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Everything posted by nightwolf

  1. Thats because bluey is a pretty girly, . Actually I have no idea what you look like, I've forgotten already *runs to image thread*, I must be ugly to people in cheshire, I have no orange face, gets me everytime! SAme link, but then my friends got annoyed at me for being so patient. Any other time and I get annoyed but in a bar everything changes!
  2. Now that is quite amazing. I laugh to myself way too often
  3. I suck at bar presence, normally I'm a loud person, but as soon as I get to the bar everything in my throat goes quiet. -.-
  4. Apples make me sick it's so unfair maybe, sure helps me think abit better and sleep
  5. Fridays are usually, we have two lessons and we have nothing to do. I swear from 10:130 til 2 is a waste of time every friday, I better not be working tonight.
  6. AGREEd, it's 5 months left and I'm getting so bored because I just don't have the effort. Jamba are you getting in touch with your feminie side?
  7. Yes size 5, I've been through it hundreds of times before. You can even check my shoes if you wish, size 6 uk females is too big. Its why walking I can't walk in a straight line, it's not completely obvious but if you're paying attention you notice. My feet are slowly growing though, thankfully! warand it might be, that makes alot more sense, but it doesn't really help me, I like guys at the same height, thats always nice =].
  8. I'd most like make sure my free punch went along way, purely because alot of ''celebrities'' need to grow up. Paris I would scratch, can't give blowjobs with an ugly face now can we ^.^
  9. haha! I dislike valentines day even if I'm not single, drives me abit bonkers. All that red...why just why?!
  10. Worst day of the year: VALENTINES DAY lol. xD
  11. wahey! It's quite nice to know that I'm not the only one who has lost it. The messing thing I do too, I can't leave my hair, same with make-up if I bother most of the time before I've even got out the day it's wiped off because I get annoyed. buttons are magic I have to do that, seatbelts I always have to wear one, I was in my mates car and in the back I couldn't use the seatbelt I was ready to jump out the car
  12. I'm a size 5 in shoes uk, and 6ft. My dad is 6"4 and my mother was about 5"11, my step-mother is incredibly tiny at 5"2, but considering she's not my actual mother everyone gets confused xD. I have always been quite tall, so it's never been much of a shock, considering it wasn't one day I was normal height then I shot up. As far as where my height came from it was evidently both my parents but most likely dominately my father. I would quite like to see what it's like to be 5"4 as I mentioned in the singles thread to see why guys like small girls so much. Having 34" legs has it's pluses sometimes, but I want to wear heels *sob* not really, but you know the thoughts there.
  13. Personally I would have sat on the floor next to them, switched on the tv and ate pizza. Dirty little scrubbers, there's this thing called a bedroom or outside.
  14. Ah I talk to myself alot, a person discovered this at work and she thinks it's amazing. It helps me to think. I'll get home and start thinking about my day to myself, I'm an idiot -.-
  15. haha thankyou, thankyou very much :awesome: . I love shoes don't get me wrong, but barefoot is the way forward!
  16. alot, i recall about three years ago which is 14 for me coming back from a mates in socks because i was lazy and I'd do it when it was hot from high school to home which takes about 50minutes
  17. awww, I'll be at sheffield uni by the end of the year! I'll introduce you to my very limited lady friends =]. dazzybee, it doesn't effect my life where I'm crying about it most of the time I quite like being 6ft, but it's like sometimes somebody will say something say at your weight and it knocks you, well thats how I feel about my height. Thanks for the sad comment by the way, real intelligent that one.
  18. Opposite, if I could I'd walk around bare footed or socks everywhere. As it is I don't think that'd be too ideal. Nor can I run in shoes, has to be socks or bare footed
  19. I think you need a stiff drink dear! You'll find her haha link, i think the guys who have been with me in a way must have hearts of steel I'm a right **** sometimes
  20. haha, what a plan.
  21. haha snap! We need to go out and get some attention I think link
  22. EXACTLY! nobody seems to understand why in such cold whether ive got my sleeves rolled up
  23. Lol, ack this is a single thread not a let's hire prositutes for the single.
  24. Yet men fuck you and chuck you before you can even call it a relationship, then when you do get married they shout because they can't go to the footie or play a game or get sex and walk out and find the nearest girl to have it on with. wonderful
  25. same, haha I consider them quirky because nobody bar you two I know does it.
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