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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. What are your objectives then?
  2. That seems like sound logic to me.
  3. I dunno, Cube's lead seems pretty solid to me.
  4. Is there no way to free ye from this torture?
  5. I think Eenuh is still the on being blackmailed, hence her speaking in McCoylish.
  6. After the whole OW incident, I think I trust ye. Vote:Ashmat
  7. gaggle64 is becoming very confused with all these people talking in the third person. GTFO, eh? Sounds like a mafia group. You got info, spill the beans.
  8. Oh man, those books were freaking awesome. I was first introduced to them in an audio tape of the Pearls of Lutra, and was hooked on them for years. Kicked Harry Potter's ass anyway. Mr bro recently read a non-Redwall book by Brian Jaques, and apparently it was very good. I ought to check it out.
  9. Guh, sorting out bills does my head in. British Gas are an odd lot - I've never dealt with any company simultaneously so helpful, friendly AND incompetent.
  10. Yeah, apparently he can't while there's a legal process ongoing due to those people suing Microsoft for the outages, probably the result of people having more free time then common sense.
  11. Been feeling awfully tired, just under the weather I guess. Played some MP2 for the first time in a while, reckon I'm on the final stretch. No idea what I'll be doing at college tomorrow, that part of the course seems to be somewhat in limbo. Got the washing done at least. Man I need to get organised. Checked the weather hoping for some blue-sky forecasts. Flood warnings and sleet. Yippee.
  12. For the tabletop? Space Marines, boring I know, but I've always considered space faring knights of the realm to be most excellent. I have friends who also have an army or two knocking around (Eldar, Necrons, Orks, Tyranids) so on the few occasions we get to meet up and play, we have a most excellent time. As I say though, I enjoy the whole franchise. Mechs and orks and demons are all most excellent. The Dawn of War games are also most excellent.
  13. Studio Ghibli movies, the Warhammer 40k franchise and watching the waves crash and swirl on the shore are also most excellent.
  14. I want to get one of these, or the new Advanced Wars. I'm honestly not sure which. Decisions, decisions.
  15. F-Zero GX. When I finally won the finally GP on the hardest difficult, I very nearly came. The Arcade story mode meanwhile, remain some kind of perverse monstrosity that only drugged super-freaks can complete on hard or higher.
  16. I don't drink a great deal. I'll have rarely have more then a couple of pints and the odd swig of whisky over the course of six months, but then about twice a year I get the urge to blow some steam and chug a whole bottle of cheap port, or three pitchers of vodka cocktails or something like that. Woke up eight hours later in a pool of blue vomit. True story.
  17. So then, what's your worst fear? My worst fear is somehow loosing the use of my hands, either trough being paralysed of chopped off. Gaming, writing, a whole load of things I love dearly in life would be lost or else become much more difficult for me if I lost my hands. Feet, I can do without, but not my hands.
  18. Never had tonsillitis. when I'm ill though, I settle with a hot mug of something and my feet on the radiator and just go with where my mood takes me. Take the opportunity just to stare out the window as the world goes by.
  19. I can take her or leave her personally. Her music is enjoyable slice of pop, but sounds too much like an extension of everything else on the radio. I'm looking for a fresh spark, y'know?
  20. Fresh spring days, Murray Walker and the 34th rule are all most excellent.
  21. Time Bandits Time travelling midgets take a young boy on their adventures as they try to make their fortune thieving after they were fired from their jobs making flora for god. Yes. 9/10
  22. Philadelphia cream cheese and Terry Gilliam movies are both most excellent. I'm eating a copy of Twelve Monkeys smothered with the stuff right now.
  23. I hope they have a treatment for whatever is causing it. Hope she pulls through.
  24. Quite pleased with myself today actually. I think I've mind fucked half the forum.
  25. Handed in a couple of job applications, got my rent sorted at the agents. Another pointless day come and gone, lost in a sea of beige coloured time. I am in dire need of some sunshine on my brain. Actual sunshine would be more then sufficient.
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