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Everything posted by Jimz

  1. This is flipping brilliant news. The Rogue Squadron games (well the first two at least) are some of the best games ever made IMO so I hope its a new RS game are possibly Starfox as people have already said.
  2. Am I the only one who finds it funny that a joke pointing out the stupidity of models has a spelling mistake?
  3. Oh Good God those are teh SEX
  4. Spiders I seriuosly think they're gonna burrow in me and eat or lay eggs in me which will then eat me from the inside out or that one is a poison one that got here somehow.
  5. *Jimz jumps on the bandwagon* Mcoy makes Jimz want to unleash a load in sheer joy. Jimz also wishes he had cookies
  6. I don't say anything or smile. Yet again I'm very shy.
  7. Biscuits and cookies are clearly two different things. Cookie: Biscuit:
  8. I'm racist because I play on racial stereotypes for the purposes of humour. However I don't actually believe half the stuff I say.
  9. I quite like them but I don't think there debut was as good as some people make out.
  10. Please the controls alone make that impossible.
  11. They chose bad bad colours.
  12. If any body watched the latest trailer for this it does have the wi-fi logo so i think its more than "very likely".
  13. I agree. Doing this has helped me make some great friends and just generally made me a lot happier with life.
  14. I don't want anything that disgusts me on the front cover of magazines especilly not an overweight naked Beth Ditto.
  15. I can't stand Beth Ditto as whenever I've seen anything about her she always goes on about the fact shes a dangerously obese lesbian and I just think "Yes you've said a million times already" and that NME cover was disgusting.
  16. You are aware that at no point was 2006 the same year as 2007?
  17. Yes imported.......
  18. £5.50....??
  19. I'll give you a fiver to slap her in the face with a steak.
  20. and here he is:
  21. I hate it when people do that it just makes their posts look stupid.
  22. Just watched some videos of this and all I can say is wow. It looks awesome. Hope I have money for it when it comes out.
  23. Yeah its really funny in places shame it ruins the whole thing with Frys dog waiting for him.
  24. I don't use a towel I use tissues. Also I find it humorous that you calling others assholes when as far as I can gather she went nuts at someone for being a butcher. Veganism is nuts anyway
  25. Hahaha smack hero. Is it actually possible to win at that?
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