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Everything posted by nightwolf

  1. aww look at dante getting all the attention from the lad-..men
  2. sigh swollen glands apprently, docs appointment for end of week if it doesn't go... -.-
  3. noooo, a person at my college =] he's abit younger than you though.
  4. Dante you remind me of someone to the point that it's scary. Your good looking mind you, but yeah scary.
  5. 214pages?! are you MAD! no, seriously, that would make me go abit crazy. xD and yes kov june.
  6. I've never seen a picture so I can't comment. I don't get embarassed easily to be fair.
  7. ah I love liverpool, I used to go alot, shame about the accent mind you. But it's still a nice place to be.
  8. haha without the beard you'd be a scene kid deary, but it looks good. You may want to cut it so you have two eyes =D nah dante. I'm sure you'll strive to make that so.
  9. No, nothing it's my hair growing out a red spell, has been for the past few months. I'm english by the way not finnish :P
  10. 17, 18th in june. 6ft tall blah blah blah. so yes 17
  11. lol, after 6months of nothingness the comments are completely welcome haha xD
  12. Red Dragon I've never seen it before, didn't realise until I watched it that it was anything to do with hannibal, thought it was brilliant =] 9/10
  13. no just ordinary crossiants filled with chocolate. but pan au chocolat is loverly also.
  14. your cheating on ME now? shocking, just shocking
  15. another obssession: chocolate filled crossiants. -.-
  16. HAHAH, bless him eh. thanks for the comments
  17. I'm a wimp when it comes to cutting my hair, I pay alot to get it cut but its done well. It took me just under a year to get the bottle to get my hair cut that length XD, you should do it short hair is loverly, though you have to get it cut more often, before hand I was having a trim every 4+ months now its nearly 5/6weeks!
  18. Yeah, I like it, I don't miss my long hair these days =]
  19. Nothing much so far today, got really irratated and pissed off at somebody on another forum, due to something they said about somebody else. Nobody should ever think that tbh, but -.-
  20. I have a huge tragus haha xD see! so I'm hoping to get another haha. Most piercings are pretty easy to heal, lobes tend to be the worst to heal.
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