of users online is disgusting. They aren't hard to use, and they're massively overpowered.
In fact, you can group in the air support with the game breakers. After the patch they got both amazingly solid armor, and fucking megat0n bullets.
I'd like to hear about the interface/kit selection from the beta. How things work, what stuff you get etc. Thanks Aimless
I hope they put in a few more smaller maps (and more maps in general). Tharsis had a good rhythm to it, whereas maps like Helghan Industries sucked balls. Too complicated and large. Pyrrus was by far the worst though.