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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. Anywhere between £200-300 generally. It's getting cheaper, but that's still awfully sore on the bank balance.
  2. Couple of questions of curiosity: For the driving sim folks, is everyone playing PGR or Forza these days? What TV/setup does everyone have? I only have a wee 15-inch DVD-combo and I'm feared to waste some of the 360s tasty visual treats on it.
  3. I've stopped playing MGS2 - the story is awful and Raiden is an irritating knob jockey. The levels aren't the greatest in the world either. I just can't carry on. I'm not to fond of GTA or the voice acting on FF10 but "hate" would be rather strong words for those games. They have their qualities. I also have a love/hate relationship with Dues Ex. It's a great game but way, way too hard. It would be easier manipulating world events until they represented the game and then doing it for real.
  4. Desert Strike, Super Tennis and Stunt Race FX were all fantastic. God I hope they come to the VC one day.
  5. Finally finished this about a week a go. On the whole I very much preferred Wind Waker. TP is still a real wonder, but not I think a guaranteed classic like the most of the rest of the Zelda series. The last two bosses do leave a very pleasant taste in the mouth though, and I thought the mountain/ice dungeon was a wonderfully classy and charming piece of design and story telling. Midna is also a wonderful, personable character which will endure in the memory for years to come. I think possibly the best element of the whole game. So, not the very best but still with moments of unremitting genius. May the Legend endure for many more games to come.
  6. I only associate music with games really because I sometimes like to daydream about what the film version would be like if I got a big Hollywood budget to make one. The most common association would be Red Hot Herman remix of Dagula with the Starfox franchise. Fox & co are stranded on Lylat after a sudden invasion by a mysterious alien force destroys their operation. Key scenes include a bar shoot out, a crashing space liner, an Armada battle and Krystal diving from the top a crumbiling skyscraper and through several ceiling windows to save Fox.
  7. From Kotaku: Basically it's a bitchslap simulator. Hope this becomes a Wii Ware title. Enjoy. http://nigoro.jp/game/rosecamellia/rosecamellia.php
  8. Hell no. The only thing on there I want and can't play on a 360 is MGS4, and some version of that will probably end up on 360 eventually anyway.
  9. And that's why I've decided not to see Die Hard Four-Point-Zero. Also applicable to how I felt about 300.
  10. Would like to see: Rabbids Assist item.
  11. Nintendo prefer to stay one step behind technologically and make their hardware affordable - it's a strategy which has worked for them from the original Gameboy to the DS and the Wii today. How they pitch their next console against their rivals is going to be interesting. The console wars aren't so simple any more, thanks to the increasingly diverse strategies of all three companies. It's not likely to be mono-et-mono every six years. The Xbox may stick to this pattern, but Sony have previously indicated that they intend to run the PS3 for at least a good ten years. What Nintendo do over the next decade, whether they focus on graphics again with a "Wii 2", or re-reinvent the wheel, is anybodies guess. Best guesstimate: Wii 2 released in Xmas 2013 - accused of being "souped up 360."
  12. I agree 3rd party games are a little thin on the ground this Q3/Q4 , but I imagine we will see a fair increase in support for next year as the Wii has been turning heads recently. The Wii simply being still a relatively new console is also factor. At least we get some cool exclusives like MySims and Zack & Wiki, as well as the usual Nintendo stuff. Looking over the PS3 release list for the rest of the year, almost all of it seems to be games destined or already on 360.
  13. Last night I dreamt I torched a music store because it was doing a big sale on Mark Ronson's new album. I'm not joking even for a second, I really did. At least, I think it was a dream. PS. I do also enjoy a bit of Ash, Girl from Mars, Shining Light and Candy being personal favourites.
  14. I'm surprised actually that we're getting Galaxy so soon after America. What are the exact dates again, for comparisons sake? Hopefully this means we won't spend too much of 08 without Brawl and Kart.
  15. Hero A pretty excuse for some sword fights. 6/10 Last Action Hero "STOP SHOUTING! I'M NOT DEAF!" 8/10 8.9 on the Scwarza-scale.
  16. Who is it at Nintendo who likes drawing their characters perpetually bemused expressions? I mean, sure, it's cute and all, but still. Also, was that a TMNT reference?
  17. The question is then, are you willing to let other people die so that some don't have to be "forced?" What about that persons family? What about the emotional torture they must suffer? How is that fair?
  18. Nobody is being forced. That's the "opt-out" bit of the opt out system. It is not wrong to honour that choice. It would just save the lives of a great many people if the other option was the default. To ignore that would be wrong.
  19. Many are unaware of the opt-in system too. The result is the deaths of hundreds of people, of all ages, due to a massive shortage of transplants. It's an emotional issue for some people. So so cruel.
  20. I wouldn't worry about that, all 360s now come with a 3 years warranty (covering the replacement and shipping costs.) if you suffer the red ring of death. Apparently they've finally got off their arses and have started loading them up with proper some heatsinks. I'm buying one as soon as I'm sure I can afford one.
  21. I agree somewhat with Hellfire on this one. Sony can stuff their "Value Packs" with what they like, but at the end of the day I don't think it's value for money holding consumers back, it's the price barrier. $599/£425 is a hefty dollop of cash and one which most consumers will not part with lightly.
  22. When you do, come back and tell us what the word is. It does seem very odd that they would refuse blood just because the donor is gay.
  23. Why not approach your GP or another medical professional and ask them why this is the case?
  24. I think an opt-out system is a great idea. I can certainly perceive no logical or moral argument in opposition. Take whatever you want and pass it on. So long as I'm not using it at the time, obviously. Though I suppose I've got a kidney spare if anyone needs one.
  25. Commando "Don't disturb my friend. He's dead tired." 6/10 8.6 on the Scwarza-scale.
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