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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. They have. They said they were in GTFO, but were neutral. The rest of us aren't so sure.
  2. I don't think they're doing deliberately, if my word is worth anything.
  3. He was unlynchable, but not unkillable.
  4. What result did you get from mundi?
  5. I believe MadDog has investigative powers, but they seem to be somewhat skewed, ie. good=evil, and vice-versa.
  6. That would be my logic.
  7. There characters might not allow them to speak.
  8. I would be the former. Though would not being protected stop him from being silenced? Or merely banned?
  9. I don't blame at all. It's the best way to play if you ask me.
  10. Actually, I was trying to protect O_W. After the 2nd day, it seemed the least I owed him.
  11. Of course, that's what a banned member would say, innit?
  12. I think his detection powers may be rather skewed. Being held hostage seems specific to Eenuh's character.
  13. May I remind you that I changed my vote in favour of O_W after both Cube and Fish presented evidence.
  14. My power is a double edged sword. I make awesome threads that pull people in, protecting them but also making them unable to use their power for that night.
  15. Well, the person I ended up targeting didn't turn up dead, that's for sure.
  16. I can assure I'm not. I am the thread starter, the one who had his thread about being stuck on buses moved to a different sub section.
  17. I think I can take a guess as to why Maddog is suspicious. I can assure them it's nothing sinister.
  18. What are your objectives then?
  19. That seems like sound logic to me.
  20. I dunno, Cube's lead seems pretty solid to me.
  21. Is there no way to free ye from this torture?
  22. I think Eenuh is still the on being blackmailed, hence her speaking in McCoylish.
  23. After the whole OW incident, I think I trust ye. Vote:Ashmat
  24. gaggle64 is becoming very confused with all these people talking in the third person. GTFO, eh? Sounds like a mafia group. You got info, spill the beans.
  25. Oh man, those books were freaking awesome. I was first introduced to them in an audio tape of the Pearls of Lutra, and was hooked on them for years. Kicked Harry Potter's ass anyway. Mr bro recently read a non-Redwall book by Brian Jaques, and apparently it was very good. I ought to check it out.
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