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Everything posted by nightwolf

  1. I was reading on amazon that somebody has been able to use it on vista without problems
  2. ah I don't think it's the first one ever, but it's quite old, used to be played on windows98. Right so I install the game then just download that...I hope it's simple... ps. yes I am supposed to be computer literate...
  3. eh 0.o since when?|! and erm explain, I've just read it, do I install the game first or..?
  4. I think he's trying to tell you to get the controller for xbox360 to use as a vibrator
  5. I played it a few years back and fell in love, then evilmurray mentioned it and was like MINE! amazon set it at 5quid, but some websites made you pay nearly 40dollars for it!!!
  6. Just bought this in 1.6mm and this for my eyebrow in 1.2mm also managed to find this (finally!) for 5quid =]
  7. Yes but why is pink classed as a femininie colour?
  8. haha they sound quite yummy actually. Not that different but I eat banana sandwiches alot ^.^
  9. I posted one, I was just wasn't nakey ^.^
  10. Today has been a nothing day, though later on I'm going to have to get some of this college work done. Just been browsing new items for my ears and eyebrow and what not so I can start stretching, it's getting abit expensive but it'll be worth it. Still nothing from sheffield about game design, you'd think they'd send them at the same time considering the course I applied for are near enough the same section and were sent for at the same time.
  11. eddage = win I mean ahem.. ^.^ yay for nakeyness
  12. aww ^.^ I lurrrveee the nose ring, it makes me want one even more...damn you ! plus neon pink hair = win
  13. lmfao, and I thought I was bad after 6 months -.-
  14. Sweeny todd is gory apprently and a sing-song one. There's bee movie and alvin and the chimpmunks for funny films. enchanted - romance. ps.i love you just go to the cinema and quickly decide =]
  15. It doesn't upset me its more a warning because when I was on this thread on another forum people assumed this was them being unhealthy and I had to remind them that it's not accurate =].
  16. Went and had my driving lesson, did my reverse around a corner, perfect first time. I'm starting to like this whole driving thing. Then went shopping. That about sums up my day.
  17. Haha poor bluey. A guys voice goes either way, either it sounds horrible or it's abit too attractive. I'd never wish to have a threesome with friends, I'd end up constantly thinking about them being naked and I've yet to think whether thats good or bad.
  18. My bmi is 19.5, but it doesn't really give a good impression of if you're healthy or not considering the fat/muscle argument. Not to mention, that to be healthy you need to take into account your cholesterol, blood levels, etc etc. The nhs says my bmi is lower than that. So I would treat this as more of a laugh than an actual guide of how your body is.
  19. I bought quite alot actually today haha bought abit of make-up. Then bought some wax for my hair, nice pair of flared jeans a hoodie and two tops ^.^ happy wolfy.
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