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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. dwarf


    @ Hat: I'd be tempted with the DLC if I still had the game and my character save data. Sos br0.
  2. dwarf


    I think I would've enjoyed Borderlands more if I didn't play it for a couple of hours everyday, it doesn't suit that style. Breaks needed! Also, I think it's best in 2 player, however, the lag is usually horrible as soon as you step online. While that be my connection, it's very annoying.
  3. I thought it was tres good. It would've been hella amazingness moar it they had The Wire in there though, you're right. Peeps, I know what you're saying, but imagine the effort this guy went through to make it. Not every amazing Youtube video is perfectly realised, because they're usually made by normal people. This is all obvious. Just ignore me.
  4. You may think you want Crazy Taxi, but the controls feel dreadful now. They're just too awkward, you have to properly wreck your thumb to be able to succeed. Plus, some of the challenges are nigh on impossible. There's one called Crazy Zig Zag. The first segment asks you to reach the exit in a ridiculous time. Probably the most frustrating level in anything ever, but managed to do it in the end. Then Crazy Zig Zag 2 unlocked. It made me furious. You have to do the same thing but do a Crazy Drift stop at each corner, so as to come to a halt in the miniscule slither of parking area the passengers give you. I deny anyone here to have the cheek to say they've done it. Unfortunately, there's no Youtube videos of the actual level, though there is a similar one of a Crazy Zig Zag level in the sequential game, but the person is using a special unlock vehicle. You can't help but love the 'It's party time, let's have some fun!' lines when you're navigating the menus. Partly because the menu music in this game is the worst in any game ever - it's just a chugging engine put on repeat. Hey hey heyyy, it's time to make some currazy money! - Are ya ready? Here we GO! "YAH YAH YAH YAH YAHH!!!"
  5. Is there no other way you could convince these stubborn pricks to be removed? Hidden-Envy doesn't exactly sound like my favourite kid from the block.
  6. I watched the video. Uhm. Thanks for pointing out the English50Cent thing. Yeah, cheers. (:p)
  7. Thought it was too good to be true. That day when I youtubed 'Countdown funny words' was an exciting one.
  8. The flaps thing is just surreal. The chances of it happening are just unreal. What I love is how the letter chooser allows it to happen. Plus, this actually got broadcasted? Have they somehow faked itz?
  9. Cheers bled. ---- Things you wouldn't hear on Countdown To all American's who wouldn't know what this is, I say, piss off!
  10. Fine 4 o'clock. Imma watch wirethong now

  11. I MEAN AT 2.44 PM TODAY


  13. Devoid of hypocrisy, they see them as obsessive photo-taking, test-tube-bred, humourless, visually-identical job stealers.
  14. I'm guessing he's a grower, I mean, he's fucking with Burrell, which can only be a good thing, and he's toned down his act a bit the further in it gets. We'll see.
  15. I'm not sure, but I think what's happened here is that Media Molecule were discussing going Gold with the game, then they read my post and thought 'shit, if dwarf's not happy, we better listen to his very valid points'. Or they were close to release and realised that some of their musical content had track names including 'Black Man Stole My Bike'.
  16. The guy that wants to run for Major. His mannerisms, accent, snarling mouth, even his script. He just looks like a slimy bastard.
  17. For me the editor is the best part, not because you can make good stuff in it, but just so you can wonder at the potential staring you in the face. I made a fairly competent/convoluted effort, which I was fairly happy with. Whilst it wasn't as good as what I ideally wished for, it was nice to see myself pull off some tricky mechanisms in my designs, that have to be used for completion. The actual playing of levels was largely boring in LBP1, because the platforming wasn't exactly an art that could be mastered. Now with physics adjustments and more options, who knows. There are a lot of niggles that come with creating levels though. They never sorted the sticker/colouration in my opinion. There should be a paint tool, instead of having to collage standard shapes with a limited palette. And certain important stickers, like letters for instance, had to be unlocked. I hope they amend that.
  18. I've just finished watching episode 5 of season 3. This series hasn't quite taken off for me yet, though it looks to be hotting up around now. As always, there's been a couple of great laughs. There's one actor/character that I find hella annoying though. He's disgusting.
  19. WHIN! Zainy Molotov's post doesn't constitute 'trolling'. He's, honest to God, setting out on a pointless mission towards self-fulfilment. By being a fanboy.
  20. Isn't it just?! Ridiculous speed. Absolutely ridiculous. I didn't know turtles could move in such ways until I saw that video.
  21. Nice. Imagine my disappointment when the loading screen phased out, only to reveal a mind-numbing RTS tutorial. An RTS tutorial... Only turtles compete in slowness.
  22. In the same way I found it funny when Dan Dare posted a Halo Reach thread link in the Resistance 3 thread. Totally irrelevant, but funny, and obviously a joke (sortoflulz).
  23. Have you not been reading everything I've written? I wholeheartedly admit I once was a Nintendo fanboy. That was 4 years ago, when I was 13. The trolling of the Wii forums, mentioned numerous times, was for the joy of Lilt. You deleted that stuff due to embarrassment and lack of humour (at the time). Reminder: Posted by me 'It's like me going to the Wii board once every year and posting something akin to: 'was it just me that noticed that the average Nintendo game scored a 6.5/10, whilst first party Sony titles got a 9/10 average?'. Except, get this, without the irony.'
  24. I didn't have time to come onto that point - Zing Matron is a blip on N-E. Most people here are civil, have an IQ above 70, and generally fit in. But this kid remains here and I can't ban him, so why can't I try to mould him so that he isn't forever known as a farce? Or at least point out to other people that it isn't a case of 'rivalry', it's just a case study of an absolute idiot that gets away with plaguing discussions, as if he has the right to.
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