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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Pheeew. *Sniff*. It's just that... Ohh! Mmm. It's just that there's been so much tension recently and I finally feel the air has been cleared and all there is now is relief. *Sniffle* Ohh... Huhh-uhhh-huhh.. I just feel like I need to thank everyone for helping me through this. Is everyone fine with that? BECAUSE I AM and I really need to know that everyone else is TOO ! Guys? *weep*
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-11475136 I think this would make for a good spin-off. Make-shift weapons, burnt out cars, barren landscape, the pictures above are IRL fantastical concept art. --- Seriously though: Hungary battles to stem torrent of toxic sludge http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-11475361 Imagine your neighborhood being caked in shit, how shit would that be? (Swindon) Makes for some interesting photos though. Condolences to those that presumably drowned in their fecal matter. Hopefully the situation is resolved soon.
  3. Well me and Jon were just speaking over PSN whilst on that very game, and just to clarify, we thought it was fine. So I guess that makes it utterly all right.
  4. Yes. Akin to how he was awesome in that DC Universe game trailer. I always thought Superman was boring though. Wouldn't be the best pseudonym though, so I guess he overcompensated and slid himself to the opposite end of the spectrum.
  5. I'm totally fine with it, as long as it's fine with everyone else here. If that's OK? I mean, it really is fine, in fact it couldn't be more acceptable.
  6. I know, it's fair enough to have that opinion. I respect it.
  7. They should have cut it after Echoes. Then I'd be able to say 'it's the best game trilogy/series'. I played the first DS Castlevania. It was good. The ending paths/weird bosses were kind of gay but a fantastiche gaim nuntehless.
  8. To be fair, I've always wanted to play 300+ hour long MMOs in short bursts, on the go, on a small, overcrowded screen, with a fiddly interface, on a system that'll struggle to get a workable connection. In effect, the target market is infinite.
  9. Day 1 buy. It looks really sleek, exudes sex appeal, plays the best genre of games around, sits at a great value, and basically I have no idea why noone else has made one yet, seeing as they're so useful and not pointless, or shit.
  10. I allow myself to tear once perenially. Or so I think. (I don't). Can't remember the most recent shedding, but shed I did at the Forest Gump ending. Not much, but very much a genuine water escaping eye situation. Before I never thought a film would make me feel that emotional. In fact, This is England, the recent series, made me feel really bad for the girl that... yeah, y'know. I was pulling an unhappy face. Which is still a rather exceedingly pointless reaction.
  11. I Have Enough On My Kate /as it is.
  12. For dwarf's birthday wishes tower (in Nov) Mad Men Season 1&2. £18 from Play, didn't want to ask for blu-ray, it'd be a fiver more. The Wire season 4. And as I type the theme tune from season 1 starts playing on Spotify lollll. Lol. Breaking Bad season 1, coz Rez ha been badegering me up the ass. Battlestar Galactica mini series. Only 3.99 on play lolll. Everyone here seemingly loves it so I thought why the jabberwocki not? BSG season 1. WESC Bongo headphones. 54 quid from somewhere, suggested by the oh-so-tolerable Daft Mobile phone I do not know what yet though. Need suggestions. Needs to be a phone I can get the Tesco £6 a month deal with, that the oh-so-varied Sheikah suggested. + Jeans +If anyone haz other media-based ideas for my Birfdai? Not New Vegas, seeing as I'll have to buy that myself on release dai. Please do not suggest Justin Beeber.
  13. I'm confused as to why you'd post the song like that/why you'd choose that song/without context///etcc/// Can't really rate what I listened to, it was just annoying really. --- Audio Megadeth - Peace Sells
  14. Basically I said 'Hello, friend of Michael!' as a guess. Then she replied 'I want to bed you'. After all is said and done, I can't complain really.
  15. Just quoting for the fourth time. For the lols. But yeah, make sure to contact me and Michael Jamieson, for some illegal activity. It involves rape. Hard. Hard rape.
  16. I was joking, but I excuse you for not recognising my emphasis - 'overall/whole'. Haha.
  17. Does Claire's sister play Modern Warfare 2 online then? Because that's what she's been on, no lie. Tried to chat me up too, the mynx.
  18. Whut?
  19. You absolute man. I need to buy this too, but I feel a standard version purchase brewing. Decision of the year, decision of the fucking year! Argh. All they had to do was bundle a Bobblehead in, and I was there. And @ Flameboy: Yes! That's very much a win.
  20. My theory is that he's actually just gone to Butlins in Wales. ---- It's probably just a friend that wants a well established world-reknowned PSN ID. By friend I mean, uhm. Well maybe he has those. Not technically beyond th realm of possibility. Let's just say I didn't mean 'probably'.
  21. Anything that compromises the actual visuals/smooth running of a game is a bit of a downer for me.
  22. Yeah, I also moaned. Because it's worth moaning about. It's just that Inferno was so obviously ripping off God of War, and they couldn't even be bothered to change a bloody colour. Bellends.
  23. It was pants. As Chode says, the camera angles were awful, the enemies were just generally irritating, and the the horse section was shit. I thought I was missing something when I was just killing the enemies in the same way, but no. Also, why is it always a bloody green fountain to restore health in these games? No. I'd give the overall game (as a whole) 5/10.
  24. Awh I think I remember that game, uhm, is it something like Rob Bolton Wanderers FC?
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