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Everything posted by nightwolf

  1. @drahkon you're dating two ladies at once? That seems dodgy :P The boy and I aren't seeing each other for three weeks. Lame, very lame. Especially considering I won't be contactable for just over a week from tomorrow. Bit tricky, but we'll hopefully see each other the end of the month. ./end
  2. Its all a bit strange - so I frankly have no idea. The issue really is that given I've got something that says its a permit, but its something my old landlord has to deal with, given the lady who gave it to him seems to think that the 'permit' is for him to access his garage (he's been living there since 1977..). I'm thoroughly confused by it, but considering I'd rather not cause him stress and/or get clamped, I've stayed away. Thankfully I'm on holiday for a week and a half now, so it can get sorted - hopefully whilst I'm away. Huzzah.
  3. Sorry to hear that @Raining_again Bah, I've been parking round the corner from work because like most places in Cambridge, there's no parking. This has worked out for over a month and I've been parking at my old landlord's with a permit. Huzzah. Except now some cranky bitch who I've had a run in before has complained about me parking there, even though I've yet to see more than four cars park in this area (its a shared area and I used to see well over 10 cars parking here in context). So now I can't park there even though I have a permit unless I wish to get clamped. Oh goodie. So now its back to the park and ride, which admittedly isn't too bad of a service, but it means doing a 20-30 minute drive, to get a bus for another 20-30 minutes, to then walk from the stop to work. Its not particularly difficult but my journey time if there's traffic has gone from an hour to nearly two hours. Yay me..I can't really afford anything else unless I find free parking or pay 300-400 more than I am now to move into town. Fuck. edit: Also, can't even ask if there is any free parking at work (there's some spaces) because I've been here a month and I know damn well there's a handful of people who have been there years who yet to have one. bah.
  4. Oh @Raining_again I'm sure he's just a bit stressed, have you been able to give him a quick nudge to ask if you two are ok? Fingers crossed for you both <3.
  5. As strange as it sounds I ended up learning to type fast by sitting in the dark whilst on the PC. It sounds less dodgy than it is, basically the home pc was always downstairs right by the tv and my parents hated me having the big light on whilst on the pc. It forced me to stop looking at the keys and over time it became natural to not need to do so and the speed increased.
  6. First month complete tomorrow. Man time flies. I was initially quite hesitant about the job, its a stark contrast to the last three years of work with two companies. But I'm slowly finding my feet. The team is friendly (quite a few are also childfree so it really helps to be on the same level socially as well as work related), I regularly get decent work and I get free food, pizza and tech talks every few weeks (learning new stuff is cool kids). I'm still not 100% on it, its still not gaming and I miss that. But I'm now earning as much as a senior level position at my previous job, that senior job I was chasing for over a year, that has 6 days a week work, that has overtime every damn day and over 8 managers watching me in a year. Plus y'know being told to go fuck myself every day by my senior QA who I've no qualms saying was the worst person I have ever met in my entire working career since I was 16. Do I miss my old job any more? Nope. Do I miss gaming? Yes. But there's no way in hell I'm going back to less pay and 6 day weeks. Phew!
  7. So me and my guy almost broke up this week. My track record is fucking abysmal. So basically we brought up something I'm 100% on and he wasn't. He didn't realise just how adamant I was, he didn't agree and we nearly ended it right there. Thankfully, we're still together and its like that conversation didn't happen, we talked it through, realised it was absolutely fine and we're continuing on. Its a bit weird handling a relationship like a god damn adult, but its made me really appreciate him. But this week has kind of suck as a result.
  8. @Animal dayum son, you look very slim! <3
  9. Haha, I suppose so. But so what? Its a forum, most people don't vent anywhere else (I know I don't.) Perhaps if you were so inclined you could have a 'here's a thread for any death' 'here's a thread for any regular bad niggles in your life.'
  10. Well it depends, something you state is trivial might not be to someone else. Obviously things such as the passing of relatives is always going to be seen by anyone as bad. But if someone truly fucks up your day, then why shouldn't it be posted here? I say this because that's what I intended for the good day thread when I started it and nobody seems to have complain about anything like that there.
  11. Then it was 'I'm erm..its for my kid.' *drives off*
  12. Good to hear! Sounds like you're at least on the right track to potentially get it sorted for you both. Good luck.
  13. I can imagine they aren't grieving as much as you think. Given y'know he beat his wife and his kids black and bloody blue throughout their whole lives. He was bloody rotten, just like the whole thing. Good fucking riddance.
  14. Yup. Time for the old talk to see what you guys can do about it. It usually stems from somewhere. Even if its just you both taking a breather for a few days.
  15. I got thanked in person for my work. Now, ok, it doesn't sound like much. But in the past two jobs I've done a great deal and been not thanked or thanked with a very standard email. Apparently its really common for being thanked to happen here at my new place, but it really threw me off. It wasn't much work and it cheered me up. d'aww.
  16. Oh all the subjective opinions. It blows my mind. Anyway, I don't get to see the boy for 3 weeks. Also I resent that comment about 'failings'. Pssh, doing just fine thanks ¬_¬.
  17. I decided to ignore all the crap about 'dressing up' and being impressed. My first date with the boy was cinema and we both wore hoodies. Because y'know, fuck wearing suits and stuff. :awesome:
  18. It sounds more like this should be in the bad stuff, but bare with me folks. So you probably all remember how I quit my gaming job and yada yada I'd been upset about the treatment of one of my colleagues towards me for over a year. Well apparently even after many comments and many emails about his behaviour from me and fellow staff to upper management, he got promoted. That is a bad thing, obviously, because he frankly does not deserve it. The good news out of this is that it cements my reason for leaving, it means that I definitely did the right thing to leave a company that prioritises promotions like that over the health and safety of their staff. Good riddance. its a nice feeling as I've had my doubts recently.
  19. The boy spent the weekend at mine, it might not be classy but he got me cider and KFC and made sure I stayed in bed because I wasn't feeling so good. Ah he's a keeper. :awesome:
  20. Achievement gets: training complete! Phew.
  21. I barely did that to get my current job.. Heh. (Agency approached me whilst I was still in employment).
  22. So, my job is great. Why am I posting here? Because I'm down about it, I'm not sure I know enough, I've already got a client deadline for Friday and they want me to do a test when they've barely shown me how to do anything and just made me get on with things. Its another 'we need testers, so you need to be up to speed - now.' bah, not again. I'm so tempted to ring the agency that got me this and ask them for a gaming job. I'm about 70% ready to do so. What a wuss.
  23. Ah what a silly bugger! I'm with @MoogleViper here, he needs to see it himself. However, I would sit him down and ask him why this bothers him so much and diplomatically find out how you can work this out. Whilst of course proving that this doesn't bother you at all. If it fails show him the cutesy posts about him you've put here :P
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