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Everything posted by nightwolf

  1. I can only hope you're not saying you'll smash them. That might be where you're going wrong..
  2. I'm sorry. #notsorry
  3. Aww that's erm cute... @Murr I'm beyond jealous.
  4. I'd get the boyfriend that if he liked Zelda. :awesome: #justsayin
  5. No me either, but the email said just the white chesters were limited, probably why they are so expensiv. The orange - original Chester is $40 So much more reasonable!
  6. The chesters look like they'll be here to stay, it's just the white ones that aren't
  7. Don't bother. The lady obviously has some issues of some kind. It's all well and good joking around being pretend offended, but the girl seems completely off kilter. What a waste.
  8. Klei have finally released them to purchase. I would have loved to have gotten the limited edition snowy one, but I refuse to pay $150 + shipping for a different colour.
  9. Reading this thread after a little while: Anyway, relationship is going well. We've been talking about serious things. Ooooohh.
  10. So far - nothing. I've not had over-heating since I removed my old 560 Ti card. My capacitors are all fine, one of the first thing I checked. Which is why I'm so baffled, I can only think it was a loose cable or it was purely by accident. Never seen it happen before.
  11. So basically, playing my PC last night and it cut out. To describe it, it was like a power cut. But there was no power cut in my flat. It kept attempting to turn back on, so I unplugged the power cable and re-plugged it back in. Since then there's been no issues whatsoever (I even re-jigged all the wires inside and out to make sure and tidied it up a bit). Was it perhaps a loose cable? More info: 1. My PSU has never over-heated (I touched the inside of the machine and read speedfan - my whole machine was cold when it went off and given I was playing an mmo if it had over-heated...) 2. Everything on the motherboard is fine, I can't see any overheating/popping etc on it. Everything in the machine except the hdd and motherboard are basically brand new. Most of the common issues would mean the machine wouldn't have come back on.. Worrying over nothing perhaps?
  12. Because after two years my other bed was just broken. I guess that'll teach me - kids buy furniture that lasts otherwise you'll keep having to bed new things!
  13. 8.5?! I'm going to go cringe with pain over there *points*
  14. Oh snap. My little one (silver not red) needs herself a clean. I loved that damn car.
  15. Work let my manager go today. Not only did that let go a really cool guy who was willing to do anything to ensure he fit with the company and was cool to his team. I've also lost a buddy to drive with and therefore my cost of commuting has gone back up to nearly £200. I'm just going to go curl up in a corner now.
  16. I've been after all three of them lot for some time. Bastards.
  17. 6 months for me and the boy. I wasn't sure I'd be able to be with someone for a long period of time. It's different. I'm still very unsure of myself. We spoke of perhaps going away for a weekend. It's all adult-like and scary.
  18. Perhaps people read into them too much? I mean its just a damn x, it seems a lot to get worked over by one or a few letters.
  19. I do it all the time with my boyfriend. We didn't to begin with and it just sort of seemed to happen. Now every other message or so we'll put x or xx. I don't see what the problem is. I also put x for when sending messages to my parents, because !
  20. Ah agencies! We're fed up of ours already and they've barely done anything. The landlord - like yours is very good though. It's why I've always asked for his number to contact him directly. It's so much quicker! ><
  21. The best tribute I have seen since the news of Robin's passing. To lose someone so joyful and kind, it is beyond heartbreaking. He was a good man and its sad to hear he was unable to overcome the demons that hounded him. He will be missed. RIP.
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