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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. I know all of that, that's what makes me so unbelievably angry about the whole situation. And the book will happen when I'm not expending the bulk of my energies tolerating an endless stream of individuals who use "like" at least twice a sentence. Actual recent example: "Like, you're going to, like, South America? Is that, like, Brazil and stuff?" Maybe I just need to dance it out.
  2. Yup, I'll give it a bash.
  3. Probably my fault actually, I'm currently living out of my phone's 3G+ connection and it seems they have a trained gibbon installing their 4G rollout somewhere. I have had a couple of online battles with strangers, we'll get there eventually. FYI, you're either matched with someone with an equivalent level squad or your 'mons are all pegged up/down at lvl 50.
  4. Kitty! Happy birthday guys!
  5. The job was at a muffin factory. A large section of it would have involved checking cream toppings. And I get weekly threats of violence at my current job. I'll email my recruitment guy, see if he has anything from them. Live fast and die young? I hear bad girls do it well.
  6. Oh crap, there's like three different varieties of these monkey-fellas. I've just replaced my giant-turtle-majigger and my moth-whatchmacallit for the water & fire version. Awesome. Also, got my lil' flower-bulb-thingymiwig in the mix. Hope there's plenty of trainers around to get them up to snuff.
  7. Went for an assessment interview day on Friday for a factory line supervisor job - everything went perfectly. Nailed the presentation, stayed fluid in the five interviews, got right in on the team exercises. This morning I was called to tell me I wasn't successful. Apparently although they thought I was great they feel a factory is a "feisty" environment and "it would not be the right time now" for someone with "a retail background" to "make that leap." Maybe I'm bitter but I can't help but suspect the translation to that is "You work in a shop - how good can you be?" Then again, perhaps I only think that because I get multiple people walking in apparently just to tell me that each week. Well, never mind. Now if you will excuse me I have another 8 hours of clearing 300+ boxes of stock while while making sure the new hire IDs correctly while serving an endless wave of people who won't even deign look you in the eye as they all become increasingly drunk and aggressive until 10pm. But thank god I don't work in "a feisty enviornment." Right? RIGHT? <incoherent screaming & crying>
  8. Grosjeans a real contender now, good to see after his dreadful season last year. Very disappointed about Hamilton, he could've been in the mix. Sometimes it feels like if he didn't have bad luck he'd have no luck at all. Not a bad race, hopefully we'll get at least one more thriller to see us for the winter.
  9. I am also running Vivilon but there's still a part of me that want to go get my lvl2 Caterpie and start fresh. Also, managed to grab a Honedge, I suspect you have to get them during twilight. Swapped him in for Blazekin-whatever. Current squad - Maxie (Vivilion) Tyrion (Honedge) Cecil (Wartortoise) Beanie (Skitty) Gregory (Quilldillian) Oliviér (Pikachu) Got a bunch of TMs I haven't used, need to research my squad before I use any I might need later, in case they can learn it by themselves and/or I swap them out later. Incidentally, would anyone recommend the official guide? I mostly just want something handy to keep track of which Pokémon is liable to learn what when and which type is vulnerable to which.
  10. I will add you to ze list.
  11. PM me your code, my good man. Now added:
  12. Alright sluts, finally put my 3DS code in my profile so I'm gonna start adding folks. Name "Arthur", if it's relevant.
  13. I've been wondering this - I'm got that lil' firebird thingy as the mystery gift who's obviously a Simon.
  14. Oh cripes, my brother just called to mention my dad's going to hospital following some blood tests for a scan to check for prostate cancer. Don't need that drama right now. I haven't seen this many red flags appear all at once since the start of the . Yes, that's right. Sometimes I make sports references to illustrate things.
  15. *wailing and hissing*
  16. Awww, I've already built the lunar lander for #MissionSerebii11.
  17. Please do. It's a bit of a cult classic, so it's always around on DVD somewhere and was recently released on Blu-ray.
  18. Yes and no. It was directed by the guy who directed the special effects for 2001, about a man who hijacks the spaceship he's on with the last patch of natural Earth forest on board to save it from destruction with only three little robots for company. It is the direct inspiration for Wall-E - there's even an in-movie reference to it.
  19. Really impressed with Grosjean today, he's come along in leaps and bounds since last year. If he can keep this form up I wouldn't be surprised to see him regularly in the championship mix starting next year.
  20. Silent Running - It's better than 2001: A Space Odyssey and I genuinely don't understand why it isn't obvious to everyone else.
  21. Just finished Bioshock: Infinite. Rather shaky start and probably unnecessarily violent through a large part of it, it seemed to try too hard to emulate it's predecessor. However, A strong 2nd and a tremendous 3rd and final act elevates it above it's conceptual shortcomings. The narrative around Elizabeth becomes very compelling and though the final twist seems to land out of the blue it's a fine one in the world logic. Overall, hugely enjoyable. A classic to be remembered? I don't know. The problem for Infinite is that the original Bioshock definitely is.
  22. That sounds like a great fetishy superhero alter-ego.
  23. For what it's worth George can fly as a female name and it's overdue to be brought back in my opinion.
  24. I hear 40 is the new 26 15/19ths. Happy Birthday!
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