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Everything posted by Jimz

  1. Ok guys what is the ipod(5th generation) headphone port actually made of, shit? Its broken on two ipods in one year and its now out of warranty so I can't just get another replacement. The specific problem is that they stop outputting sound from one ear. It happened on a mates and they apparently said it's because he had the cheek to wrap his headphones around the ipod whilst it wasn't in use. Anyone experience similar problems or know how much it costs to repair?
  2. A thread about singlenss? This should be my home. Anyway hearing how your mate has sex (although now he's out of college that should happen less) or some p**** saying "how old are you?" (the answer is 19) followed by "and you're still a virgin?" most mornings is very very annoying.
  3. Which would make 1:1 very impossible.
  4. You, good sir, have just won my heart.
  5. Lots. You can't really see my walls due to posters.
  6. Well at least you no longer have the silliest post in the thread.
  7. Doesn't sound too bad but I don't think they will release it on time
  8. What a crock.
  9. I am assuming you are playing along with the joke. That sounds like a rip off.
  10. Damn you
  11. A. No human can live in the sea. B.
  12. I wonder what people would be saying if there wasn't poor titles pushing up console sales right now? I reckon quite a few would be hailing it as an underrated console much like the Gamecube thanks to titles like: Mario galaxy Zelda Metroid Prime 3 Zack and Wiki Excite Truck Wii Sports and other good games that are available but I can't think of right now and games like: Mario Kart Smash Bros Medal of Honour: Heroes No More Heroes Factor 5's new game BWii Wii Fit Animal Crossing FF:CC Disaster Samba De Amigo Tales Of Symphonia Mushroom Men Okami and probably a few more yet to come. But because of games like Ninjabread Man the console is apparently for non gamers.
  13. Agreed also I found this good blog for downloading music recently. I have 5065 songs, 12.9 days, 24.9GB
  14. Rape is the answer Fixed for you.
  15. I know I think I mentioned it a few pages back. I especially love Shake A Fist. In fact once this small amount of Lo-Fi-Fnk I have finishes I am going to listen to it.
  16. How big is it? I've nearly filled my 30GB ipod up. and Ellmeister may I suggest: Lightspeed Champion - Falling Off The Lavender Bridge and when its out: Hot Chip - Made In The Dark
  17. Telekinesis? or a knife or other flat bladed instrument that may work.
  18. No no no this is rubbing it in
  19. Wow Mario Galaxy sold a lot of copies. Great news.
  20. They're good but I don't think its the album of 2007. Despite never playing that game (DAMN YOU SHITTY LAPTOP) I love that song.
  21. I usually use chooooon with the word bangin' to take the piss out of chavs.
  22. I really like that final smash seems they put quite a bit of thought into it to make it balanced.
  23. God no. Why can't America just accept our superior shows?
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