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N-E Supporter
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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. Not the admins, we have to give them that, but a couple of the recipients were site staff. Tellyn was one I believe. I honestly don't know what made them think anyone on the list was going to co-operate. If N-Europe was an actual town, they sneaked past the cops all right, but couldn't help telling the postman, the bus driver, the vicar, the joiner, the artist, the school teacher, several journalists, a travelling salesmen and some chap they met in the pub called Harold.
  2. It's a very special kind of stupid, that's what it is.
  3. I also received a similar PM as one of a number of recipients (including a staff member or two - god knows what they hoped achieve), the author of whom was banned even as I read it, so I just deleted it. Excellent work from the Mod-Squad by the way.
  4. Crackdown A great little sandbox of explosions and unnecessary collateral damage. Pointless end twist, but at least I can cruise around a clean city picking up tail now. 7/10
  5. Don't be ridiculous.
  6. Give it time, Chair doesn't do this for living (as far as I am aware off).
  7. Vote: Mundi You all know it.
  8. Is this the mafia game thread?
  9. <Insert witty comment based on helicopter-car interaction as demonstrated in Die Hard 4.0 HERE>
  10. I like this, it's really out there. The logic is irrefutable.
  11. I often feel like I'm at a bleeeh.... point in my life. Almost like every day is a rainy Sunday afternoon. I'm just moping around, keeping things together, doing the work I need to do, getting ready for when Monday morning *finally* arrives, and I can get stuck into things again.
  12. I don't have to watch OAPs play water sports with each other either, it doesn't make the idea of it any easier.
  13. I don't know why, I find this slightly degrading for some reason. So many genres are shoehorned onto Star Wars (and to a lesser extent, Star Trek) the characters are slowly becoming like all those people you see on Celebrity Big Brother or most of ITV's programming, the kind of "celebrity" who you once vaguely remembered with some fondness from the late 80's, now sunk to debasing themselves for half-assed "reality" shows. At any moment I'm expecting an announcement for "Star Wars Love Island" or something.
  14. Huzzah! Let the games begin!
  15. I've had it pre-ordered since last July. Godammit! I need this game!
  16. Went to a course meeting, hit the pools for an hour, went to shop, forgot wallet, had to run back. Might join gym for discount. Pronouns missing. Hungry.
  17. The one time I've ever been really, truly angry was last year when I lived in that shithole with the mentally deranged, and then there was so much it just clogged in my brain and I spent most of the year seething in a darkened room.
  18. Loving this. The Pikmin world theme arrangement is particularly lovely.
  19. Oh yeah, if you like KoTOR you'll like Mass Effect. It's basically it's sequel in all but name.
  20. Haven't tried Assassins Creed, though my friends tell me it's very engrossing if slightly repetitive. Mass Effect I can personally and highly vouch for.
  21. Dawn of War: Dark Crusade My enjoyment of this magnificently insane spectacle is spoiled only by the frightening speed some online opponents seem able to clamber the tech tree. 8/10
  22. Deja Vu There's absolutely no reason why this movie should work. The script is terrible, the direction cheap and unimaginative, the plot ridiculous and the supporting cast are seemingly carved out of cheap soap. Yet somehow, some way, Denziel Washington picks this appalling dreck out of it's own shit, and searches deep inside himself to put in a performance of such subtly and charisma, he carries all on his broad shoulders with tremendous style. Without him, this movie would have crashed and burned before the opening credits had even stopped rolling. Such is the power of Denziel Washington. Pay your respects. Denziel Washington/10
  23. I have no idea where I am, or where I'm going, just taking it day by day, blow by blow. I go with the flow, but only because I have to. I lie awake many a night and just think to myself: "How the hell did I get here?"
  24. It'll be 21 & 22. 23 is as in MP4-23.
  25. I'm waiting to see the new Singapore circuit. It's going to be a night race, which should be awesome.
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