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Everything posted by nightwolf

  1. I'm sick of my SSDs and my power supply not fitting properly into my case, so I bought a new one. Bye bye 4 year old case. Hello beasty... (For my next SSD)
  2. I'm sorry to hear that @Animal As for the job, your Grandad is right, we spend an awful long time in situations we don't like for reasons that make no sense. Leave the job, quickly. They obviously don't care about your welfare at all. <3
  3. Balls. Thanks anyway
  4. Argh @EEVILMURRAY the back to the future picture and frame, where are they from? My partner would love that!
  5. I'm very excited to play it again. I first played it by borrowing it from the library when I was little and then I bought it for my PS2 while I was in uni. So it'll be nice to play a more updated version
  6. Because I need to replay them both. ...and because I have no way of hoovering my car now I live in a flat (and have a garage with no electric!)
  7. @Cube just run! I had this with my last place and I just let it go. On that note, I spent yesterday (about 5-6 hours) cleaning this apartment as we had an inspection today. I found out that my housemate - who only had his room to clean, didn't bother. So of course we got a note saying about mould/dust and asked us to keep an eye out. It wasn't a bad note per say, just a 'can you please?' but it still pissed me off. Takes you five minutes to dust and keep an eye out for mould, come on!
  8. First thing: I'm sorry to hear that Eenuh, it sucks majorly when you know a project/company isn't working. (I was like this last year). As for the email. Simply write you're concerned about the company due to the pay and then list bullet points as to why. It'll keep it as fact and allow you to get everything down you want to without waffling. (As for freelancing, try it! There's no harm in at least having a look online for information. It mostly seems to consist of the same hints and tips, but there is information about paying taxes etc as a freelancer on the .gov website )
  9. Of course. Although keep your damn insults to yourself. I'm quite sane of mind. Thank you. This whole thing is the 'least worst of the bunch'. Except this time round we got exactly what everyone was complaining about barely a few weeks ago. Which is why I'm sad about it. Apparently this country had Stockholm syndrome.
  10. Damn, how much are you earning now? ./rude
  11. I'm beyond sad to wake up this morning to that result. It completely disregards everything and I'm also sad to say that some people on my Facebook are really happy about it. Even though they are far beyond rich. Perhaps moving out of Cambridge and the country is now a good idea, because I can't stand the idea of this place getting any worse than it is.
  12. Looking around it seems this issue has been going on for ages, since 8.1 was released and I've not found anything but clearing your DNS cache, which given the website, you've already done. There is also suggestions here that maybe you could try? https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/de9a6f29-775d-4cb4-852c-8e338d907e80/networking-issues-after-upgrading-to-windows-81?forum=w8itproinstall Otherwise my only piss poor suggestion is to change your OS as it sounds like it's not going to be fixed any time soon.
  13. This is why I'm 24 and I've only just voted. It's incredibly confusing. If my housemate hadn't sat down and explained literally everything I'd still be as confused as ever.
  14. Bah refreshed and lost my notes, hang on:
  15. Yay! So pleased. Good job sir
  16. Went a bit overboard: I wanted all the avengers hoodies on offer, but had to pick one given the price. ASOS models are way too serious.
  17. Perhaps, I keep finding it's mostly things such as logging in, in fact, getting to this page took it's sweet little time. It's nothing too concerning and I can access pages just fine. So I'll leave it at that then.
  18. Tends to just be the forums, the site loads just fine. I was also wondering that myself, though I'd have no idea why, given no other site has the same issue (I've been keeping an eye on reddit for instance). *shrug* it's not overly bothersome, just weird.
  19. Oh definitely, I should likely mention that he didn't negotiate, he just lied he was on more than he previously was. But hey it worked for him. I am far too honest sometimes, I did tell my current company I was earning 17, so to jump to 20 was a big leap for me - at the time. I was ok with that pay for a little while, until about 6-8 months ago, when my pay load went from ok to heavy. To see someone do a lot less than me for more pay has taken it's toll on my attitude. Which sucks, because I'm good at the job and I've got what I need to survive, but if I had lied, then maybe this year I would have been nearer to my goal of 25 rather than just matching my friend after over a year of working, when he's been here 2 months. Either way, I seriously doubt this will be the last time it happens!
  20. I've been very, very fortunate. There's no way my car is worth £2000. But I'm not going to say anything. ssssh.
  21. Rightfully so. But alas, I am human and it was my own fault for being in a conversation where it was mentioned. I'm ok with what I've got, nobody should ever be upset about extra money. But given I'm on a low pay grade already for the work I do and I'm always told in my company the pay reflects experience. Bah, whatever. If it bugs me, I need to look for a new job - right?
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