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Everything posted by nightwolf

  1. The lace should never go through the skin. Why? because it cannot be autoclaved (cleaned) like steel/titainium etc can. If it was done through the skin I'm not surprised if it rejected quicker. You should try a retainer jav, I was planning on buying one for my eyebrow, unfortunetly because the o-ring on the retainer is so small it maybe alittle bit fiddly!
  2. Not so great day First day back at college boo, first lesson the tutor was an ass and put everyone on a ''list'' which was everyone bar two people of who hadn't done enough work. Even though I had done quite a few pages, it obviously isn't good enough that I actually DID something over the christmas holidays. Had a maccies, which was alright but with it being so cold by the time I'd walk there and back it wasn't even worth eating it! Other than that the day was a complete waste except finding a guy who might be able to sort out my wep key problem. Oh and I finally got paypal.
  3. Not too bad as its only through skin not cartilige. Ah see I've restricted myself because of my parents to my eyebrow piercing, the rest are either hidden or ear piercings. However I'm quite tempted to get either my nose or lip done.
  4. Thankyou. =] Corset piercings tend to be classed as play piercings purely because with bcr's (ball closure rings) they can't last long before they start to reject. On my tragus I'm planning to put another above it, it's not very common to do this but I'd quite like it considering how much room I have *psst are you allowed irl piccies as avatars? i looked on the rules and it didnt say anything*
  5. alot of piercings are pretty painful anyway. thats a tragus and this is my eyebrow piercing:
  6. If I get my reply (I decided to apply for two courses) either game design (my first choice) or games programming. I love hallam, my ex goes, unfortunetly -.-, but I love sheffield too much
  7. now I can't agree with that, a healthy diet means eating enough calories each day. For women thats 2000 for men it's 2500, just because its more calories doesn't mean it has to be all bad. On another note, eating 5 small porpotions of food over the whole day can be better for some than eating 3 large meals.
  8. In england the legal age for piercings is 16, however the legal age of tattoos is 18. The only time the rule of age for piercings is for gential piercings, you have to be 18 in england for those. Considering my 18th is in june this year I may plan to get one after then. The back of the neck piercing is called a nape, it can reject pretty quickly if not taken care of.
  9. haha that makes me chuckle. I'll hopefully be at sheffield hallam next year Bears buy yourself a dance mat, they are so dirt cheap these days that it makes abit of difference to your exercise take in.
  10. I am currently planning on a back piece of a rose and lilly to signify my mother and nan, also a hyroglph (sorry for such bad spelling there!) on my neck and a half sleeve on my right arm. I'm currently planning on piercing wise: two lobes on my left ear, one at 1.2mm the other at 2.4mm to be stretched to 6mm a couple of helix piercings (the top of your ear basically) and a nape piercing (these are the back of your neck) *hmm apprently im not allowed to post pictures until 15 posts. I'll post some later on* =] and thanks for the welcome
  11. Music, music when exercising makes it a whole lot easier than doing it in silence. Also walk somewhere you actually enjoy.
  12. I currently have my eyebrow, tragus and one of my lobes done, contining to get more as i go along. Not any tattoos, not old enough for one atm
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