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Everything posted by nightwolf

  1. haha I have only seen one around besides myself of course. Hopefully I'll see more 0.o!
  2. Oh good, I've had my eyebrow for over a year now. Though considering I have piercings abit too often and plan on many more it maybe a problem.
  3. haha I have noticed the distinct lack of females on here. Thankyou fish! I don't think I could ever go back to long hair!
  4. =] aww! That cheered me up, shame not everybody thinks that xD my hairs driving me abit mad atm, because its getting too long.
  5. Because if you use a needle on someone to do a piercing or tattoo that has aids it can be given to someone else. Its also the same if not more with ear piercings because they are done with a gun and cannot be cleaned or chucked away and replaced like needles, if blood splatter gets onto the gun and it isn't autoclaved then it can be placed onto someone else, as people know aids can be transmitted through blood. Its a strange rule considering it just doesn't happen.
  6. Haha, what a nice way of putting it, I know and hopefully I've got a while to think about what happens to my body. You're also not allowed to give blood if you've recently or have piercings or tattoos, which is ridiculous.
  7. haha I'll hit on her no I'm joking haha xD
  8. haha I used to have purple hair. and red, and blonde...ahem yeah xD and shino, thanks for the comment :P
  9. haha thanks guys. I've only had short hair since about october 2007, and it was a big change at first alot of people didn't like it. They said the same about the eyebrow piercing too haha xD and who's that conzer?
  10. me unfortunetly: that dress btw = gorgeous!
  11. Jimmy hendrix is easy, get some washed out jeans, a red scarf to go round the forehead and a white top with tassles. Its the image of him at woodstock that I'm thinking of. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJ6B8bKKTS4 Charity shops, a red scarf will be easy to get ahold of, so will light coloured jeans, boots. Its just the top, just get a plaing white one
  12. He also has alot of money. I'm not entirely sure on the subject, although I'd be ok with saving someone's life, I mean who wouldn't but the idea of being cut up when I'm on a cold slab, doesn't seem appealing.
  13. Had a long day, my driving lesson went pretty well and after 11 lesson my tutor said I should be able to take my driving test soon. Other than that I shouted at someone, shouldn't have really, but with all thats been going on they weren't helping.
  14. I hope to god you apologise to that guy if it gets out.
  15. Really really pants. Got to college, finished the work I needed to do, to find the teacher couldn't even be fucking arsed to get himself to college that day, handed it in to someone else. Got home, then went near enough straight to work, it was dead and found that everybodies hours have been cut because its so dead. Then got home the net has been fixed, but not on my computer, it lets me connect but the icon at the bottom of the screen says otherwise. Luckily it works, but I want it to be working properly. -.-
  16. Pokemon Pearl (DS) Although I have most of the pokemon games, I have to say I quite like this one, personally becuase I can use a touch screen and some the pokemon are quite cool, even though the names are slightly lacking in imagination. Other than that it can be quite similar to the others. 7/10
  17. eurgh, feel yucky and horrible. Work later too -.-, even a man wouldn't be able to put up with the women at my work. *yack yack yack yack* -.- Other than that I've got my assignment done, just need to print it. =D
  18. go jump onto the sig request and make a signature for nightwolf *hint hint* xD Most things have already been mentioned, a job takes up alot of time, mine certainly does, and money is always a bonus.
  19. The only time I give up is if I'm not able to lift the thing to my mouth because im so fat. I gave up on diets a long time ago, because for me they just don't work. exercise is the way to go
  20. GOD FORBID id have to give up cookies and croissants
  21. I meant more eating your tea at like 11-2am in the morning :P Not to mention how crap you can end up feeling after doing that!
  22. The only problem with programming is I can be seeing myself in a few years being locked in a dark cupboard but with lots of cash. I've gone over the argument hundreds of times with my parents, if I do games design and get hardly any money, then thats life Back on topic, I wouldn't suggest slimfast, oh and NEVER eat after 7/8 oclock, it doesnt give your body time to digest food during the night
  23. Agreed, however I currently hate the course I'm on and waiting for a decent reply from the unis I've chosen, I don't know yet if uni is going to be the right thing to do, or even the course, but I like the subject so for now hopefully that'll be enough. To be honest since I was in high school til now has been easy to decide from here on it's gonna be alot more difficult. It also worries me that everyone I klnow going to uni is really happy with it and I'm not sure if I'm gonna be happy with it.
  24. It's called the double dutch method. Use it =] Even if they've been taking the pill for yonks you should always use a condom. Or better yet, run to a pharmacy and ask for the morning after pill. =D Congrats on the false alarm mind you!
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